
"Open Class for Chinese Writers" | Zhao Benfu: A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West

Beijing Language and Culture University

The Fourth Issue of the Open Class for Chinese Writers

Zhao Benfu, "A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West"

March 25, Shizun wait kimi!'

"Open Class for Chinese Writers" | Zhao Benfu: A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West
"Open Class for Chinese Writers" | Zhao Benfu: A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West

# Course content

The work "There is a Fish in the Desert" is a tribute to the fables of ancient Chinese myths such as "Jingwei Reclamation", "Chang'e Running Moon", "Dayu ZhiShui", and "Yugong Moving Mountains". Because they are the matrix of the national spirit: high ambition, bearing the burden of humiliation, indomitable...

Contemporary Chinese literature has made great achievements. In the exchange of literature between the East and the West, Chinese writers should remain a little reserved and not have to look for a sense of identity. Heterogeneity is the life of literature. The world is colorful because of difference.

# Moderator

"Open Class for Chinese Writers" | Zhao Benfu: A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West

Xu Baofeng is a professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Language and Culture University, and the dean of the Belt and Road Research Institute. He is the author of "The Sinological Form of Ancient Chinese Literature in North American Sinology" (2014), "A Glimpse of Traditional Chinese Culture" (2007), and "Overview of Ancient Chinese Literature" (2005).

# Online links

Issue IV: A Brief View of Contemporary Chinese Literature and Cultural Exchanges between the East and the West

Time: 14:00, March 25, 2022 (GMT+8)

Venue: Online Tencent conference

Password: 123456

# Course Introduction

Based on the general education course of Beijing Language and Culture University, the "Open Class for Chinese Writers" is jointly taught by teachers of our school and the Novel Monthly Of Hundred Flowers Literary and Art Publishing House, inviting influential writers and critics in contemporary China to guide college students to read contemporary classics, care for Chinese society, and enhance humanistic accomplishment.

The upgraded course aims at the overseas dissemination of Chinese literature, focusing on the live broadcast of Chinese translators and university teachers and students in the Belt and Road countries, including three parts: teacher guide, writer lecture and dialogue seminar, involving different types of contemporary Chinese literature and different aspects of social life, and strives to create a platform for dialogue and exchange between Chinese writers and overseas readers and translators.

The online live broadcast of this course includes the University of Tehran of Iran, The University of Alamai Tabatabay of Iran, Shahid Behshti University of Iran, Iran, Isfahan University of Technology, The British University of Egypt, the University of Minya in Egypt and other foreign universities and Chinese departments, in addition to 204 students from the "New Sinology Program" Advanced Chinese Translation Talent Training Program - Chinese Culture Translation Workshop will also participate in the course online, these students from 30 different countries, covering German, Italian, Mongolian, Thai, Polish, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Urdu and other languages. Some online seats will also be opened to the public, and the specific links can be found in the preview of each lecture.

Through face-to-face listening to the special lectures of contemporary Chinese writers, Chinese and foreign teachers, students and translators will gain a deep understanding of contemporary Chinese literature and society, look at society through literature, enhance thinking with discussion, promote exchanges with culture, and help the overseas spread of Chinese culture and the people-to-people connection of the Belt and Road Initiative.

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