
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Curiosity is the most cherished treasure of human beings, and curiosity drives us to constantly explore and discover the larger world.

This generation of children, with more information and knowledge than ever before, is also germinating more updated questions.

The new "why" requires a new answer.

On the 60th anniversary of the first publication of "100,000 Whys" (2021), "Zhihu Edition of 100,000 Whys" has brought this generation of children a newer, more professional and more aesthetic version.

"Knowing 100,000 Whys" has been authorized by the Children's and Children's Publishing House, collects the real questions of contemporary children, and invites institutions and experts in various fields to review new answers for children, and is committed to answering the new questions of "this generation" of children.


"Knowing the 100,000 Whys"

What's different?

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"


What are the real problems and new problems of this generation of children?

In order to answer this question, "Knowing the 100,000 Whys" visited dozens of kindergartens and collected the questions that the children asked themselves, kindergarten teachers and parents and friends wanted their children to know.

After several rounds of collation and verification, it was found that some of the questions were repeated many times, some problems were "too profound for children", and some questions were "difficult for children to perceive in the way of asking questions".

In the end, "Knowing the 100,000 Whys" selected 200 new problems and 800 knowledge points according to the comprehensive consideration of universality, popular science, inspiration and the times.

This set of 10 books includes ten major areas of animals, plants, paleontology, the universe, nature, life, body, habits, safety, and culture.

The original content of more than 100,000 words has been optimized through more than a dozen rounds of screening, and finally reduced to more than 200 illustrations and text.

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Full overview

And invited outstanding creators to polish the text, but also invited well-known experts to conduct a comprehensive review from the text to the illustrations, each illustration has also undergone 4-5 rounds of editing and proofreading and subject school pairing.

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Recommend experts and scientific reviewers

The content of the picture book is suitable for parents and children to read together, and it is also convenient for older children to read by themselves.

The energy density of multiple detail knowledge points extended by each "why" is also different, and children can have new absorption and often read new things at each age.

Extend proofreading records for knowledge points

When the book manuscript was first prepared, the world's smallest chameleon was discovered in 2012. But during the final proofreading phase, senior experts in charge of the review noted that a smaller chameleon was discovered in January 2021.

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Proofreading records of knowledge points

Picture books in the illustration with pictures, whether it is color matching, or character image design is very important to aesthetics.

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Inside page display

Regarding printing paper, "Knowing the Edition of 100,000 Whys" has selected high-end printing house printing books with better environmentally friendly inks for children's health.

Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

Green mark

In order to protect the children's vision, the final book has been enlarged and adjusted 4-5 times under the advice of parents in terms of color saturation and text number.

Now, Xiao Mo once again solemnly recommends the "Zhihu Edition of 100,000 Whys" to you.

Senior engineers of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, aerospace engineers, professors of peking universities and other institutions of higher learning, well-known doctors, famous children's books/popular science writers and other powerful people are also jointly recommended.

Scroll down to see testimonials

The content producer Zhihu and the publishing house with rich experience in children's book publishing have combined to select a group of children's really curious questions with unique characters and children's perspectives, and create this set of "100,000 Whys" picture books for the new era. If you are a young friend who is full of curiosity about the world, please do not miss this book, when you open it, the door to the secrets of the world is slowly opening to you.

——Gou Lijun, Researcher, National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences

"Zhihu Edition of 100,000 Whys" is a set of picture books that perfectly integrate children's popular science knowledge and current cutting-edge science, and is jointly created by Zhihu and Children's Publishing House. This set of picture books has a wide range of subjects and rich contents, and is the knowledge that children want to know in life. The children follow the protagonist Xiaoyanshan, and with the help of Dr. Snowman, solve a whimsical problem. In addition to mastering knowledge, more importantly, this set of books inspires children's curiosity, cultivating them to think like scientists and move forward like explorers from an early age.

——Lin Qinwen, Senior Engineer, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

We finally waited for the picture book version of "100,000 Whys", which is more suitable for children than the text version.

——Li Miao, Professor, Department of Physics, Fang University of Science and Technology

Safety is the blessing of life and the blessing of the family, and grafting safety awareness on the young branches of children is a pioneering task with half the effort. Anime style, witty content, easy to understand, approachable, with 100,000 nodes for children to weave a safety net of happiness in life. Know, good deeds also!

——Ma Hao, Professor, China University of Political Science and Law

"100,000 Whys" is a classic enlightenment book for generations of children in China, enabling children to enjoy the fun of knowledge. Today's Zhihu version of "100,000 Whys" brings new knowledge in the Internet era, and will also become a "needle in the haystack" in the process of children's growth.

——Chen Jun, Associate Professor, School of Arts, Peking University.

A picture book with a lot of care. There is knowledge and opinions, rigorous knowledge, and the three views are also very positive, and I will take my daughter to read together.

——Tian Jishun, a well-known obstetrician and gynecologist

"100,000 Whys" believes that my generation has been the first science popularization enlightenment since childhood, so many years have passed, "100,000 Whys" has endured for a long time, and it has almost become synonymous with children's science popularization. With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, the visual aesthetics and scientific curiosity of each generation of children are also changing. Seeing this set of "Knowing the Version of 100,000 Whys" that keeps pace with the times and fits the current children's aesthetics, I must sincerely recommend it to the majority of children, which not only witnesses an era, but also continues to evolve itself, believing that in the future, this evolution will also cultivate generations of children and teenagers, and constantly enlighten everyone's curiosity about the world.

——Yan Bojun, a well-known popular science writer

Children grow up like this: while looking up at the stars, dreaming of flying into the universe, asking questions and asking questions, full of curiosity about everything in life. It is the nature of children to ask, and as they grow up and learn to arm themselves with knowledge, the strange theories of childhood are slowly left in the memory. "Knowing the 100,000 Whys" cherishes every question children ask and leads them to the sea of stars.

——Guo Jianning, member of the Standing Committee of the Science and Technology Committee of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, chief engineer of commercial remote sensing satellite engineering

"100,000 Whys" is a classic set of popular science books for children in the history of mainland publishing, providing all-round systematic scientific guidance for young readers in the form of an encyclopedia. After reading a set of books, it is equivalent to learning the basics of science in various fields. "Knowing the 100,000 Whys" continues this classic writing style, with a vivid and interesting illustration of Xiaoguanshan, I believe it is more suitable for contemporary children to obtain knowledge happily.

——Peng Yi, a famous children's literature writer

This version of "100,000 Whys", mainly in the form of affinity and problems directly from the network, is more grounded, although compared to the original version is less systematic, as a more divergent version of the interest is also a good supplement.

——Author, researcher and promoter of Ajia Children's Book

Why is "Zhihu Edition of 100,000 Whys" so worth watching?


This is a set of children's picture books tailored for this generation of children;

This is a set of gifts from the parents of the "generation" to the children of the "generation";

This is the kindest and most sincere protection for the curiosity and curiosity of the world's most innocent, lovely and precious children.

Childlike heart, long live curiosity!

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Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"
Every generation of children should have their own "100,000 whys"

(This article is promotional information)

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