
Cultural trade | "100,000 Whys" went to sea

author:Shangguan News

Since the Eighteenth National Congress, Shanghai has deeply implemented the national strategic deployment of cultural "going out", accelerated the innovative development of cultural trade, taken the "Shanghai culture" brand as the guide, and made good use of the living red culture, Shanghai culture, and Jiangnan cultural resources as the main line, deepened the construction of a more open and inclusive, more innovative vitality, more humanistic care, more charm of the times, and more world influence of the socialist international cultural metropolis, and accelerated the construction of a number of socialist international cultural metropolises with outstanding Shanghai characteristics, outstanding urban characteristics, and rich connotations and values. Domestic and international well-known cultural brands with high perception recognition, build a city image resource sharing platform IP SHANGHAI, so that the world can better perceive Chinese style and oriental rhyme. Around this goal, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce selected ten cultural trade IP to write the "Shanghai symbol" for culture to go to sea.

Cultural trade | "100,000 Whys" went to sea

Shanghai Children's Publishing House Co., Ltd. "100,000 Whys"

Children's Publishing House is the first large-scale comprehensive professional children's book publishing house in New China to target children and teenagers, and since its establishment, it has published more than 15,000 kinds of children's literature books and humanities books, with a total circulation of more than 2 billion copies. "100,000 Whys" is a set of popular science books for teenagers published by the Children's Publishing House in 1961, which has published 6 editions successively, with a cumulative circulation of more than 100 million copies, and has been praised by People's Daily as "a scientific cornerstone of the republic tomorrow".

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Main content

The sixth edition of "100,000 Whys" was first published in Shanghai in 2013, adhering to the concept of "big scientists write small science", inviting 21 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering as the editors-in-chief of the fascicle, and 786 of the best scientists and popular science writers from various disciplines around the world participated together, bringing an easy-to-understand and interesting reading experience to young people with new questions, new systems and new content. The book is divided into three sections and 18 sub-volumes, including 4500 hot issues representing the frontiers of scientific and technological development and the concerns of young people, covering more than a dozen sections such as mathematics, physics, animals, paleontology, medicine, architecture and transportation. Among them, about one-tenth of the questions have no standard answers, leaving an open space for teenagers to explore and stimulating their enthusiasm for continuous exploration and innovation.

Cultural trade | "100,000 Whys" went to sea

After more than 60 years of accumulation, "100,000 Whys" has long been more than just a set of books, and children's publishing houses are building a popular science industry chain with "100,000 whys" as the core brand, covering books, periodicals, platform networks, animations, scientific and technological activities, etc. Since 2018, it has successively launched "100,000 Whys" stage plays, App education products, science and art exhibitions, etc. At the same time, it cooperated with Douyin to launch a series of short videos of "100,000 Whys" to build a dynamic and wonderful world, bringing teenagers to explore the "information flow" of science anytime and anywhere.

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Success at sea

Cultural trade | "100,000 Whys" went to sea

"100,000 Whys" has signed copyright export agreements with publishing institutions in Vietnam, Lebanon and Malaysia for Vietnamese, Arabic and Malaysian editions, and the number of overseas editions sold in various languages totals nearly one million copies. Children's publishing house and Vietnam Education Publishing House strengthen cooperation, try to publish and distribute in vietnam in the form of integrated media products, jointly promote "100,000 Whys" with Arab Science Publishing House to become a local popular science bestseller, and plan to open a science and technology exhibition hall in Saudi Arabia with partners. Through diversified distribution channels and promotion platforms, we will promote national science popularization brands to countries and regions along the "Belt and Road", strive to build a cultural bridgehead, and further enrich international cultural cooperation and exchanges.

Shanghai Cultural Trade IP is working together with the Online New Year Festival to bring consumers a variety of cultural products and services: General Mobilization, Play with the New Year Festival - Shanghai Cultural Trade IP and Online New Year Festival

Written by: International Trade in Services Branch

Editor: Hexon Zhang

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