
The 60-year-old "100,000 Whys" pushes the short video version: good science can affect people's lives

The 60-year-old "100,000 Whys" pushes the short video version: good science can affect people's lives

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the publication of the popular science book "100,000 Whys", which has accompanied the growth of generations and sowed many seeds of love for science. Those who looked for answers in books slowly became people who wrote answers, and Chu Junhao, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was one of them. He told reporters that after the first edition of "100,000 Whys" was published, it became his high school reading material, collected different editions, and was often read in college. In the sixth edition of 100,000 Whys, published in 2013, he served as editor-in-chief of the "Energy and Environment" fascicle. Now, together with Academician Wang Pinxian and Yang Xiongli of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, he has participated in the video work of "100,000 Whys".

On December 15, Douyin announced that it would jointly launch a short video version of "100,000 Whys" in conjunction with the Children's Publishing House, which will display and explain in the form of experiments, animations, and live-action installations to attract the attention of a new generation of teenagers. The sixth edition of "100,000 Whys" contains a total of 4500 questions, and some of the videos have been produced and launched. In addition to academicians and well-known professors, science popularization institutions such as the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen Science and Technology Museum, Museum Magazine and douyin science popularization creators are also involved, and plan to complete the video work of "100,000 Whys" in the next year.

The 60-year-old "100,000 Whys" pushes the short video version: good science can affect people's lives

Video version of "100,000 Whys"

Only by keeping pace with the times can we maintain our vitality

The popular science book "100,000 Whys", which was born for 60 years, why is it still valuable today?

In Chu Junhao's view, "100,000 Whys" covers a wide range of knowledge fields and authoritative professions. The latest sixth edition has 115 academicians of the two academies serving as editorial board members, and 768 outstanding scientists and popular science writers participating in the compilation. On the other hand, it is always evolving with the times. "For example, there are several 'whys' in 'Energy and Environment' that are all about low-carbon, new energy, energy conservation and emission reduction, keeping up with the major issues facing the development of the current era." In addition, popular fields such as artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and intelligent manufacturing are also included. Chu Junhao said.

Not long ago, an interview with Chu Junhao was edited by the media into a video of several minutes and put on Douyin, which quickly attracted 160,000 viewers. Chu Junhao sighed: "In recent years, new media has developed rapidly, and short video platforms have become a new position for science popularization. "100,000 Whys" should not only keep pace with the times in terms of content, but also constantly innovate in form. I hope that the short video version will be more vivid and interesting, easy to understand, and win the love of more teenagers while ensuring scientificity. ”

Wang Pinxian served as the editor-in-chief of the "Ocean" sub-volume of the sixth edition of "100,000 Whys", in which he set up nearly 300 questions, written by himself or asked relevant experts to answer. Today, at the age of 85, he has opened his own Douyin account to popularize science through short videos. "There are a lot of rich minerals in 100,000 Whys that have not been developed, and there are many stories that can be told in vivid video form."

Wang Yi, an associate professor in the Department of Physics at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, has participated in the compilation of "Physics" sub-volumes, writing about "Is Time Travel Possible" and "Where does the mass of matter come from". Wang Yi said that when he was a child, he liked to read "100,000 Whys", which opened a door for himself to explore the natural sciences and played an enlightening role in choosing to study physics in the future. Wang Yi's Douyin account "Research Universe" has so far gained 140,000 followers. "I am very happy to participate in the video work of "100,000 Whys" and use popular science to stimulate young people's curiosity and interest in natural science."

Good science affects the life of teenagers

At present, searching for "100,000 whys" on Douyin can enter the special page or mini program to watch. The "100,000 Whys" series of videos will also be recommended in the form of a thematic collection on youth models, learning channels and child growth platforms.

In the view of Feng Jie, president of the Children's publishing house, the comprehensiveness, fun and interactivity of the short video unit time make it an effective way for the public to accept knowledge. "I hope to use short videos as a popular science form to expand their influence and promote the whole society, especially young people, to form an atmosphere of stressing science, loving science, respecting science and advocating science."

Children's Publishing House and Douyin also held the "100,000 Curiosity" science popularization live broadcast activity, covering agriculture, deep diving, space, chemistry, psychology and artificial intelligence, genetic constraints, insects and other fields, with a total of more than 200,000 viewers. In 2022, the two sides will also carry out activities such as "Science Popularization Creators Program" public welfare support and caravan public welfare tour exhibition. Children's Publishing House will also donate 1,000 copies of "100,000 Whys" to the ByteDance Children's Paradise site to light up the curiosity of rural children about science.

Since the beginning of this year, Douyin has launched a number of youth knowledge content such as "Mengzhi Plan", "Juvenile Science Theory", "School Science Popularization Season", etc., and has continuously introduced academic institutions, industry experts, publishing houses, public welfare organizations, scholars and teachers and other types of creators. The data shows that in the past year, the number of pan-knowledge content played on Douyin increased by 74% year-on-year.

The 60-year-old "100,000 Whys" pushes the short video version: good science can affect people's lives

Teen mode and learning channel

In Chu Junhao's view, academicians' participation in science popularization is not "overkill", because science popularization and training young people are important responsibilities of academicians. It is not easy to do a good job in science popularization, science popularization is multi-dimensional, knowledge science popularization can popularize basic knowledge, perceptual science popularization can transmit scientific methods and scientific spirit, and deep science popularization should be deeply integrated with industrial economy, social development, philosophy and humanities. "'100,000 Whys' is a question that people care about and has social significance, which can not only answer the questions of teenagers, but also stimulate curiosity and transmit the spirit of science." Popular science work is very meaningful, because good science popularization can affect their lives. Chu Junhao said.

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