
New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Today's Evening News highlights: including Hongguang MINIEV, some of Wuling's models have been adjusted; on the "order scalping" problem caused by the price increase of new energy vehicles, relevant lawyers said that there may be legal risks; Musk said that batteries will become Tesla's "limiting factors" in 2-3 years, and technological breakthroughs may become the best way to solve the dilemma; Geely released Thor Hi · X "super electric hybrid", the maximum pure electric endurance of more than 200km; the new BYD Han DM-i/DM-p will be listed on April 10, pre-priced 216,800-32.28 million yuan; Porsche Macan EV hypothetical map exposure, is expected to be launched in the first half of 2023...

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One sentence comment: In fact, the official guidance prices of Wuling Hongguang MINIEV, Wuling NanoEV, and Wuling Rongguang EV have been raised, after all, the price of raw materials has risen.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

On March 24, we learned from saic-GM-Wuling that it will raise the official guidance price for its Baojun KiWi EV. At the same time, the original KiWi EV artist (optional smart driving optional bag) and KiWi EV fashion gold models were discontinued. Recently, the international situation is tense, affected by the sharp rise in raw material prices and the decline of new energy car purchase subsidies, many car companies have announced price adjustments, tesla, Geely, Weima and other brands have completed price adjustments for their models.

Inform users in advance that Landu FREE will adjust the price on March 31

One-sentence comment: Lantu Automobile has been hesitant to adjust the price before? It is expected that by the end of the month, it should only be a symbolic adjustment, and the overall impact will not be great.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Recently, Lantu Automobile said that due to the recent sharp rise in raw material prices, Lantu will announce the price adjustment plan on March 31, and the users who have been determined before this will not be affected by this price adjustment. At present, Lantu FREE is selling two models of pure electricity and extended range power, the guidance price of pure electric models is 333,600-363,600 yuan, corresponding to the mileage of 505-475 kilometers; the guidance price of the extended range model is 313,600-333,600 yuan, corresponding to the pure electric mileage of 140 kilometers.

Musk: Batteries will become Tesla's "limiting factor" in 2-3 years

One-sentence comment: The battery not only limits the speed of Tesla, but also affects the speed of the global auto industry", and in the case of limited raw materials, technological breakthroughs may become the best way to solve the dilemma.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

On March 22, local time, Tesla CEO Elon Musk expected that next year's (electric vehicle) battery production will face "challenges", and batteries will become a "limiting factor" hindering Tesla's development in 2-3 years. At the same time, Musk said that Tesla will expand into other markets, adding new models after meeting existing market demand.

The price increase of new energy vehicles has spawned "order scalping" Lawyer: There may be legal risks

A word of comment: new cars become second-hand cars, scalping orders not only disrupt the new car price system, the order of the second-hand car market will also be disrupted, and this year's transaction volume data may have moisture.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

According to media reports, a number of new energy vehicle brands have risen prices one after another, so that some car owners and "scalpers" who placed orders before the price increase found business opportunities, and some people shouted out 20,000 yuan of order transfer fees. Media investigations found that some of these "scalpers" are acting as middlemen in their personal capacity, and some are involved in the sale as regular second-hand car companies. Some lawyers believe that the purchase of Tesla through "scalpers" or second-hand car dealers seems to be buying a new car, in fact, buying a second-hand car, and then selling it is a third-hand car, and there may be legal risks in the transaction, such as: "the vehicle cannot be transferred", "concealing the true data of the vehicle mileage", "the accident vehicle information is opaque and asymmetrical" and other issues may exist.

Geely released Thor Hi · X "Super Electric Hybrid" Maximum pure electric range of more than 200 km

One sentence comment: This "large mileage PHEV" will surely become a star product in this year and next two years, and the core advantage is that the fuel consumption of the same level can be low.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

A few days ago, Geely officially launched the Thor Hi · X "Super Mix". Thor Hi · X "Super Mix" is a follow-up to Thor Hi· After X "HEV", based on the "Thor Theosophical Engine Hi · X" hybrid platform to create a new generation of "large mileage PHEV". Models equipped with Thor's "Super Mix" have a pure electric mileage of more than 100km. Among them, it also includes the "super mixed" model with a pure electric mileage of more than 200km, which matches the 60kW fast charging technology and can charge 80% in 30 minutes.

What Musk did not dare to do, Mercedes-Benz did: the accident of automatic driving, the car factory is fully responsible

One sentence review: Big Brother is always Big Brother! The landing of autonomous driving technology requires the escort of laws and regulations, and Mercedes-Benz has taken a key step.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Mercedes-Benz made a decision that other car companies dare not make: if a user uses the Mercedes-Benz Drive Pilot autonomous driving system in an accident, Mercedes-Benz is fully responsible. Before that, whoever was who and who was who, were all "automatic driving" before marketing, "assisted driving" when there was an accident, and the final conclusion was that the owner used it improperly and the owner failed to take over in time.

New Car Information:

The new BYDHan DM-i/DM-p will be listed on April 10 at a pre-price of 216,800-322,800 yuan

One sentence comment: So BYD Han DM-i will become the most popular model in the Han car series, wait and see.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Recently, we learned from relevant channels that the new BYD Han DM-i/DM-p will be listed on April 10, after announcing a pre-sale price of 216,800-32.28 million. The new car is equipped with a plug-in hybrid system, with the DM-i model focusing on economy and the DM-p model focusing on performance. Among them, Han DM-i's NEDC 100 km loss of electricity fuel is 4.2L, the comprehensive cruising range can reach 1300km, and the NEDC pure electric endurance can reach 242km. Han DM-p's NEDC 100 km loss fuel consumption is 5.2L, NEDC pure battery endurance is 202km, and 0-100km acceleration time is 3.7 seconds.

The first batch of mass production vehicles of NIO ET7 officially rolled off the production line The first delivery will begin on March 28

One-sentence comment: Looking forward to the use report of the first batch of car owners, it is a little regrettable that "lidar" cannot be used for the time being, which makes ET7 a lot less fun.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

On March 24, we learned from official channels that the first batch of mass production vehicles of WEILAI ET7 was officially rolled off the production line at Hefei Jianghuai Weilai Advanced Manufacturing Base, and according to previous news, the first batch of deliveries will open on March 28. New owners hit the luxury pure electric medium and large car market, and the price after subsidies is 4366-513,400. In the future production, the manufacture of each ET7 has gone through the production process of four workshops of stamping, body, painting and assembly, and has undergone a rigorous multiple testing process to finally reach the mass production standard. Let's review ET7's technologically charged vehicle off-line journey.

Dongfeng Fukang ES600 officially rolled off the production line and will be listed on March 28

A word comment: This time used the more easily accepted "Peugeot 408" to the upper body, but I expect Dongfeng Fukang to give a more surprising price, the home is still good.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Recently, it was learned from Dongfeng Fukang officials that the ES600 was officially rolled off the production line and will be listed on March 28. The new car has a similar design to the Peugeot 408, but differs in detail, with a wheelbase of 2730mm, providing ample driving space. The new car is also equipped with a battery pack with a capacity of 53.59 kWh and a combined cruising range of 430 km.

FAW Toyota bZ4X real car debut based on pure electricity exclusive platform to build

One-sentence comment: Can Toyota's new design style of electrification be accepted by everyone? What will be the combined product strength and final price of the model? Let's look forward to it together.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

A few days ago, FAW Toyota version of the bZ4X real car debuted, basically following the design of the overseas version of the model, using Toyota's latest Hi-Tech and Emotion design theme, the wheelbase reached 2850mm, and based on the E-TNGA to create a BEV exclusive platform, and equipped with Toyota safety Sense3.0 zhixing safety system. In addition, the roof of the car is also equipped with solar panels.

Launch in the first half of 2023 Porsche Macan EV hypothetical image exposure

One-sentence comment: The launch of the Macan EV will undoubtedly become the "god car" in the luxury medium-sized pure electric SUV, and it is also expected to become the highest-selling Porsche pure electric vehicle.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

A few days ago, a hypothetical picture of the Porsche Macan EV was exposed. Since the previous spy photos have almost no obvious camouflage, the hypothetical drawings do not have many highlights, basically reproducing the design of the test model. The Porsche Macan EV will be launched in the first half of 2023, and the new car is the first Porsche model built on the Premium Platform Electric.


Yo-Trot and Nvidia create a super chassis that will be available as soon as 2023

One-sentence comment: This kind of "building blocks" car-making concept and way is believed to stimulate the birth of more "new forces to build cars" enterprises.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

On March 24, Yo-Run Technology and NVIDIA announced a partnership to create its high-performance vehicle brain (HPVC) using NVIDIA's DRIVE Hyperion AV platform architecture to create its high-performance vehicle brain (HPVC). It is understood that the Yo-Yo UP super chassis was released in January this year, and the fastest will be listed in 2023, along with the UP SPACE super cabin concept car released.

Stellantis Group promotes ACC's battery factory investment plan with a target capacity of 120GWh

One-sentence comment: According to the "Dare Forward 2030" strategic plan of The Stellantis Group, the capacity upgrade of the battery factory is more important.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

Together with its partners, Stellantis Group supports the development of Automotive Cells Company (ACC) to convert Stellantis Group's existing Termoli plant in Italy into a new battery production plant. At the same time, the final agreement has been reached, mercedes-Benz will be a new partner with Stellantis Group and Total Energies' Saft group as shareholders of the joint venture ACC, and the above three shareholders will hold the same shares in ACC.

Volkswagen plans to invest 7 billion euros in Spain to turn it into a European electric vehicle hub

One sentence comment: The focus is still the support of the Seat brand, after all, the European market is stable, and there is a chance to enter the Chinese market again as an electrification.

New Energy Vehicle Evening News 丨 Wuling Shenche official price adjustment / tram "order resale" be careful to be fined

A few days ago, Volkswagen Group announced that it will propose the PERTE project for electric vehicles after the Spanish government opens applications on April 1. It is expected that the total investment will exceed 7 billion euros, covering the entire electric vehicle industry chain. At the same time, Volkswagen announced that it will build a new battery plant in Valencia, which is the first battery factory outside of Volkswagen Germany, which will promote the development of the Seat brand and the New Energy Models of the Volkswagen Group. It is reported that the annual production capacity of the plant will reach 40GWh and put into operation in 2026.

(Text/Kim Jong-woo)

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