
A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...

The spring of the revival of all things

Of course, kites are indispensable to join in the fun

Busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites

Recently, this kite was flown by the West Lake

Let netizens call out "kneel"

Humanoid kite

@Hangzhou Weibo City Affairs

A netizen in Hangzhou contributed: Today I was wandering by the West Lake, and suddenly I looked up and saw a humanoid kite fluttering in the sky, and I almost knelt down. Not to mention, it's quite like that! When was the last time you flew a kite?

A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...

Kites have a variety of styles, a variety of kites are also divided into different styles, first look at the kite feast at a certain kite festival.

A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...
A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...
A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...

Such an innovative inflatable kite, where various animals gather, is simply the "animal world in the sky". However, it is a bit difficult to put it away, and there may be a risk of running.

A humanoid object appears over the West Lake?! Netizen: Kneeling...

But there are also many strange, such giant octopuses, let people scream, giant phobia will be committed.

There is also a big face in the air, full of creativity, but if it is dusk, it is really a little scary.

Netizen hot comments:

@Mumu Tse201808: Haha, this kite is creative.

@·Ah Jing: Are there such clear bodhisattvas?

@ Hello Tomorrow: Different lives of the same age, life is like this, it is impossible for everyone to be a celebrity.

(Hangzhou Traffic 918)

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