
Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

Question: Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why did she bear the charge of fornicating tianxianglou?

Text/Jiang Zi shushu

The next stone under the Qinggan Peak, once recorded the illusion and seal text, the moon will stone see "Stone Record"!

Rong is Hua Xihua is Rong, the former Lord of the Mengxi Hall of Mushi, rouge dyes "Dream of the Red Chamber"!

Sound energy two singers two mu, two jian wind and moon two flowers! With poetry passing on the history of stone ink, who knows the thrush zhao wind and current?

The daughter who is not married will not be surrendered, and the last days will be loyal and righteous! At the time of the first time, the name was Tong Lingyu, and the surname was originally Qin.

The source is Eryu playing Erbao, generous and elegant as a concubine, Rong Yuanning playing Yin Zhen, "胠箧", "Nanhua" continued "Zhuangzi"!

- Preface to The Book of Stones

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

In the story of "Dream of the Red Chamber", as the strongest eldest granddaughter-in-law of Jia Fu, Qin Keqing did not know until she died, the Jia family was destroyed in her hands, and the three words "Tianxiang Lou" were the shame of her life.

The eleventh time in "Dream of the Red Chamber", "Celebrating the Birthday of NingFu Pai Family Banquet, See Xi Feng Jia Rui Y Heart", the author mentioned the location of Tianxiang Lou for the first time.

Sister Feng walked slowly and asked, "How many plays have you sung?" The woman replied, "Eight or nine of them have come out." Between words, I came to the back door of the Tianxiang Building, and saw Bao Yu and a group of servants playing there. Sister Feng said, "Brother Bao, don't be naughty." One of the ladies said, "The wives are all sitting upstairs, so please ask Grandma to come up from this side." ”

The officials heard that after Wang Xifeng and Jia Rui separated, they went to the Tianxiang Building, and jia Baoyu and the little girls were playing in the Tianxiang Building, while the grandmother of the Ningguo Mansion, You Shi, and others were listening to the play in the Tianxiang Building, and had already sung eight or nine times, the big drama was about to start, and Qin Keqing's death date was approaching.

However, how many people in the world can read Jia Rui's obscenity in the "Treasure Book of the Wind and Moon", and Qin Keqing's adultery on the Tianxiang Floor? Let's first see Wang Xifeng's step upstairs, You Shi is already waiting at the staircase, and invited Wang Xifeng to stay in Tianxiang Building, and Sister Feng ordered which plays in Tianxiang Building?

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

You Shi smiled and said, "Your mother and son are all right, and they are always reluctant to come when they meet." You'll move in with him tomorrow. You sit down, and I'll give you a bell. So Sister Feng sat down in front of Lady Xing and Second Lady Wang. Sister Feng stood up and agreed, Fang took the play list, looked at it from the beginning, ordered a play of "Returning the Soul", a play of "Bullet Words", handed over the play list and said: "Now that the "Double Official Curse" is sung, after singing, sing these two more plays, it is time." ”

This small section of the paragraph, the words are pearls, everywhere metaphorical, how much historical truth is buried, and how many stories of blood and tears are hidden, press it for the time being, jump directly to the thirteenth time, look at the story of "Qin Keqing's death sealed the dragon forbidden lieutenant Wang Xifeng assisted the Ningguo Mansion", and behind this matter, the author could not bear to write the story of the TianxiangLou section.

This time, Qing Qing dreamed of Ah Feng, the author has great meaning, but it is the end of the world, why bother!" Qin Keqing obscene funeral Tianxiang Lou", the author uses historical pen also. Because the old decay has two things after the death of Sister Feng's Sister Jia, is it the one who can think of an abundance and honor? Although the matter was not done, its words and meanings were sadly convincing, and it was forgiven, because Qinxi was ordered to delete the texts of "widow" and "change of clothes", which was only ten pages in this way, deleted the section of Tianxianglou, and took four or five pages less.

The official heard that Qin Keqing had died, and if the Tianxiang Building was just a place of the incident, why did the author write a special book? What was the crime of Qin Keqing's death? Since Qin Keqing did not die and sat in peace, wealth, honor, and enjoyment, but was a person who worked hard to govern, how could he commit an unforgivable crime?

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

On these forty-nine days, one hundred and eight Zen monks were invited to pray to the Great Compassion in the hall, and to transform the souls of the dead beyond the past, so as to avoid the sins of the dead; Another altar was set up on the Tianxiang Building (according to the "Tianxiang Lou" in the text of this article, "Xifan Lou" in the Jingzang book), which was a ninety-nine Quanzhen Daoist monk who played forty-nine days to relieve the injustice and wash the karma. Then stop in the Huifang Garden.

Since ancient times, China has been the greatest of the dead, Qin Keqing has died, and it is even necessary to need a hundred single and eight Zen monks to exceed the sins of the dead, and two or nine quanzhen Daoists to solve the unjust washing karma, how big a sin must it be? Is it because of the legendary thing because of her and her father-in-law Jia Zhen?

You must know that the flowers fall into the water and flow red, Hui Fang and Qin Fang, the actual writing of Zhu Lou's dream shattered, Qin Keqing's place where the spirit stops, is the main purpose of mourning jade! Let's look at the word "Tianxiang" again, the people in "Dream of the Red Chamber", Xue Baochao is the national color peony, Lin Daiyu is the Tianxiang Furong, "jade belt hanging in the forest" is "changing clothes", "golden hairpin buried in the snow" is "widow", who do you think Qin Keqing, who is the Qin Keqing who married Jia Baoyu in his dream?

The building will fall, and Qin Keqing, who is strong in his life, is fighting for his own life in an attempt to turn the tide, so when he heard of Qin Keqing's death, Jia Baoyu was greatly disappointed, and he was so eager to attack his heart, so that the blood did not return, only because "Baoyu has already seen that He can succeed the family chores Keqingye!" Even when she died, Qin Keqing still couldn't look away, because her task was not yet finished, what do you see her thinking?

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

Qin Clan said, "Although The Ancestor of MuJin was sacrificed at four o'clock, he did not have a certain amount of money and grain; Second, although the family school is standing, there is no certain supply. According to my opinion, Mo Ruo took advantage of today's wealth, and set up more acres of land near Zu Mo to prepare for the supply of sacrifices, and set up his family school here. ”

In the story of "Dream of the Red Chamber", Qin Keqing is not only a character who is as strong as Wang Xifeng, but also has a very high level of understanding, knowing whether he is extremely Tailai, honor and disgrace have been repeated since ancient times, and non-human beings can always guarantee it, but there is one thing, Qin Keqing is not understood until death, and see what kind of disease Qin Keqing has? How did Qin Keqing, who worked so hard, ruin the Jia family's ten thousand years of foundation?

You Shi said, "Even Brother Rong, I told him, and I said, 'If he has a good and a bad wife, you will marry such a daughter-in-law, such a person with such a look, such a personality, and there will be no place to find it with a lantern.' He did this for a man, that relative, the elder of the family didn't like him? Sister-in-law, you know the daughter-in-law: although he has seen people talking and laughing, and he can do things, he is very careful and heavy-hearted, and he does not want to hear anything, he must measure it for three days and five nights. This disease is the result of this disposition. ”

In the story of "Dream of the Red Chamber", You Shi and Wang Xifeng and others all said that Qin Keqing worked too hard to get seriously ill, and Zhang Youshi, who was recommended by Feng Ziying, also said that Qin Keqing's illness stemmed from a strong heart, cleverness, and too much thought.

In other words, "obscenity" means "too much", "obscene mourning Tianxiang Lou" is not a location point, but a metaphor for Qin Keqing's excessive labor, resulting in the mourning of Tianxiang Lou, Tianxiang Lou is equal to the Ming Dynasty Han People Jiangshan, Qin Keqing is chongzhen who strives to rule but destroys the country, "relics" and "changing clothes" texts are the divine restoration of the scene before Chongzhen hanged himself, and Jia Rui's obscenity is Huang Qilin's mistaken belief in the Qing Emperor, and his students wrote the irony of the "History of Ming" for the Qing, the wind is Qing, the moon is Ming, so it is called "Wind and Moon Treasure Book".

Qin Keqing didn't understand until she died, why she was charged with fornicating tianxiang lou

Back to the front to fill in the pit, the full moon is a loss, Qin Keqing (Chongzhen) died to seal the dragon forbidden lieutenant, the water is overflowing, Wang Xifeng (Qing Emperor) assisted ningguofu, you family metaphor for the San Francisco regime, so You invited Wang Xifeng to live in the Ningguo mansion, Wang Xifeng (Qing Emperor) sat in front of Xing and Wang (the king of the country Zheng Xing pardon), "Double Official" metaphorically opposed between north and south, "Returning the Soul" and "Bullet Words" incognito dove occupying the magpie's nest, Kangxi unified the world.

A dream in the Red Chamber, Qin Keqing's obscene funeral of Tianxiang Lou, is the author's feelings about Lady Wang (Chongzhen) mistakenly picking up Qingwen (Wei Zhongxian), Chongzhen is not not working hard, but the direction is wrong, the ability is insufficient, the more Chongzhen works hard, the faster the Ming Dynasty will perish, no wonder Li Yanzhai and others talk about this matter, it is sad and convincing, but also resentful, helpless.

The information in this article is mainly quoted from: "Dream of the Red Chamber" Cheng Gaoben, "Fat Yan Zhai Full Review Stone Record"

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