
Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty

Recently, overseas media filmed a set of Cadillac XT3 road test spy photos, the appearance of the new car is small and sporty, it will be an entry-level SUV, the future is expected to compete for Lexus UX. The cadillac XT3 road test car body photographed this time has a very thick camouflage, its body contour exposes part of it, and the body height of the new car is slightly lower, which is more sporty than the XT4.

Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty
Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty

We can see that the body of the Cadillac XT3 adopts a low-lying style, and the details of the front face of the new car have not yet been exposed, which can be seen that it uses a family-style headlight group, and the daytime running lights extend downwards for a long time. The new car's grille is expected to be in a diamond-cut style, with a sporty underbody surrounded.

Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty
Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty

The side of the new car's body is completely new design, its window taillights have a sharp corner design, the body is very slender because it is very low, but since its name is lower than the XT4, the size of this car must not be larger than the XT4. The road test car used very skilful thin strip wheels, a bit like Audi, and its side details were temporarily exposed.

Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty
Cadillac XT3 road spy photo exposure, the appearance of small and sporty

Not to mention the rear of the road test, which uses a very thick camouflage, and its exhaust is a bilateral single-out design with a quadrangular tail throat. The taillights of the new car adopt a very three-dimensional style, the taillights have a corner design, and the rear windshield of the new car is greatly tilted forward.

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