
Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

As the saying goes, life is always around a BMW 3 Series. When young people buy a car at home, often the first car will choose the BMW 3 Series, and some older people always feel that they did not buy the BMW 3 Series when they were young, and now they have the conditions, and they also want to try the BMW 3 Series. And men and women are different, most men are still more concerned about car handling, so it also causes every man to avoid the phenomenon of a BMW 3 Series.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

No, on the evening of March 31, BMW officially released two new cars at the live conference, one of which is the pure electric model of the 3 series family - BMW i3, which is priced at 349,900 yuan.

In terms of appearance, the difference between the BMW i3 and the fuel version of the 3 Series is that the new car body has a lot of blue kit embellishments. It can be recognized at a glance that this is an electric vehicle.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

The front face of the new car adopts a closed front grille, using a larger contour shape, and there is still a retained air intake in the lower part of the front face, which can achieve active air intake control, in addition to participating in the thermal cycle of the whole vehicle, it can also reduce the wind resistance coefficient of the whole vehicle.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

The new car is flanked by shark gill-style air intakes, which are more than just a decorative part that balances the internal and external pressure differences created by the rolling of the front wheels, thereby reducing wind resistance.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

The rear has a pronounced diffuser, and the blue trim is very electric under the wrapping. It is worth mentioning that the BMW i3 rear axle uses adaptive air suspension and is standard throughout the series.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

The cockpit design of the BMW i3 is almost the same as the fuel version of the 3 Series, but the difference is that the dual screen is completely different from the Fuel 3 Series. Bmw i3 adopts a 12.3-inch instrument + 14.9-inch central control of the duplex curved screen. These are two curved screens with a pixel density of more than 200ppi, and their screen quality can be called the top in the industry.

BMW i3 will be equipped with iDrive 8, which is BMW operating system 8.0, with a new UI design, built-in Tencent small scene, Tmall genie, QQ music and other domestic APP.

Is the biggest rival of new energy brands, the BMW pure electric 3 series that young people can't get around, interesting enough?

The BMW i3 also has an intelligent driving solution that can be equipped with the optional autopilot assistance system Pro, which is the same as the iX3 model. The BMW i3's driver assistance camera system uses the Mobileye EyeQ4 chip solution, using three single sight cameras. At the same time, the BMW i3 is also equipped with 5 millimeter wave radars, one of which is forward-facing long-range millimeter-wave radar and 4 short-range angle radars. These sensor chips can implement the L2 level autonomous driving function of the BMW i3.

In terms of power, the power system of the BMW i3 is a single motor on the rear axle, and the maximum power of the motor reaches 210kW, and the acceleration of 100 kilometers is 6.2s. The i3 offers three driving modes, four energy recovery intensities to choose from, and a cruising range of 526km under CLTC conditions.

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