
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

42 days after the birth of the confinement of the confinement repair and precautions to see this article is enough, share with pregnant mothers and novice parents who are waiting to give birth!

In fact, confinement should be 6-8 weeks, that is, about 42 days, from childbirth to 42 days after childbirth is the period of recovery of various organ systems, called puerperal period. Whether the confinement is sitting well or not is crucial to a woman's life. In the process of confinement, the pregnant mother is actually a process of recovery of the mother's entire reproductive system. Poor recovery will affect the health of the mother. If you seize the golden recovery period of confinement after childbirth, it is the key period for women to transform into beautiful girls, and it is also a dangerous period for ugly women to become yellow-faced women, so confinement is particularly important. For expectant mothers, after childbirth, in fact, there are many precautions, if you do not pay attention to confinement, it is likely to lead to later suffering from confinement disease, now many young mothers are inexperienced, if no one understands, it is easy to get confinement disease.

First, the reference index of postpartum repair

Pregnant in October, pregnant mother secreted oxytocin during pregnancy to make the pelvic joints and ligaments relax, easy to give birth, coupled with the weight of the baby makes the pelvis wider, deformed, hip displacement, forming a "big ass" skeleton, directly from the girl to the big mother.

1. The uterus returns to normal size

The postpartum uterine recovery time generally takes about 42 days. The uterus that has just given birth to a child is about the size of a child's head, weighs about 1 kg, and will return to its original size about 4-6 weeks after childbirth, that is, the size of an egg, 50-70 grams, this change process is called uterine rejuvenation, mainly through the continuous contraction of the uterus to repair. Pregnant women, about 42 days after giving birth, should go to the hospital for gynecological examination to see if the uterus has returned to normal.

2. The decline of the uterine body

Immediately after the placenta is discharged, the uterus contracts, and a hard, spherical uterine body can be touched with the hand on the abdomen, and its highest point is the same as the level of the navel. After that, the height of the uterine floor will drop by 1-2 cm per day, and about 10-14 days after childbirth, the uterus will become smaller and fall into the small pelvic cavity. At this time, the bottom of the uterus cannot be touched in the abdomen.

3. Closure of the cervix

At the end of childbirth, due to congestion and edema of the cervix, it will become very soft, and the cervical wall will be very thin, wrinkled like a cuff, and it will not return to its original shape until 7 days later. After 7-10 days, the internal cervical opening closes. It is not until about 4 weeks postpartum that the cervix returns to its normal size.

4. Restoration of the endometrium

The placenta and membrane are separated from the uterine wall, and after being excreted by the mother, a new layer of endometrium will grow from the basal layer of the endometrium. About 10 days after childbirth, except for the placental attachment surface, the other parts of the uterine cavity are completely covered by the newborn lining. Just after delivery, the uterine wall area of the placenta attachment part is about the size of the palm, and by about 2 weeks after delivery, the diameter can be reduced to 3-4 cm, but it can not be completely healed until 6-8 weeks after childbirth.

5. Lochia drainage

Postpartum lochia drainage is also a sign that the uterus is recovering well. About the first 3 days after childbirth, the amount of lochia is more, the color is bright red, containing a lot of blood, small blood clots and necrotic deciduous tissue, etc., called blood lochia; after 3-5 days lochia becomes reddish, contains less blood, there is more cervical mucus, and necrotic deciduous tissue and white blood cells, etc., called serous lochia; 10-14 days after childbirth lochia into white or yellowish, containing a large number of white blood cells, deciduous tissue, etc., called white lochia. Lochia secretion stops at 4-6 weeks postpartum, and the uterus basically returns to normal.

Second, dietary management for postpartum restoration

How to eat the confinement meal to recover well, good qi and blood, and good figure when the confinement is born?

Week 1: Discharge of lochia

This week's soup or do not drink indiscriminately, especially the big soup, it is recommended not to drink, mainly to light, mainly to be excess water and toxins and lochia out of the body.

Week 2: Contraction of internal organs

This week is mainly based on "adjustment", suitable for warm supplementation, mainly for adjustment, conditioning - contraction - uterus, pelvic bone, whole body loose - chi joints, conditioning organ recovery, strong waist supplement - kidney, prevention of postpartum child - uterus, organ prolapse, waist soreness and leg pain and other confinement diseases.

Week 3: Prolactin

Improve the quality of breast milk in the third week after childbirth to supplement, nourish yin and qi and blood, ten complete supplements, full - surface overall supplementation. In addition, the baby grows rapidly, and the amount of food has begun to become larger, requiring the mother to secrete a large amount of milk to breastfeed the baby, replenish the qi and blood, and improve the quality of milk.

Week 4: Replenish qi and blood

You can take more iron-rich foods: spinach, pork liver, egg yolk, black fungus, red dates, lean meat, kelp, celery, beef, soybeans, cherries, pig blood, sesame paste, yellow cauliflower.

Week 5: Milking

In the fifth week, add grains to breakfast, drink more nourishing broth at noon, supplement protein at dinner, and eat more spleen and blood supplement food.

Week 6: Calcium supplementation

Strict control of fat intake, after the first few weeks of nourishing the body increased a certain amount of load, at this time the intake of too much fat content of food, milk thick breast ducts are also easy to block, for postpartum recovery is not good. You can eat more soy products to supplement calcium.

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

3. Postpartum repair exercise

The pelvis is the key to restoring the shape of the postpartum body, whether it is a vaginal birth or a choice of caesarean section, it is necessary to know that during pregnancy, women will cause different degrees of damage, especially the pelvic floor muscles.

1. Manifestations of damage to the pelvic floor muscles

Vaginal laxity, unsatisfactory applause with husband's love, feeling of bloating in the lower abdomen, frequent urination, constipation and other discomforts;

In the middle and old age, there will even be symptoms such as urinary incontinence, uterine prolapse, and bladder rectal bulging.

The recommended postpartum repair exercises in the postpartum confinement period are mainly: abdominal breathing and Kegel exercises, in order to help the rectus abdominis and pelvic floor muscles repair quickly!

2. Abdominal Breathing

When breathing abdominally, the whole body should remain relaxed, expand the abdomen outwards when inhaling, so that the abdomen bulges and the chest remains motionless; when exhaling, the abdomen naturally recesses, inward towards the spine, the chest remains still, contracting the abdomen inward, and exhaling all the exhaust gases from the lungs.

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

3. Kegel Movement

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?
How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

4. An important auxiliary tool for postpartum repair

There has always been a misunderstanding that the abdominal belt and abdominal pants can not lose weight after childbirth, mainly rely on exercise. Abdominal belts and pelvic belts are important aids in postpartum repair, not IQ tax !!!

Abdominal band – helps the internal organs return to position, and caesarean section also protects the knife edge.

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

Belly pants – help shape and slim and tighten excess flesh

How can pregnant women recover quickly after giving birth?

Everyone should also wear appropriate amounts when wearing, do not wear for a long time to avoid excessive squeezing of internal organs, and do not wear when eating and sleeping.

New mothers must seize the repair time within one year after childbirth and carry out step-by-step repair exercises, not only for the body, but also for the health of the mothers!

Fourth, the details of life

Here I would like to tell you all the fathers, it is really not easy to give birth in October, and your wife has already borne too much on her own. Please let them rest well during the month, your careful companionship and care is the best medicine for Bao Ma's physical and mental health!

1. Confinement disease is tired! It doesn't have much to do with wearing socks or not, washing your hair or not. Bending over, holding the child for a long time = waist pain + wrist tenosynovitis; lifting weight = internal organs sagging! As a husband, it is better to do more housework to let your wife rest than anything!

2. If the mother's milk is not enough, the milk powder should be fed milk powder! Milk powder babies can thrive, don't put too much pressure on your wife to carry out moral kidnapping!

3. You can wash your hair and bathe after giving birth! (After three days of normal delivery, seven days after caesarean section) Pay attention to washing and drying your hair in time ~ when taking a bath, you should pay attention to avoid pulling the wound!

4. Mothers should wash their vulva with a private parts rinser after each toilet! Husband can help to pour warm water in advance!

5. Pregnant women can not blow wind without scientific basis! Please keep the room ventilated every day, and turn on the air conditioner if it is hot in the summer! Just don't blow it

6. Don't stay in bed for a long time!! Proper activity is conducive to postpartum recovery, if long-term inactivity is easy to form blood clots in the lower limbs, causing danger!

7. Mothers can use computers and mobile phones! Their radiation does not cause harm to the human body! Pay attention not to use it for a long time, ordinary people will also have eye fatigue when they look at the screen for a long time!

The above content, it is recommended that Bao Dad read it well and memorize it in mind, and Bao Mom remembers to send it to her husband to see it together! Full of dry goods is not easy to sort out, but also look at the officials to collect like support, what correction or better suggestions welcome to discuss in the comment area!

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