
Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

author:Zou Jifu

Uncle Zou Shoutong (Dao Fan Ronghan) Wenfu Gong (Zong Xian) Duke 15th Dynasty (Rank Sixth) April 25, 1880 (Guangxu 6th Year Gengchen) was born in Tongguan Street CaiTaoyuan Village, Juehua Mountain, under the Xintangchong peasant family. The ancestors farmed for a career, but Zou Shoutong loved to learn from an early age, making friends, enjoying chanting, caring about politics and ideological progress. When he was young, he studied in Japan, and after returning to China, he taught at The West Lake Temple Higher Elementary School, and founded industries such as Shutangshan School, Industrial Farm, and Tongguanyuan Taichu. ☆ The great revolutionary pioneer Guo Liang (grandson of Zou Fengsheng) is an outstanding leader in the history of the Hunan workers' movement, born in December 3, 1901 in Wenjiaba, Tongguan West Lake, 5 kilometers away from Xintangchong, Guo Liang was 6 years old, enlightened in his father Guo Bilin's school, began to receive education, at the age of 12 he entered the West Lake Temple Higher Primary School, became a student of my uncle Zou Shoutong. In 1915, the government advocated running schools, imitating the West, and reforming education, and many people of insight in China took education to save the country as their responsibility and vigorously promoted the trend of running schools. In the fifth year of the Republic of China (1916), there was a great trend of mushrooming, vigorous development and prosperity. In the autumn of 1916, Wangcheng County established the Higher Primary School Xihu temple primary school, the first xihu temple primary school, is a new type of school in the early Republic of China began to use class form teaching, completely different from the family school, school and other schools that are about to be eliminated. In the turbulent years of social change, Mr. Zou Shoutong broke free from the shackles of the old feudal education ideas and systems, threw himself into the trend of historical progress, advocated new learning, and served as the principal of Xihusi Primary School under the new school system

Office. Guo Liang once studied in High School at Xihusi Primary School, and during his time in school, he was studious and thoughtful, leaving a good impression on teachers and classmates. In particular, when Guo Liang studied in the middle school of Changsha Changjun Middle School, he was more energetic and achieved excellent results. Once, the school held a Chinese language examination to test students with the themes of "Lide", "Meritorious Service" and "Three Immortals in Life", and Guo Liang ranked eighth among the more than 800 students who should take the exam. Guo Liang studied seriously and was well known to the Tongguan and his four townships and eight miles. Moreover, Guo Liang's spirit of struggle to sympathize with the weak and not fear the powerful is even more praised. At that time, a poor tenant surnamed Zhou near Guo Liang's family rented more than a dozen acres of land from the local baochang more than ten years ago, and with his own hard work, he supported a family of seven or eight people, paid rent every year, without arrears, and forced a dozen

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Xintang Chong Zou Clan is located under the Anti-Awakening Ridge in the ancient city of Juehua Mountain (the ancient city of Gucheng is the ancient ruins of the Three Kingdoms Ancient City)

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Mu tian pan ripe become a good field to step on the oil. When Bao Chang saw that the fields had been planted well, he had evil thoughts in his heart, and insisted that he wanted to withdraw the fields back to raise the rent and then give them to others, so the honest tenants surnamed Zhou had to prostrate themselves and plead bitterly, and the villagers who sympathized with the Zhou surname also dared not speak out, and only Guo Liang stepped forward. In front of his father and fellow countrymen, he listed one by one the unreasonable acts of the chief of security. The chief was speechless when he was criticized, and for a moment he did not know what to say. Guo Liang also personally wrote a complaint for a tenant surnamed Zhou and went to Changsha to file a complaint. The security chiefs who ran rampant in the township had to correct the usual monopoly of the township song, and the gentry of the fish and meat people pieced together a paper submission. In order to win the court, two hundred silver dollars were specially prepared as a bribe to the prefectural office. On the day of the ascension, Guo Liang was not afraid, calmly and tactfully made statements and debates, and finally completely won the alliance of power and money formed by Bao Chang and others, and the county bureau had to make a judgment of "continuing to tenant farming" in the hall. When Bao Chang returned from the county, he went to Guo Liang's father, scolded Guo Liang as a traitor to the Shishu Mendi, said that Mr. Guo had lost the tradition of "being loyal to the family and passing on the poetry to the next generation", and asked his father to discipline Guo Liang well. Old Mr. Guo was quite unhappy when he heard Bao Chang's words, and his attitude towards Guo Liang began to be cold. Mr. Zou Shoutong, the principal of Guo Liang's primary school, saw his deeds, but he appreciated it and thought that Guo Liang would make great achievements in the future. After Guo Liang taught in the Guo Family Ancestral Hall, he compiled new teaching materials by himself, compiling the fact that the poor were oppressed, exploited, and imperialist aggression, and compiled stories and songs to teach the students, which were welcomed by the students. The gentry were very dissatisfied, so they told their children to withdraw from school, afraid that Guo Liang would teach their children badly. However, when the peasants heard that Guo Liang was teaching, they all took the initiative to send their children to the school. Guo Liang's teaching of new ideas, new methods, and revolutionary propaganda activities infuriated the gentry, and one day, bao chang led the gentry to the West Lake Temple Street to find Mr. Zou Shoutong, the school director: "Guo Liang is young and ignorant, does not know benevolence and morality, and tells some crooked truths, how can he teach?" Don't teach the bad guys to be the children." "Can't "can't let him teach"! The gentry shouted and shouted to drive Guo Liang away, and Mr. Zou Shoutong, the school director, waited for the gentry to shout enough before calmly saying: "The primary school of the Guo Family Ancestral Hall does not have your children, Zhou Yu beat Huang Gai, beats the willing to beat, and the peasants are willing to let Guo Liang teach, how can we not let him teach?" Besides, Guo Liang is completely infallible in teaching, and in the future, please do not disturb the gentry." The gentlemen listened to Mr. Zou Shoutong's words, and they were so angry that they gritted their teeth but could only go back to the house! After the Outbreak of the May Fourth Movement, Guo Liang immediately organized patriotic anti-imperialist and anti-feudal activities in his hometown, but he was wanted by the Xinkang Regiment Defense Bureau. Once, Guo Liang took refuge in Changsha and met Mao Zedong at the commercial school in Luoxingtian, and resolutely decided to follow Mao Zedong on the path of dedicating himself to the revolutionary cause

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Zou Shoutongyuan Former Residence Road, Wujie Mountain Villa, Xintang Chong, joined the Xinmin Society and the Hunan Marxism Research Society during his studies at the Hunan First Normal School. After the "Ma Ri Incident", due to the traitor's whistleblowing, Guo Liang was unfortunately arrested on March 27, 1928, and after his arrest, the reactionary authorities saw Guo Liang as if he were dead, fearing that the people would riot and rob the prison, and rushed to secretly kill Guo Liang after midnight on the 28th, when Guo Liang was only 27 years old. In his suicide note to his wife, he wrote: "Brilliant Ying wu love, Bright east and west, homeless and countryless, I am finished!" Hope to caress Wu'er, to inherit Yu Zhi! For Guo Liang's death, Mr. Zou Shoutong was very sad, in that era of white terror, Mr. Zou Shoutong once used a poem "Vase Flowers" to express his sense of sadness and indignation: "Flowers are placed on the branches, picked and raised in bottles." Poor good flowers, but they are ruthlessly mourned! Shortly after Guo Liang's death, Zou Shoutong mourned Guo Liang's misfortune and the loss of the world's Tao, and became mad! Looking back on the past, Zou Shoutong was besieged by the gentry for sponsoring Guo Liang to teach,

More than 100 years ago! But I am still proud that my uncle Zou Shoutong and the revolutionary martyr Guo Liang had an extraordinary relationship between teachers and students!

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Changsha Tongguan kiln color pottery source village Xintang Chong Zou ancestral house site

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Xintang Chong Zou Bing Life Experience Hall

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Xintang Chong Zou Zhuo Art Museum

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Xintang Chong Zou Canhui Pu Su

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

Changsha Farming Culture Center

Zou Shoutong and Guo Liang's teacher-student relationship

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