
Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics

author:China Academy of Information and Communications Technology

On July 30, 2022, the China Computing Power Conference released the "1+3+5" series of research results, and the "China Memory White Paper (2022)" as one of the important achievements, clarified the background and definition of memory force, sorted out the current situation of the global storage industry, and analyzed the development of mainland memory force from the regional, interprovincial and data center levels. At the sub-forum of "Accelerating the High-quality Development of Data Storage Capacity and Helping to Build a New Pattern of Digital Economy" at the China Computing Power Conference, Guo Liang, deputy chief engineer of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "China Academy of Information and Communications Technology"), made a detailed interpretation of the "China Memory White Paper (2022)".

Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics

Guo Liang said that under the national digital economy grand strategy, data, as a factor of production, has become an important asset. Data collection, storage, transmission, transaction and service links have received more and more attention, and higher requirements have also been put forward for the storage facilities of data carriers. In this context, the connotation of storage force is constantly enriched, not only with storage capacity as the core, but also including performance performance, safety and reliability, green and low-carbon and other characteristics. As the core component of data infrastructure, storage force is the beginning and end point of information, and high-quality data storage infrastructure will effectively support the release of data value. As a new productive force in the era of digital economy, the data center industry should pay attention to the coordinated development of computing power and storage capacity, deploy the application of advanced storage devices according to business conditions, improve data storage security, promote the development of green and low-carbon storage capacity, and continuously strengthen the supporting role of storage capacity on computing power infrastructure.

Guo Liang said that in order to enhance the importance of data centers to storage capacity and help the computing infrastructure industry to play a driving and empowering role in the data economy, the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data of the Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology focuses on the two dimensions of storage capacity scale and quality, comprehensively and objectively evaluates the development level and regional distribution of continental storage capacity, and builds a systematic and complete storage capacity evaluation framework to empower the high-quality development of the mainland storage industry and consolidate the foundation of digital economy development.

For more excitement, please read the interpretation of PPT.

Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics


Guo Liang, Chinese Academy of Information and Communications Technology: Data storage focuses on four major characteristics



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