
Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

author:Edelweiss original literature

Things I Happened When I Was a Child (1)

Text/Guo Liang

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)


When people are old, they rarely sleep, often lying in bed and unable to sleep, tossing and turning, unable to sleep at night, and the scenes when I was a child are like a movie, one scene after another in front of my eyes. In my spare time, I would like to pick up my pen and write about what happened when I was a child and what happened when I was in elementary school, for everyone's reference, maybe it will be helpful and enlightening for young people today to understand the past situation. So, I wrote this article.

Chapter 1 Early Childhood

I was born in a war-torn era.

It was the twelfth day of the second lunar month in 1936, and my birth brought great joy to the family. Because I have an older brother who is three years older than me, but when he was one year old, he got "throat moth" (diphtheria), and he couldn't breathe and suffocated him to death.

I heard my eldest sister say that she came back from playing on the street and saw my brother lying naked on the kang, so she asked my mother: "Mother! Why don't you dress your child? My mother said, "He's dead." So my eldest sister hugged my brother and cried, wanting to bring him back to life. So my whole family attached great importance to my birth, for fear that I would have another three long and two short, so my grandmother begged for money among the whole village. When I begged to reach the ninety-nine families, I was still more or less made up by my grandmother's family, and I was given a long-lived 100-year-old lock. When I was full moon, I took it to our house and enshrined it in front of the Lord of the Stove, begging God to bless me with a long life. So, my nickname is "Ji Suo". I've been wearing that lock all day long.

I've been pampered since I was a child, everything is up to my nature, whatever I say is what I say, and my father never beats me. I've only been whipped by my father in my life, and that's because I'm so ignorant and disobedient that my father can't beat me (see my aunt's article for details).

On July 7, 1937, after the Lugou Bridge Incident, I was less than a year and a half years old at that time, when the Japanese devils were coming, and people were so frightened that they hid in Tibet. According to my eldest sister, my mother was holding me and my grandmother and hiding in the firewood and straw stack in our backyard, and my mother was afraid that I would cry, so she brought me a lot of delicious food, and told me not to cry, not to make trouble, not to make noise, and to be obedient and obedient.

Then I grew up, and when I was five years old, I had a serious illness.

First of all, he said that he was scared, and he scared his soul. So my mother called me a soul every day, and it didn't work for several days. Later, it was said that it was "hit by a guest". When the stars are full, I made paper money out of yellow table paper, put on four pillars of incense in the middle, lit the two ends, turned left and right three times on the top of my head, and said in my mouth, "It is the gods who go to the temple, and the ghosts who go to the grave, don't come to disturb our children", and then ask me to blow three breaths on each end of the incense and send it to the crossroads on the street. As a result, this was done, but it still didn't work.

There is a goddess in the silkworm camp, with a great god, and the statue of the god is enshrined at home, and she often goes out to see people, which is said to be very effective. My father invited her and asked her to sit on the kang. After asking a few questions about her condition, she loaded a bag of cigarettes, took a few puffs, and suddenly shivered, and her voice changed when she spoke again. I don't even know what I'm talking about. Then she shivered again, and as if she had sent the great god away, she returned to her original state. At this time, she asked my mother to burn the yellow table paper, collect the ashes, and wash it with rice wine for me to drink. As a result, it still didn't work after drinking it.

Later, he gave me gua sha. Gua sha is to use the money made in the pre-Qing Dynasty, dipped in water and scraped back and forth on my back. When I scratched it, it was red, and I screamed in pain. I covered it with my hand to prevent it from being scraped. But I covered this side, and they went to scrape that side, no matter how much I cried and made trouble, they still scraped it until it was finished, and I broke out in a cold sweat in pain. My mother gave me a bowl of brown sugar water and told me to lie down and sleep.

In short, all the available means have been used, and the condition is not only not improving, but getting worse and worse.

I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, I didn't have any energy. Lying in my mother's arms, I heard the sound of popcorn breaking on the street, I wanted to see it! But I can't go.

I thought: maybe I'm going to die. Thinking about this, I couldn't help but cry. When my mother saw me crying, she cried too.

Later, I don't know who came up with the idea: "Let's ask a Lang Zhong to take a look!" ”

My dad invited Lang Zhong here. Lang Zhong took the pulse for a while and said, "This child has typhoid fever, and the time has been delayed for too long. Why don't you treat it early? If you delay like this, the child will be finished. So be it! I'll prescribe a few decoctions to recuperate, and if it doesn't work, I'll leave it alone. ”

My dad got the medicine back. The medicine is very bitter, and I really don't want to take it, but I can't do it if I don't take it. After taking a few decoctions in this way, his condition improved day by day.

I had an illness that tossed me enough, and my body couldn't slow down for a long time.

I've been afraid of Japanese devils since I was a child, but they want to come, and when they come, I burrow into my grandmother's arms.

Ten miles to the south of our house is the county seat of Huailai, where Japanese devils are entrenched, and five miles to the north of our house is the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army. During the day, the Japanese puppet army came, asking for food, donations, and taxes. In the evening, the guerrillas on the northern mountain went down the mountain, making military shoes, making military uniforms, and asking for military rations.

The people in the village who do this kind of errand are called "heads". During the day, they had to entertain the Japanese puppet army from the county town, and at night, they had to carry the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army who came down from Beishan with the prepared military shoes and prepared military rations. "This is to protect the people of the village from loss," they said.

At that time, I was still young, and I was most afraid of the Japanese puppet army. When they came, they either rummaged through boxes and cabinets, or beat dogs and chickens.

Once the Japanese puppet army came again. There was a puppet army who didn't know where to get a little flower jacket. When they came to our house, they didn't ask us to buy them. My dad had to buy it for ten dollars. I wore it thin and small, but I had to wear it to the streets. As a result, he was seen by the big black eye on the east side of the wall next to us, and he didn't say that this jacket was his. That's why my mother came to our door.

My father said, "Yesterday, a puppet soldier didn't know where to get a little flower jacket, so he asked us to buy it." We bought it for ten bucks. ”

The black-eyed mother said, "Uncle, I'll give you 12 yuan, please sell us that little jacket again, our child has to ask for it." ”

My father said, "Give me back 10 dollars, and you can take it back." ”

So they gave us 10 yuan and bought the little flower back again.

Chapter 2 Attending school

When I turned eight in 1944, it was time for elementary school. But I didn't want to go, my father insisted on letting me go. My second sister took me by the hand and sent me to school, asking me to salute the teacher and say, "Teacher, I'm coming to school." ”

The teacher asked me, "What's your name?" ”

I said my name was Guo Liang. So the teacher wrote my name down in the notebook.

Then he asked me, "Do you have a book?" ”


"Tomorrow I will bring a copy of "Hundred Family Names".

The teacher ushered me into the classroom, found me a seat and said, "You're going to sit here from now on." ”

When the teacher left, my classmates asked me, "How old are you?" "I can't answer.

Some students said, "I just started school, of course I was born in a year." ”

It's out of school. The next day, I didn't go either, and my dad didn't force me anymore.

So what kind of school is this school?

This is a foreign school built in Beixinbao in order to enslave the Chinese during the period when the Japanese devils ruled China.

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

The foreign school is located diagonally opposite the South Temple of Beixinbao Village, on the north side of the South Avenue, and at the southwest corner of the Grand Stage. Outside the west wall of the school is my aunt's firewood and grass garden.

The school is very well built and is a large courtyard house. The large glass full of windows is completely a modern small school. The main entrance of the school is open in the southeast corner, and the horizontal eyebrows of the school gate are written - North Simburg Experimental Primary School. The south house of the school faces the street and is a combined classroom for the first and second grades. The North House is a combined classroom for the third and fourth grades. The Westinghouse utility room, and the East Wing are faculty offices and dormitories. There are men's and women's restrooms in the backyard, and a back door has been opened on the east wall of the toilet to facilitate access for staff and students. At that time, Mr. Ren Changgui of the Jamsil Camp (his classmates called him "Ren Da Big") was teaching in this school. At that time, the school also had a husband, and the husband was Chen Sheng's grandfather. The school has Japanese instructors who specialize in teaching Japanese. Students stand in line, report the number, shout the password in Japanese, and make a mistake to hit the board. For example, the Arabic numerals 1~10 are said in Japanese:

1. Ichi Nugiri

2. To the nun,

3. Mr./Ms. Kuwa,

4. Nishigo,

5. High Weight,

6. Lao Fan Hachi,

7. Kishichi Kyushi

8. Harichi Chihachi

9. Withering

10. Burning

At that time, the common people could speak a few words of Japanese. For example, "Mixi" is eating, "Eight Yalu" is bastards, and so on.

One winter night that year, a fire broke out in the school. The villagers rushed to put out the fire, but only some tables, chairs and benches were salvageable. It was later learned that this was done by the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army who came down from Beishan, under the leadership of the captain Zhang Mingqing. Since then, there has been no school in North Simborg.

Chapter 3: The First Liberation

On August 15, 1945, after the unconditional surrender of the Japanese invaders, our hometown was liberated for the first time.

In the winter of that year, the school began to run again, requiring all children of the right age to go to school, and the location was temporarily set up in a compound at the east end of the village, and the village teacher, Liu Ruinian, came to this school at that time.

At that time, school was very simple, and the students only had a stone slab and a few stone pens in their school bags. There are no desks or benches in the classroom, but a wooden board is propped up with bricks, and you sit on that board to study. (Editor's note: It would be nice if that foreign school hadn't been burned down!) Such a good school, spacious and bright classrooms, front and back windows with large glass, and physical education classes can be held on the square in front of the big stage. What a pity! I really shouldn't have burned down that foreign school in the first place. If it hadn't been burned, at least after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it could have been used as our own school. At that time, although some desks and benches were rescued from the foreign school, they could not be distributed due to the small number. )

At that time, the Chinese class was very simple, and I learned the four words "daily miscellaneous characters" for a winter. I remember that at that time, I wrote the word "daily" very small, and the word "miscellaneous" was very big.

In the winter of that year, Bei Xinbao began to prepare for the construction of a regular primary school, and the site was located in the north courtyard of Fan Jianbang's house. Fan Jianbang's family had two courtyards in the north and south, and his family was designated as a rich peasant during the land reform, and the north courtyard was separated. The village decided to build a primary school here. The courtyard of the Fan family is very large. There are nine rooms in the north room and three rooms in the east and west rooms. There are also two rooms in the middle of the courtyard, and the doors and windows open to the east, so it looks like the west house in the east courtyard and the east wall in the west courtyard. The back wall of this courtyard is the North Castle, the site of North Simburg.

In the winter of that year, the courtyard was renovated, and the original living room was stripped of the ondol, the walls were painted, and a blackboard was plastered on the gable to transform it into a classroom. At that time, there were three rooms on the north side of the landlord, two on the east side for the second, third, and fourth grade classrooms, and one on the west side for the teacher's office. The three rooms in the east house are first-grade classrooms and the west house utility room. The middle three north rooms are the offices of the village office, one of which has not been renovated, and the earthen kang inside is still retained for the village cadres to be on duty at night.

The school gate is open at the southwest corner, and the main street gate that was originally opened in Fanjia Lane is not used. To the north outside the school gate is the former site of the North Temple. At that time, the desks and benches used by the students were salvaged from the fire of the foreign school.

Having said that, I have to first explain the ins and outs of Beixinbao Village and the family history of Beimiao and Fan. Our Beixinbao Village was also originally moved from under the big locust tree in Hongdong County, Shanxi. It was the twenty-first year of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1388 AD), and they came to settle down near the bottomless spring on the southeast Erli Road of our village, and named it "Taiziwa". At that time, there were only four households, namely Fan, Yang, Yuan, and Bai. After 256 years of development, the population of Taiziwa increased year by year, and then due to the damp ground, they could no longer live in it, so they decided to move north in 1644 AD to rebuild the new village. There is a castle (wall) in the new village, north to the north wall of the current primary school, east to the Dasha River, south to South Avenue, and west to the west entrance of Liujia Lane. Because it is the result of their own hard work, it is called North Sinburg. The village of Beixinbao has a long history of 635 years from the Taiziwa in 1388 AD to 2023.

Beixinbao Village originally had the North Temple, the South Temple, the Grand Stage and the Guandi Temple. The north temple is called Zhenwu Temple, and it is dedicated to the Zhenwu Emperor. This is a sacred place belonging to Taoism. I went to this temple when I was a child. It was the period of the Anti-Japanese War, about the Spring Festival of 1941~1943, after the whole village greeted the gods, they all went to the south temple and the north temple to pick up the gods. At that time, my father led me, and as soon as I entered the mountain gate, I saw that on the exposed pillars on both sides, there were two big dragons coiled, and the dragons were facing each other, stretching out to the front, which was very scary. After entering the main hall, I saw the Zhenwu Emperor standing in the center, wearing a red cloak, looking very powerful.

Later, one night, the guerrillas of the Eighth Route Army came down from Beishan and burned down the temple. I heard Brother Guo Li say that he also participated. He said that at that time, the corn stalks and sorghum stalks were erected, and the fire was lit, and the burning became more and more vigorous, and no one dared to save it.

The people near the temple fled for fear of burning their houses. I, Brother Guo Li, and his family, all ran to our house in the middle of the night to take refuge. The fire burned for more than half the night, and finally extinguished itself, leaving the neighbors alive and sound. The next day, everyone went to see that everything that could be burned was burned out, leaving only the broken walls and mud tires. Later, the villagers cleaned up the scene, and some people donated red silk, draped it on the Buddha statue, and burned incense to make offerings.

After liberation, the temple was completely cleared and the land was given to the North Simborgh Primary School as part of the primary school playground.

From this temple gate to the south is a north-south street, the east side of the street has a large gallery, a small gallery, Fanjia Lane.

Fan Jianbang, who lives in Fanjia Lane, is a descendant of the Fan family of the four families in Taiziwa. One is based on genealogy, and the other is based on ancestral graves.

After the Spring Festival in 1946, the reopening of the primary school was here. This was the first primary school in North Simburg after the liberation.

At that time, it was most fashionable in the liberated areas to fight the overlord whip. For this reason, Beixinbao Primary School specially sent Liu Cunkao teacher to the district to learn the beating method of the overlord whip for ten days, and after coming back, he specially taught us to beat the overlord whip. The structure of the overlord whip is a wooden stick about one meter long, with a diameter of about 4~5 cm, two square holes are chiseled diagonally at both ends, and three coins made in the former Qing Dynasty are worn inside, nailed up with nails, and some red and green colored cloth strips are nailed at both ends, and it looks very good. There are several ways to play the Overlord Whip. What is "three-three-seven" and "progressive"...... With the gongs and drums, it looks good and good. There are also several variations of formation. One will be a cross, another will be a T-shape, another will be a herringbone, the team will have to cross each other, and so on. At that time, the overlord whip team of Jambangying Primary School also came to our school to perform.

At that time, Mr. Liu Ruinian was still teaching in this school. He still teaches first grade, and I still teach first grade.

At that time, the arithmetic of the first grade was to learn addition and subtraction within 10. At that time, the teacher mistakenly wrote 3+7=? on the blackboard. , he couldn't even answer a few classmates. When I was called, I stood up and said, "It's equal to 10." The teacher then added a 0 to the end, and I said it was equal to 100. At this time, Teacher Liu said, "Go!" Pack your bag and come with me". I was stunned, not knowing what it meant.

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

As a result, the teacher led me into the north room and said to me, "You will be in the second grade from now on." ”

At that time, I didn't say that it was addition and subtraction within 10, even if it was ninety-nine songs, I would memorize them. I can count a row horizontally and a row vertically, and I can count the number of multiplied by the two. I'm going to play three to nine, nine to nine. I will fight from two to nine. So that little bit of sophomore stuff is okay for me.

When I was in the second grade, there were a few more things in my bag, that is, an inkstone, a piece of ink and a brush. He also held a piece of hemp paper folded in four.

In the second grade, I will start to learn to write calligraphy and learn to imitate. Imitation is to draw red first, then black, and then write by hand after you have a certain foundation. Generally, the second grade is to draw red imitation, the third grade to draw black imitation, and in the fourth grade, you have to start writing with your bare hands, and you have to start writing small letters. To draw red, the teacher first writes a poem with a red pen on the fold of the hemp paper you take. It's relatively simple to get started. As:

One two three four five

Kane, Ki, Wed, Tue, Sat

Six, seven, eight, ninety

The stone bucket rises to the ruler

Student so-and-so


One goes two or three miles

There are four or five families along the village

There are six or seven pavilions

890 Branch Flowers

Student so-and-so

Of course, this is the stage where students lay the foundation, and the teacher should teach you to sit upright, hold the brush tightly, and the pen barrel is on the tip of your nose.

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

You just have to paint the red imitation black according to the teacher's request.

In the third grade, I will start to paint black imitations.

At that time, teachers generally wrote well with a brush. For example, our teacher Liu Ruinian is good at writing calligraphy.

The teacher will first write a copy of you with a brush on a piece of paper. As:

Noon on hoe day

Sweat drops down the soil

Who knows the Chinese food on the plate

Every grain is hard

Student so-and-so


Spring sleep is not aware

Birds are heard everywhere

The sound of wind and rain at night

How much do you know about the flowers?

Student so-and-so

(So-and-so is the student's name, for example, student Wang Erxiao, etc., my name is two words, the teacher is very difficult to write, sometimes it is written as a student Guo Liangliang, or Guo Liang imitates.) )

You put this imitation under the hemp paper, and in order to see it clearly, you can also press an imitation circle (that is, a copper ring) on it, and then you trace on it.

When you enter the fourth grade, the teacher will no longer give you imitations, but will ask you to write by hand.

Freehand writing is difficult. For example, how to write a point, how to write a horizontal, a skimming and a pinch, a vertical hook, a car, a treasure head, three points of water, messing with silk, words and words, next to the moon and so on. In short, every stroke, every stroke is kung fu.

Generally, it is necessary to mark the nine-square grid first, and which stroke is written where is very important.

We each had a copy of the book at the time. The calligraphy is generally written in the willow style of Liu Gongquan and the face of Yan Zhenqing. The willow body is strong and powerful, the brushwork is crazy and straight, and the face is round and full, each with its own characteristics. I was practicing willow body. After I retired, I had nothing to do, so I picked up the pen and practiced it for a few years. My pen body is neither willow or Yan, but my free body. Now I will select a few pages of the 100 family names I copied a few years ago for you to see.

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

In 1946, it was "Children's Day". On April 3~5, a three-day celebration meeting was held in Silkworm Camp Village, and the teachers and students all wore backpacks to participate like the Eighth Route Army, and they lived in the homes of the villagers in Silkworm Camp at that time. During the day, the overlord whip competition was held, and the program was performed at night, and Jamat Camp Primary School won the first place in the overlord whip competition and performance program. Why were they able to achieve such good results? That's because one of the Eighth Route Army stationed in their village was directed by a soldier from the Yan'an Art Troupe. At that time, their performance of "Brother and Sister Wasteland" won the first place.

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

Chapter IV: The Period of National Unification

After the autumn of 1946, after the planned retreat of the Eighth Route Army, the Central Army came. At this time, the primary school was again run under the rule of the Kuomintang. The school site is still the same school, the school is still the same school, but the teachers have changed. The direction of teaching in the school has also changed, and it has become the set of the Kuomintang. In the classroom, there is also a portrait of President Sun Yat-sen, the father of the country.

At that time, Mr. Liu Ruinian was still teaching in this school. Later, a teacher surnamed Yue was transferred from Huailai City to teach us Mandarin and arithmetic.

At that time, school was about memorization, that is, every morning when you arrived at school, you had to recite the homework you learned yesterday in front of the teacher.

When the name of the person is called in the order in which they were handed in yesterday, they will go into the teacher's office, salute the teacher, and then turn their backs and recite the homework you learned yesterday. After reciting, turn around, and the teacher writes four new words in the middle of the imitation you drew yesterday for you to recognize. If you know everything, it means that you did well in your homework yesterday. If you can't memorize it, the teacher can also give you a reminder at the beginning. If you still can't memorize it, or you don't know all the words written for you, the teacher will punish you for standing or hitting the board according to different situations.

At that time, there was a classmate in our class, and he knew that he would not be able to memorize it today. He was also honest and said to the teacher, "Teacher, I can't memorize it, I'll just stand up." As a result, the teacher was very angry, "You go over there and kneel for me!" ”

At that time, in the teacher's office, there was a board hanging all day long, about five centimeters wide and about one meter long, with a handle at one end, which was a board for beating students. Hitting the board can only hit the palm of the left hand. If you hit your right hand, you are afraid that your palm will be swollen, and you will not be able to hold the pen well, and you will not be able to write.

I remember that Mr. Yue only beat me in one book in his life.

One day in class, I thought I was going to imitate, so I started to study ink. As a result, the teacher has to speak Bahasa Malaysia. I was sitting in the front row, right next to the podium. At this time, the teacher slapped the rolled up book on my head. As soon as I looked up, I realized that the teacher was going to give a lecture. So I hurriedly put the inkstone, brush, ink, and imitation under the desk, and took out the book for the lesson.

At that time, a young teacher surnamed Hou, Mr. Hou Shouyan, was also transferred, who was specifically responsible for training the boy scouts. He himself is a member of the Three Youth League. The Boy Scouts were also given military uniforms, with blue half-sleeved shirts and blue shorts for boys, and a blue boat-shaped Boy Scout hat on their heads, which we all called "cow cunt hats." The girl wore a white and red dotted half-sleeved top, a short black skirt, and a black hat like that. Each person has a scout stick and trains every day. He also asked us to recite the "Testament of the Father of the Nation." Now I will forward the will of the Father of the Nation to you.

The testament of the Father of the Nation: Yu devoted himself to the national revolution for forty years, and his purpose was to seek freedom and equality in China. With 40 years of experience, I know that in order to achieve this goal, we must arouse the people and unite the peoples of the world who are waiting for us as equals. Now that the revolution has not yet succeeded, all our comrades must continue to work hard to implement the strategy for the founding of the country, the outline for the founding of the country, the Three People's Principles and the Declaration of the First National Congress written by Yu. It is imperative to call for the convening of a national assembly and the abolition of unequal treaties, especially in the shortest possible time. Sun Wen

At that time, we also learned a lesson in Mandarin "Sun Yat-sen, the father of the country, whose name is Yixian, is a native of Cuiheng Village, Xiangshan County, Guangdong Province." ”

I still remember that at that time, Mr. Yue also taught us a lesson in Mandarin, called "Going to the South Seas".

Although the climate of the South Seas is hot,

As soon as the rain turns into autumn, it is cool.

At four o'clock, the forest is really luxuriant,

Brown and acorn are produced, and betel nut is produced.

both quinine and tobacco,

There is coffee and cane sugar.

The underground is abundant,

Tin and oil are the most widely known.

It used to be a barren land,

Now it has become a peaceful township.

Who are the developers?

The contributions of overseas Chinese are unforgettable.

Teacher Yue is very nice. Once, he led twenty or thirty of our classmates to a meeting in the county seat and had dinner at his house at noon. They boiled two large pots of millet porridge, dozens of students, each with a bowl of millet porridge, and the dish was pickles and cold coriander. But it was not a peaceful year, so I came late in the morning and left early in the afternoon. As soon as he left, the students herded the sheep and messed around casually. At that time, there were several older boys, four or five years older than me, such as Ding Quanzhen (later renamed Ding Qizhang), Yang Qingye, Zhang Detai, Gao Zhancai (later renamed Gao Qixian) and others. They used bullet casings dropped from anti-aircraft machine guns that hit Japanese planes to make earthen pistols. It was filled with black powder, mixed with sand, and the muzzle of the gun was plugged with cotton, and the machine gun went off as soon as the trigger was pulled. They painted their faces red with the red clay that the teacher had used to make the students red, covered their faces with straw hats, and ran into the girls' pile, while the other person with the pistol pulled the trigger at the same time. As soon as the gun went off, he pulled down his straw hat and said that he had hit me, which scared the girls and screamed.

Teacher Liu Ruinian, when you see this situation, tell us a story. The stories he started to tell were all tales of demons and monsters, and they were terrifying. For example, he told a story called "The Hanged Ghost", which said that at night, when the coffin crackled, a female ghost jumped out of the coffin and jumped around the yard with her big red tongue. In the middle of the night, when the big rooster clucked, it went into the coffin again. Later, he told us about "Yue Fei's biography" and "mother-in-law's tattoo", Yue Fei's anti-gold was killed by the traitor Qin Hui, and he won twelve gold medals. Later, Mr. Liu told us the story of "Journey to the West", and the students listened to it cutely. At that time, there was such a saying, "Sweep the floor quickly, sweep the ground and finish the Journey to the West".

(To be continued)

Guo Liang: Those Things When I Was a Child (1)

About the Author:

Guo Liang, born in 1936, is now 88 years old, a native of Beixinbao, Huailai County, Hebei Province, with a bachelor's degree, graduated from Beijing Agricultural University, and worked before retirement: Shengli Oilfield Shengli Oil Production Plant Oil Production Technology Research Institute, technical title: deputy senior engineer.

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