
After sales exceeded 100,000 units in March, BYD made a major decision: stop producing fuel vehicles

On April 3, Auto Express learned from BYD Automobile that in March this year, BYD Automobile produced 106118 new energy vehicles, with a total sales volume of 104338 vehicles, an increase of 106.9% year-on-year.

Among them, the sales volume of pure electric vehicle models was 53664 units, and the sales volume of plug-in hybrid models was 50674 units.

This is also the first time that BYD's monthly sales of automobiles have exceeded 100,000 vehicles.

After sales exceeded 100,000 units in March, BYD made a major decision: stop producing fuel vehicles

In terms of sales, BYD Han's sales in March were 12,359 units, and dm hybrid models increased by 524.9% month-on-month.

BYD Tang sold 9,625 vehicles in March, and dm hybrid models increased by 565.9% year-on-year.

The two main sales models are BYD Song and BYD Qin series models, with sales of 26,729 units and 24,797 units respectively in March.

The Ocean series model BYD Dolphin sold 10,501 units in March, up 22.6% month-on-month.

It is worth mentioning that with the assistance of YuanPULS, the sales of the BYD Yuan family in March exceeded 10,000 units, reaching 12,881 units.

With the release of BYD's sales in March, BYD Automobile also announced a very important news: the suspension of the production of fuel vehicles.

After sales exceeded 100,000 units in March, BYD made a major decision: stop producing fuel vehicles

That is to say, from April, BYD Automobile will no longer produce and sell traditional fuel vehicles.

The announcement of this news has caused quite a stir in the domestic and even global car markets.

Because BYD is the first car company in the world to officially announce the suspension of production of fuel vehicles.

Although in the past, many car companies have announced the timetable for stopping the sale of traditional fuel vehicles, but in the eyes of most consumers, it seems that the suspension of fuel vehicles still needs a relatively long process.

After all, in the history of more than 100 years of automotive industry development, traditional fuel vehicles have always been the protagonists.

But now, BYD Automobile's sudden announcement of the suspension of fuel vehicles will still be more or less surprising.

After sales exceeded 100,000 units in March, BYD made a major decision: stop producing fuel vehicles

For BYD, relying on core technologies such as blade batteries, DM-i super hybrids and e-platform 3.0, it has firmly sat on the throne of sales champions in the domestic new energy vehicle market.

Moreover, with the growth of new energy vehicle sales in the future, BYD's auto sales will also become higher and higher.

At present, BYD's undelivered vehicles have reached 400,000, and it is indeed no longer necessary to waste time and energy in the traditional fuel vehicle market.

Not only that, BYD Auto will also hit the annual sales target of 2 million vehicles this year.

I don't know if BYD's suspension of fuel vehicles will bring a domino effect to the global car market.

After sales exceeded 100,000 units in March, BYD made a major decision: stop producing fuel vehicles

But, to be sure, a whole new era is coming.

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