
State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company: Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to respond to typhoons and floods

author:Sina Fujian Sanming Channel

Recently, Qingliu County has entered the main flood season, the climate is complex and changeable, and there is a greater possibility of major floods, super typhoons and other events. In order to do a good job in the prevention and disposal of sudden accidents of typhoons and floods, and improve the rapid emergency response ability of Qingliu Power Grid to deal with disaster events, on June 28, State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company organized and carried out the 2024 annual emergency plan drill for dealing with typhoons and flood disasters.

State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company: Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to respond to typhoons and floods

Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to cope with typhoons and floods

The drill adopted the mode of desktop deduction combined with actual military exercises. The background of the exercise is set to be the No. 9 typhoon of this year, Yunque is expected to make landfall on the coast between Hui'an and Fuding in 48 hours, and the wind force may be above 12 at the time of landfall, and under its influence, the rainfall in local areas of Qingliu will reach 100 mm in the next 12 hours, and flooding may occur, posing a serious threat to the power grid. The emergency leading group of Qingliu Company will study and issue a three-level early warning according to the situation.

State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company: Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to respond to typhoons and floods

During the exercise, the emergency drill command organization of Qingliu Company responded quickly, and the drill working groups cooperated closely. The early warning team does a good job in typhoon and flood early warning; The rescue team grasps the flood situation and disaster situation in a timely manner, and organizes emergency rescue and disaster relief and recovery and disposal; The communication support team ensures smooth communication in the process of emergency rescue and disaster relief; The material supply team is responsible for the supply, allocation and transportation of emergency relief materials; The logistics support group does a good job in public security prevention and control and personnel logistics support; The safety supervision team supervises the information reporting and on-site risk management and control.

State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company: Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to respond to typhoons and floods

The on-site drill simulated the #10 tower of the 110 thousand volt dragon fifth line, and the mountain slope where the tower was located collapsed due to heavy rainfall for several days, and there was a risk of the tower collapsing. As well as the Yuanhong distribution room was flooded by rainwater, the distribution station room was flooded, and many households were without power. Qingliu Company's power transmission and operation inspection class, substation operation inspection class, control center and other departments have carried out emergency response for different scenarios. After on-site emergency repair or isolation of fault points, the affected equipment is temporarily restored to power transmission. In the end, the director of the transportation inspection department reported to the commander-in-chief that the emergency response work affected by the super typhoon was basically over, the main grid of Qingliu Company resumed normal operation, and all power outage users restored power supply, and it was recommended to lift the company's emergency response. With the approval of the company's emergency leading group, it was agreed to lift the emergency response for flood control and anti-typhoon, and the drill ended.

State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company: Carry out emergency drills to improve the ability to respond to typhoons and floods

Through this exercise, the State Grid Qingliu County Power Supply Company further tested and improved the emergency response ability to deal with typhoons and floods, and provided a strong guarantee for preventing and reducing the losses and impacts caused by disasters to the greatest extent. The company will continue to strengthen emergency management to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid.

Source: State Grid Qingliu Power Supply

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