
What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

author:Mary's spiritual mentor
What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

Which city in the world is the most livable? Each year, three different organizations try to answer this question. So what's the result? Are the three organizations in agreement?

The Economist says the best city in the world is Melbourne (Australia). This is based on the results of the magazine's latest Global Livable Cities Report, which publishes the results every six months. The report ranks 140 cities around the world on a scale of 0 to 100. Based on stability, health care coverage, culture, environment and infrastructure, Melbourne received a high score of 97.5. The report praises Melbourne's low crime rate, well-developed infrastructure and park penetration. Other top 10 Economists are Vienna (Austria), Vancouver (Canada) and Sydney (Australia).

The Mercer Quality of Life Survey found similar results. In the 2011 survey, it ranked Vienna (Austria) as the best city in the world, followed by Zurich (Switzerland) and Auckland (New Zealand). Calgary (Canada) is rated as the most eco-friendly city. Monocle Monocle, a lifestyle-themed magazine, also released its list of the best cities of the year. In 2012, they named Munich (Germany) the most livable city because of its geographical connectivity, status as a cultural centre and green area.

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

But what about famous cities like New York, Paris, and London? Why didn't they make it to the top ten of any of the charts? They all have fascinating museums and art galleries, and the city is full of excellent bars and hotels. And these cities are always moving forward to update. Obviously, famous cities often lose points because of crime, inadequate transportation, and infrastructure. Monocle Monocle magazine, for example, said that while Hong Kong is full of energy and passion, it still needs attention in terms of "traffic congestion, air quality, housing conditions and resource protection".

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

Of course, not everyone agrees with the list of "best cities". Some have criticized the list for favoring more tranquil and laid-back cities. According to those who hold this view, many people prefer to live in the bustling and noisy downtown. In fact, a reporter interviewed in Melbourne found that many Melbourne citizens want to live in big cities like Paris and New York. So The Economist published another survey. The list takes into account what famous big cities can offer (such as cultural and ethnic diversity). Guess who the "best city" in this list is spent? It turned out to be Hong Kong. It was followed by Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris.

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

So what about from a tourist's point of view? What is their favorite city? According to the findings of a new travel website, Travel Advisor, tourists chose London as their favourite city. One tourist commented online: "I particularly like to go to London, where there are so many things to do, it takes about a month to complete this big city. London has a long history, nostalgia, elegant scenery and a strong aroma of coffee wine. Its elements are rich enough for everyone to take what they need and love what they love. ”

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

So what's your favorite city?

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

Three research magazines:

The Economist, the British magazine The Economist, was founded in London in 1843. The Economist magazine's political, economic, and international issues, as well as science and technology, art, book reviews, and other columns, analyze the world economic situation, and provide discussions on world politics, economy, and culture.

Mercer Quality of Living Survey, a magazine that provides valuable information and hard-earned allowance advice to many cities around the world. Mercer's Quality of Life Index lists 221 cities, with New York as the benchmark for the city's quality of life rankings.

Lifestyle magazine Monocle 'Single Lens' global newsletter covers international news, business finance, art culture, design trends and more.

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

What's the best city in the world? Every year, there different organizations try to answer the question. So what are the results? And does every one agree?

The Economist agrees that the best city in the world is Melbourne( Australia). That's the result of the magazine's latest Global Livability Report, which it publishes every six month es 140 cities worldwide and gives each one a score from 0 to 100. Points are awarde for stability acess to health care, culture, environment and infrastructure. Melbourne scored 97. 5. The report praised the city's low crime rate, excellent infrastructure and easy access to parks. Other cities in the Economist's top 10 were Vienna(Austria),Vancouver(Canada)and

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World


A similar report is the Mercer Quality of Living Survey. In the last survey(in 2011) it named Vienna(Austria)as the world's best city, followed by Zurich(Switzerland)and then Auckland (New Zealand). And it said the most eco-friendly city in the world is Calgary, Canada. Life Style Magazine Monocle also releases an annual "top city” list. In 2012 they decided Munich(Germany) was the best place to live in because of its connectivity, cultural centres, and abundance of green space.

But what about famous cities such as New York, Paris and London? Why aren't they in any of the top 10 lists? They are packed with fascinating museums and art galleries, full of great bars and restaurants and there's always a lot going on. Well, apparently, famous cities often lose because of crime, traffic and inadequate infrastructure. For example, Monocle said although Hong Kong is vibrant and exciting, " traffic congestion, air quality, housing and conservation all need attention."

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

And of course, not everyone agrees with the "best city” lists. Some criticize them for preferring quieter, more relaxed cities. They argue that many people actually want to live in more hectic bustling cities. In fact, one journalist interviewed people in Melbourne and discobered that lots of Melbourne residents want to live in Paris or New York. So The Economist has published another report. This new report gives more weight to things that big, famous cities do offer (such as lots of cuture and ethnic diversity). And guess where it decided the best place to live in? Hong Kong. And also in the top ten are Tokyo, Amsterdam, Berlin and Paris.

But what about tourists? Whats their favorite city? According to a recent survey by trave website TripAdvisor, tourists rated London as the best city to visit. One traveler commented online,"I love visiting London. There's just so much to do. You almost need a month to see it. The city is rich in history, nostalgia, beauty... and pubs. It has something for everyone. " So, what's your favorite city?

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

(From Overseas English )

New Words

What are the most livable cities in the world? What do you think? The Best City in the World

global adj. Global (sexual).

livability n. livability

survey n. Survey (table)

Stability n. Stability

Infrastructure, infrastructure

vibrant /adj. Full of life

eco-friendly adj. To ecology

The environment does not constitute damage, green environmental protection

release v. Release, publish

annual adj. annual

connectivity n. connected connectivity, connectivity

abundance n. abundance

fascinating adj. Charming, engaging

congestion n. congestion

conservation n. protection

hectic adj. Crazy

bistling adj. It's bustling, it's chaotic

Nostalgia n. nostalgia, nostalgia

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