
Interview with the commander-in-chief of the Expo Cabin: The treatment rate of traditional Chinese medicine exceeds 98%, and there are no severe cases due to the new crown

On April 3, there were 425 new locally confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Shanghai, and 8,581 new local asymptomatic infected people. Shanghai is going all out to win the hard battle of epidemic prevention and control.

After the joint efforts of all parties in the early stage, on April 3, nearly 200 people from the Square Cabin Hospital of the Expo Exhibition Center were discharged from the hospital. In the evening of the same day, CBN learned from the Expo Fang cabin hospital that there are currently about 500 patients in the ward who have at least one negative nucleic acid and are waiting for further conversion.

It has been more than a week since the Expo Cabin Hospital was opened. Professor Zheng Junhua, commander-in-chief of the Expo Fang cabin hospital and secretary of the party committee of Renji Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical College, said in an exclusive interview with the first financial reporter on the evening of April 3: "The Expo Fang cabin hospital actively responded to the relevant decisions of epidemic prevention and control, and did its best to fight and make it fast, and at present, these patients in the hospital have obtained good efficacy expectations. ”

Interview with the commander-in-chief of the Expo Cabin: The treatment rate of traditional Chinese medicine exceeds 98%, and there are no severe cases due to the new crown

More than 7,000 people were admitted and treated in a week

According to reports, as of 19:00 on April 3, the total number of beds in the Expo Fang cabin hospital was 7,086, of which 7,019 patients were currently in the hospital, 7,027 people were used in traditional Chinese medicine, and 7,177 people were admitted and treated. Within 24 hours of the opening of the hospital, more than 2,500 patients were admitted.

Zheng Junhua introduced to the first financial reporter that nearly 200 patients discharged from the hospital on April 3 met the relevant provisions of the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Trial Version 9)", that is, the body temperature returned to normal for more than 3 days; respiratory symptoms improved significantly; and the nucleic acid test was negative for 2 consecutive times (the sampling time was at least 24 hours apart).

He further said that most of the patients admitted to the ward of the Expo Fanggang Hospital are asymptomatic, mild and ordinary patients. In addition to symptomatic treatment, patients are also given the use of traditional Chinese medicine combination treatment, including Lianhua Qing plague granules, Jing prevention granules, etc., and at the same time, according to the actual situation in the cabin, the corresponding "Chinese medicine epidemic prevention formula" is customized for distribution.

"TCM treatment has played a greater role in the fight against the epidemic, and the TCM treatment rate has exceeded 98%." Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter. According to the diagnosis and treatment norms, for patients with underlying diseases, each ward is equipped with corresponding medical forces and basic drugs for chronic disease management, and corresponding special outpatient clinics are opened to meet the individualized needs of patients.

In addition, in order to further strengthen medical safety and cope with possible unexpected situations, the medical fixed-point observation area is also set up in each ward of the Expo Fanggang Hospital, equipped with AED defibrillators, endotracheal intubation devices, non-invasive ventilators, suction devices and other equipment, and equipped with rescue vehicles and corresponding drugs and infusion equipment, and timely transfer to other designated hospitals through the transfer platform.

Interview with the commander-in-chief of the Expo Cabin: The treatment rate of traditional Chinese medicine exceeds 98%, and there are no severe cases due to the new crown

Most of the transferred patients have acute onset of other diseases

Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter: "At present, there are no cases in the Expo Fang Cabin Hospital that need to be transferred to the designated hospital due to the transformation of severe illness from the new crown, and most of the patients transferred to the hospital are acute onset of other diseases. ”

At present, the overall situation of the transfer of the Expo Cabin Hospital is stable and orderly. "The hospital has developed corresponding processes and emergency systems to ensure the smooth transfer of patients to the hospital, and we are further optimizing the process to cope with the high flow of admissions." Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter.

It is understood that the transfer of severe covid-19 patients is coordinated by the special team of the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, and the health management system at all levels and the municipal emergency system are specifically implemented, and there is a set of systematic processes and systems to ensure timely transfer.

Compared with adult patients, children need more care and care, both physically and psychologically. In response to the high concern of the outside world about the care of children in the fang cabin hospital, Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter: "We are particularly concerned about children, and children's patients are jointly managed by the Children's Medical Center and various hospitals. ”

In the ward of Shanghai Renji Hospital and Children's Medical Center, the medical staff not only prepared some interesting gifts for the children, but also sent desks to the children who needed online classes to help print, let the children treat and learn, and guide the children to bravely face and overcome the disease with a scientific attitude.

Zheng Junhua said frankly that due to the short construction time, heavy tasks, many difficulties and high requirements, the hardware facilities of the cabin hospital have certain "congenital deficiencies" compared with the conditions of the family and the isolated hotel, but the management has done its best to configure drinking water, washing, mobile toilets, WIFI, broadcasting and other facilities, which can basically meet the living needs of patients.

"With the strong support of governments at all levels and enterprises and institutions, the material reserves of the Expo Fang cabin hospital can meet the needs of treatment and treatment, and at the same time, we have also made special improvements and enhancements to the problems that occur in the operation process." Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter.

Fang cabin hospital is a place where a large number of positive cases live with uninfected medical staff, so controlling hospital feeling is also the "top priority" of fang cabin hospital.

To this end, the fang cabin hospital has formulated strict hospital infection protection measures, using artificial intelligence equipment such as mobile air sterilization stations and disinfection robots to cycle and kill specific areas; daily sampling and monitoring of environmental objects to evaluate the effect of disinfection; and timely disposal and transportation of medical waste.

"With strict adherence to hospital infection protection measures, there is no evidence that the centralized isolation of positive cases will lead to the re-infection of the virus." Zheng Junhua told the first financial reporter.

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