
Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

Anyone who does something wrong will pay a price, this is the law of nature.

Influence and assimilation if inevitable, then tell yourself to be kind, control your mouth, control your heart, do something wrong will one day have to pay a price, the only thing that can be done is kindness, kindness, kindness.

I'm going to make him pay the price

Meng Ting, a 39-year-old girl in Changsha, met Wang Hai, who was a year younger than herself, through the Internet a year ago, and at first Meng Ting was not interested in Wang Hai, but with the in-depth chat, Meng Ting found that Wang Hai was a writer and had written several novels.

Especially after Wang Hai sent the novel he wrote to Meng Ting to read, which made Meng Ting's blood boil up, in Meng Ting's view, Wang Hai is a very positive energy person, because the novel is written with very positive energy, such as how to build a homeland, how to defend the family and defend the country, etc., if it is not a positive energy person, how can you write a positive energy novel?

In this way, Meng Ting suddenly admired Wang Hai, and felt that the other party not only talked elegantly and without losing humor, but also whether it was career, resume, or appearance, personality, all aspects looked very good, and soon she and Wang Hai fell in love.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

Living in the same room for more than a year, Wang Hai took good care of Meng Ting, and Meng Ting also took Wang Hai to see her parents and relatives and friends, without exception, Wang Hai received unanimous praise from Meng Ting's family, but Meng Ting never met Wang Hai's family and friends.

It is not that Meng Ting does not want to see, but Wang Hai says every time that her parents work in Beijing, and when her parents return, he will take his parents to propose to Meng Ting's parents for the first time, and marry her with beautiful scenery, just when Meng Ting is immersed in the sweet love that Wang Hai gave her, a message is like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

Because of a chance, Meng Ting contacted a good friend of Wang Hai, and it was at this time that she learned that Wang Hai was a husband with a wife, and the children were several years old, and the huge gap suddenly made Meng Ting collapse, and she did not dare to say these things to her parents, because at the beginning of the year, everyone thought that she was about to get married.

What annoys Meng Ting even more is that the boyfriend Wang Hai not only has no superfluous explanation, nor does he admit to the mistake, but also says that he has paid true feelings, which makes Meng Ting very speechless, you have been married and have children and families, even if it is meaningful to pay real feelings?

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

Until the end, Wang Hai still did not apologize, but directly hid back in Zhuzhou's hometown and broke off contact, Meng Ting was more and more angry the more she thought about it, she was bound to ask for an explanation for her feelings, and then she came to Zhuzhou Wang Hai's hometown to find Wang Hai's father Wang Jun.

Seeing this, perhaps the little friends also have a question, that is, Meng Ting, you are not looking for Wang Hai, what are you looking for your father Wang Jun?

After half a day to learn, it turned out that Meng Ting could not find Wang Hai at all, and could only ask Wang Hai's father Wang Jun for an explanation, she hoped that Wang Jun would not shield her son, let her son come back and handle things clearly, before that she had already contacted Wang Jun by phone, but did not get a reply.

This time Wang Jun saw the arrival of Meng Ting is also a first two big, he admitted that his son has indeed been married and have children, the feelings of the two small mouths seem to be not very good, the quarrel is also very fierce, but for the son outside the matter Wang Jun said that he did not know, and he is 65 years old, why should he involve himself in it.

Obviously, Wang Jun's words were not recognized by Meng Ting, in Meng Ting's view, the son is not the fault of the godfather, what kind of family can make Wang Hai completely unrestrained, because Wang Hai is not the first time, if it is the first time, she may think that she is unlucky and will not hold Wang Hai responsible for the sake of her previous good feelings.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

Originally, after Meng Ting found out that Wang Hai had a wife and children, she found out that Wang Hai had also talked about a girlfriend in the same way before her, and as a result, after the East Window incident, the family also made a lot of trouble, and Wang Hai's family also knew, but in the end Wang Hai did not receive any punishment, nor did she learn any lessons, resulting in her being deceived by Wang Hai now.

Later, Meng Ting also found that Wang Hai was still seeking marriage in the name of being single and unmarried on other social platforms during her relationship, which shows that she is not the first person to be deceived, nor will she be the last person to be deceived, because Wang Hai's deception continues.

Meng Ting said that Wang Hai cheated on her feelings again and again, and never had any remorse, because his family connived at him and shielded him, so he never paid any price for his mistakes, and always habitually chose to escape.

But this time she met her Meng Ting, she will not be like the girl who was deceived before, she will not be able to choose it, but must Wang Hai pay the price, like Wang Hai, who does not care about morality, do not let him be punished, then there will be more people deceived in the future.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

I have to say that Meng Ting is still quite brave, and finally after a soft and hard bubble, Wang Jun finally called his son Wang Hai to communicate, hoping that he could come forward to explain things clearly and not let his family be involved, and Wang Hai also agreed to meet with Meng Ting to solve the matter.

Then Meng Ting came to the place where Wang Hai met, saw the arrival of Meng Ting, Wang Hai frankly did not want to make trouble with Meng Ting to this point, after all, both people have paid real feelings, if it is just a simple deception, then he will not spend so long and Meng Ting seriously living together, in this relationship, he also thought about marrying Meng Ting.

Such a remark made Meng Ting very disgusted, did not expect that wang Hai was still saying that he had paid his true feelings, if there were real feelings, why did he have to marry in the name of single unmarried during the love affair? In the end, this is cheating, not once or twice, so why use the excuse of giving true feelings.

At this time, Wang Hai also admitted that he had repeatedly concealed the fact that he was married and cheated on her feelings outside, and the reason why he did this was because he enjoyed the taste of immersion in love, and every relationship was indeed a real feeling, perhaps this was a problem of his own mentality.

Wang Hai said that although he is married and has children, he has been out with his wife for many years like a stranger, the two people have almost no intersection, as a writer, his emotional needs are different from ordinary people, often feel empty in the heart, so he will make these mistakes again and again, and now he is willing to bear all the consequences for these mistakes.

As for how to bear these consequences, in Wang Hai's view, whether it is an apology or anything to do, he cannot ask Meng Ting's forgiveness, but he is willing to accept any moral criticism and accusation, even if the full exposure makes him morally condemned by everyone.

At the same time, he is also willing to make the most sincere apology to Meng Ting's family and friends and make a deep reflection, ensuring that such a thing will not repeat the same mistakes in the future.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

It is just that it is difficult for people who have lost trust to restore the trust of others, and Meng Ting does not believe Wang Hai's words, she feels that Wang Hai is now constantly apologizing, constantly self-condemning, and even showing weakness The fundamental reason is to evade responsibility and is unwilling to bear the price of mistakes.

In Meng Ting's view, Wang Hai's apology is also not sincere, because during the period with Wang Hai, she not only bought furniture for Wang Hai, but also gave financial support, her parents regarded Wang Hai as a future son-in-law, relatives and friends also wrapped in red envelopes, Wang Hai's behavior not only hurt herself, but also hurt her parents and relatives and friends.

Meng Ting believes that this is not a simple apology can be written off, after all, a person who does something wrong must pay a price, the first few times is because Wang Hai did not pay the price, so he will be so unscrupulous, perhaps he did not realize his mistake at all.

But in Wang Hai's view, he has already paid the price, if he did not pay the price, he would not have made such a stiff relationship with his family, before the girl was also very fierce, he had already realized the mistake, but he was not sober for a while, so he made a mistake again, and now he has done deep reflection, and he also realizes his mistake, and he will never make it again in the future.

It's just that such a guarantee seems very cheap in Meng Ting's eyes, and there is no integrity at all.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

Seeing that no matter how he expressed his position, he could not get Meng Ting's understanding, Wang Hai was a little annoyed for a while, he frankly said that Meng Ting was basically here for money, what price is not the price, she does not want money?

Saying that Wang Hai also took out a photo of the IOU, he said that this was the 200,000 IOUs that Meng Ting forced him to write, as long as she was given 200,000 yuan, this matter could be solved, but Wang Hai did not fulfill it, so he was threatened by Meng Ting many times, and at this point, Wang Hai also said that he would collect evidence to sue Meng Ting for extortion and fight back.

Wang Hai frankly said that it was because he did not make up for Meng Ting's 200,000 that his ugly deeds were publicized by Meng Ting, not only his parents and family, but even his relatives and friends were fully aware, and now his family has broken down, he can't look up and be a man, he has been punished as he deserves, all of which he has accepted, after all, he has done wrong, but Meng Ting still does not forgive, which makes him really unacceptable.

In Wang Hai's view, first of all, his own life has become a problem, not to mention giving Meng Ting 200,000 compensation, secondly, Meng Ting's attitude is very clear, there is no need for his apology, nor do you want him to apologize, that is, he wants 200,000, and finally Meng Ting has found so many people, done so many things, including harassing his parents, the purpose is also to get this 200,000, as long as she gives 200,000 she is satisfied, not to give her to do things.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

For Wang Hai's words, Meng Ting felt very funny, she felt that Wang Hai was still looking for excuses and did not want to pay the price, because before Wang Hai said that he had a façade, the first floor and the second floor have an annual rent of 200,000, where did this 200,000 go?

At the same time, Meng Ting also stressed that she did not have extortion and extortion of Wang Hai, the compensation of 200,000 yuan was determined after consultation between the two sides, Wang Haiyin after the marriage was exposed, not only voluntarily wrote down the compensation agreement but also laid down the IOU, but now she is a rake out of the back, how can a weak woman threaten Wang Hai to write an IOU in black and white?

And after the incident, it was also Wang Hai who first took the initiative to compensate, and now he plays this trick, Meng Ting believes that Wang Hai did not plan to pay the price of 200,000 yuan from the beginning, otherwise he would not be so resistant to it now, maybe Wang Hai is calculated, and wants to use this way to bite back and say that it is extortion and blackmail, and then it is conducive to his escape.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

In this regard, Wang Hai said that the 80,000 yuan that Meng Ting spent on him before had been returned to her, and then she also said that she would compensate Meng Ting for 100,000 yuan, but she did not agree to have 200,000, first, she was really nervous at hand, and second, there was no way to face Meng Ting's aggressive attitude, no matter what she did, she did not believe it, what else could she do except apologize?

In the end, Wang Hai also understood that some things that were wrong were indeed not solved by an apology, and he expressed his stance again, or was willing to give Meng Ting a certain amount of financial compensation, of course, this needs to be compensated when the economic conditions are better.

At the same time, he is also willing to make the most sincere apology to Meng Ting and her parents alone, and only hopes that Meng Ting will not bother his family again, after all, his parents are old, their health is not good, they cannot withstand the toss, and many things have nothing to do with their parents, do not involve their parents.

At this point, Meng Ting also agreed to this plan, giving Wang Hai a little time to alleviate the economic problems, but when he reached the door of the notary office, the two had a disagreement over the amount of compensation, it turned out that Wang Hai's greatest sincerity was to compensate 50,000, and Meng Ting insisted on 200,000, she still said that sentence, a person who did something wrong must have to pay a price, only in this way can he remember for a long time, but Wang Hai feels that 200,000 is definitely not out.

In the end, the two could not agree on the amount of compensation, Meng Ting decided to take the legal process to get an explanation for herself, and Wang Hai also said that she would sue Meng Ting for extortion, so the two were not happy and parted ways.

Talking about marriage is imminent, the writer's boyfriend is actually a husband with a wife, girlfriend: I want him to pay the price

In fact, a person who does something wrong does really need to pay a price, and some mistakes do also need to pay a cost.

But for Meng Ting, her act of daring to ask for an explanation for herself and daring to uphold justice is indeed worthy of praise, but the way to make Wang Hai pay the price is to compensate herself for 200,000, which seems to make people feel a little weird, can this 200,000 compensation really be obtained? This also requires a big question mark.

At the same time, when looking for feelings, each of us should also polish our eyes, light up our own wisdom, a person can not even be frank and frank, parents and friends must find excuses not to let you see, then they should pay attention to the point, a normal relationship, everyone will be very willing to introduce each other to their parents and friends to know, cover up then there will be a mystery, after all, gentlemen frank villains are often shy.

Do the friends think that Meng Ting can finally get 200,000 compensation? Everyone is welcome to express their opinions and give different voices, thank you.

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