
Top 10 observations of the 10th draft: the first seven picks of the draft have fallen, 4 have become All-Stars, and George counterattacked

Before we talked about the top ten of the 11th draft and rearranged them, today we will take a look at the top ten picks of the 10th draft, what kind of height have they reached now? We have rearranged and observed many of the top ten drafts before, and if you are interested, you can flip through my previous articles. Well, back to the main topic, this session can be said to be a session destroyed by injuries, and many top talents have finally fallen.

Tenth Aipai Yudu

The original sixth pick, Yudu is one of the few players in the Warriors' draft to look at, considering that the Warriors at that time were not the current management, it can be understood. Yudu's talent at that time can be said to be very outstanding, although the offensive technique is average, but the height of 2.08 meters with an arm span of more than 2.2 meters also ensures that he has excellent frame protection ability, but after entering the league, because of insufficient confrontation ability, he did not play out in the end.

Career average of only 3.5 points, 2.9 rebounds, 0.7 assists, 0.5 steals, 1.1 blocks, shooting 45.3% from the field, very crotch-pulling. Yudu must be no stranger to everyone, he has played in the CBA before, but because the basic skills are too crotch-pulling, he has not played too bright offensive performance in the CBA, but the defense is still good, and in the season he played in Beijing, he can average 18.7 points, 10.9 rebounds, 1.8 assists, 1.8 steals and 3.8 blocks per game.

Ninth Wesley Johnson

The original fourth pick, wesley Johnson's template that year was James, although not as good as James's talent, but there are some very good aspects, his physical fitness, athleticism are great, so the Timberwolves also took the fourth sign without hesitation to sign him, in the rookie season Wesley got the Timberwolves full cultivation, but the young man's offensive ability is too general, in addition to the defense is not bad, other than not much strength, and eventually it is also watered.

Wesley Johnson averaged only 6.9 points, 3.1 rebounds, 1.1 assists, 0.8 steals, 0.7 blocks, 40.4% shooting percentage, 33.7% three-point shooting, although not famous in the league, but Wesley Johnson handled the relationship well, and has great leadership skills, the Clippers also let him serve as the head coach of the team development league before, played three seasons of soy sauce in the Clippers, the result is now mixed like this, very good.

Eighth Turner

Evan Turner is the eye-catching show of this year, the template of the year is Maddy, with a tall point guard player, it can be said that it is very comprehensive, organized and defensive, but his biggest problem is the weakness of the offensive end, Turner has almost no three-point ability, which also led to his eventual inability to cash in on talent, after the arrival of the small ball era completely fell, the peak of the single season 17 + 6 + 4 is not too watery.

Turner has averaged 9.7 points, 4.7 rebounds, 3.5 assists and 0.8 steals so far in his career, shooting 43.3% from the field and 29.4% from three-point range. But Turner now seems to work in the management of the Celtics, his popularity is particularly good, with the temperament of a locker room leader, just like Dudley at that time, such a person even if he does not play, as long as he can still eat in the NBA.

Seventh Monroe

Greg Monroe, the original seventh pick, 10 years or the traditional basketball era, the traditional center at that time was very popular, but because of the prevalence of small balls, which also allowed Monroe to eventually fall from the core of the team to the position of marginal rotation, Monroe in the third year of his career to play an average of 16 + 10 per game, the year of the Chuang Shen in the Pistons of the twin towers is highly anticipated, but with the arrival of the small ball era, neither of them fully reached the height they should have.

This season, Monroe signed a 10-day contract with the Jazz, but he was abandoned after playing a few games, he is only 31 years old, but Monroe is still very optimistic about his future, as he said: "My career is not over", and finally hopes that Monroe can lose weight and return to the league, he was based on excellent squatting and body size in the league, and he wanted all changes to have to lose weight and speed to have a chance to return to the NBA.

Sixth Aminu

The original eighth pick, African Prince Aminu, was favored by the Clippers with his excellent athletic talent, but the poor basic skills limited his ceiling, but having excellent physical fitness still gave Aminu a foothold in the league, with a strong defense, plus a good three-point hand, but also let the league enter the small-ball era, Aminu gradually cashed in his value.

But after suffering a meniscus tear, Aminu was eventually ruined, the original excellent athletic ability is gone, this season only signed a 10-day short contract, no one cares, this year's players, Aminu is just a microcosm, this year has a number of very talented players, but in the end are ruined due to injuries, the previous few who have been all-stars, and now some have fallen to the edge rotation position.

Fifth Favors

Originally, Favors was also affected by the small ball era, the original Favors low-post technology is very good, although not in the All-Star, but the stable scoring ability is also allowed to stabilize him in the starting inside position, and with the arrival of the small ball era, Favors gradually lost his value, his big contract has become a premium contract, he moves slowly, coupled with limited projection ability and finally to the present can also be understood.

Favors is only 30 years old, has now become a premium contract in the Thunder pension, this season averaged 5.3 points, 4.7 rebounds and 0.6 assists per game, shooting 51.6%, three-point shooting rate of 12.5%, it is estimated that after Favors' contract expires next season, he will most likely leave the Thunder, although it is a marginal rotation player, but if he only needs a base salary contract, then there will inevitably be strong teams that want him, compared to Jordan Jr. or a lot stronger.

Fourth John Wall

Original Yuan, Wall did not play this season, because the Rockets want to develop young players, and Wall does not want to give up his salary and leave the team, because he knows that he will not have a big contract after this salary cap, although Wall was able to get the data of averaging 20+ 7 per game last season, but the shooting rate was only 40%, the three-point shooting rate was only 31%, he was also destroyed by injury, so inefficient but he was able to take such data because the Rockets wanted to dump him, so they gave him more ball rights, but other teams are not fools, Wall couldn't shake his hand at all.

Wall although also ruined by injuries, but he is by no means a parallel cargo, that year was selected for the best team and the best defensive team, but also was the first point guard in the East, but also a 5-time All-Star regular, if not injured he may now be one of the best backcourt in the league, it is also a pity, Wall still has a contract for the rest of the season, it is estimated that after playing next season he will join a team that needs a point guard, although he can't be the boss of the team, but the starting backcourt should be his final bottom line.

Third Cousins

The original fifth pick, Cousins is not in a better competitive state than Wall, I am not sure, but look at the honor, Cousins is obviously better than Wall, once upon a time was the best interior line in the league, but also because of injuries ruined, Cousins although excellent, but even if he remains healthy, he can not become a top star, because his mentality is too easy to explode, a peak period of 27 + 10 per game of the interior line, how good I must not say more.

Cousins played for the Nuggets this season, averaging 9 points, 5.7 rebounds, 1.4 assists and 0.7 steals per game, shooting 45.6% from the field and 30% from three-point range, and his previously proud offensive ability to hold the ball is now not ok, speed and lateral movement are directly gone, which also indirectly affects his defense, and it is regrettable that he cannot return to the peak, but it is also a relief for fans to see him still playing.

Second Hayward

The original ninth pick, Hayward also suffered a major injury, but fortunately he slowly recovered, a player after suffering a broken leg, in this season can also play an average of 15.9 points, 4.6 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 1 steal data is very good, this is still under the Hornets system, he sacrificed the ball, this season his shooting rate of 46%, three-point shooting rate of 39% is very efficient, Hayward is still one of the best forward players in the league.

Although only selected once an All-Star, but Hayward's ability is absolutely underestimated, after leaving the Jazz he has not been the team boss, more is the three bosses, Hayward at the peak of the game can average 22 points, 5 rebounds and 3.5 assists is very comprehensive, even into the final year of his career, it is estimated that Hayward will still have a stable contract and the favor of strong teams, because he can do too many things.

First George

The original tenth pick, if it were not for the broken leg that year, what height would George reach now? It is estimated that it will be the top ten level of the league, after George's major injury, although he recovered well, but his movement speed is not as good as when he was young, but in the Thunder period, George played a superstar-level performance, and last season he single-core led the team to the division finals, and the attack and passing were very good.

At the beginning of the season, George was still a big hit in MVP, but because of the elbow injury he missed a lot of games, which also made him withdraw from the MVP competition, but George's performance is still very eye-catching, averaging 24.6 points, 6.8 rebounds, 5.5 assists and 2.1 steals this season, and when Leonard returns, the Clippers are definitely worth looking forward to, after all, the team's coach Tyronelu does have two brushes.

Speaking of which, do you have anything to say about the top ten of this year's draft? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

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