
3.26-4.17 Trend Art Exhibition "Supermatter Growth - Superconducting W and His Multiverse"

Exhibition Name | Supermaterial Growth - Superconducting W and his multiverse

The exhibition time is | 2022.3.26—2022.4.17

Monday to Sunday: 10:30-18:30

Exhibition address | 3818 library of 798 Art District, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Art Festival Space

Cost information | 29.9 yuan for single person and 50 yuan for double people

(Door screen playback - superconducting W painting video)

Curator, artist quotes

It's not scary that we're losing ourselves in different social identities, it's scary that we're so proud of it.

- Superconducting W

The principal of the trendy art brand Supercost and CHAOS STAR who did not understand the trend

Travel around the sculpture, painting, installation artists expressing love and strength

The production of blind box sales can be surrounded by Beijing three rings a circle of tide play blind box designer

Director and screenwriter of science fiction web series, advertising films

Author of the first domestic fashion toy creation manual "Tide Play Bones" (to be completed).

Host of the tide play interview program "Tide Play TALK"

Well-known game original art concept designer

Contax camera lens collector, piano theory research scholar

Foreword to the exhibition

The epidemic that does not see the end, the war that is not far away, the spring of 2022 under the background of the double haze, people express fierce emotions through electronic signal transmission, and capture virtual traffic, likes, honors in physical isolation and closure... The line between creators and consumers, novices and veterans is gradually blurred, and everyone indulges in the virtual world, defining themselves by absorbing fantasies and releasing the haze. This fantasy has become a spiritual necessity. This exhibition is precisely the allegory of the visual trend brought to you by the super-material fantasist - the growth of the super-thing, which means the transcendent thing, presents a self-consistent style at its own coordinate point, grows independently, and constantly expands the boundary until the end of the universe.

Huge succulents fuse with bones to form an infinite reincarnation world

The dragon panda harnesses a new oriental imagery

Countless hamburger pork chops fill the space, creating the whole scene of a super amusement park

In the name of love, gogo, a deer girl, gives birth to twelve wings and uses golden light to drive away the darkness

The power of rebirth in the bone ball world has come again - 666% of the deer bone balls are born

And fifi in the comic book world falls into the CHAOS STAR planet, lying flat on the food to heal itself

At the end of the tide, dozens of huge rainbow barrels, lined up in huge waves, rushed to the face

Welcome, the new N users of the Supermaterial Multiverse, successfully documented! Please start your journey!

Originally, BOOBOO was only made as an accessory base for my other work, "Dragon Panda", and this simple need did not even require me to do it myself, and handed over to my assistant cornseed at the time to test the waters, and the first and only design made by the beginner cornseed was it. Under my little guidance (10,000 words saved this time) Finally, I did not expect that "Dragon Panda" was hidden for 2 years without release, and after the independent debut of the inconspicuous "base", it exploded like a weed with huge vitality and was loved by many fans in the tide play circle. Dawa model sales of 3,000 bodies in half a year, blind box series in 2021 two consecutive bombs sold more than 100,000 boxes, for almost zero yuan marketing of us, too Risk! This is the glory of creativity. And that's just the prologue to BOOBOO.

Look at this spinning colorful BOOBOO,

It's not like your life,

Start to be unremarkable,

But it has a bright future.


I am a psychic stone that descends to the mortal world

I am a white snake that has been waiting for a thousand years

I am a savage of ice and fire that spans thousands of miles...

In every great novel

In every city with a bridge

On every theater screen...

In the billions of years since the birth of life on this blue planet

Love and hate are entangled, sleepless, until the end of the universe collapse

I was born for love

A solitary deer among the herd of deer

An isolated island in the middle of an archipelago

Because of the fierce desire for love in the heart, GOGO was born

Love is worth each of us to pursue with a lifetime

The process of pursuing love fills life with meaning

Even if there is no pursuit of success, it doesn't matter if you are single

It is your failure that sets off the preciousness of others in pairs.

And what a beautiful human flesh background wall you are!

Dragon Panda

Oriental - rounded and self-consistent, imagery supermaterial

I tend to do things slowly and continuously, as I said earlier, the "Dragon Panda" modeling was completed more than 2 years ago, after opening the mold

Because busy with other things has been stalled, it has been quietly placed in the corner of the studio, and to this day, it finally does

Have the opportunity to meet with everyone.

The creator announced 1 work, and there may be 10 pieces stacked in the corner of the studio, and 20 pieces have not been officially released for various reasons

Semi-finished product. Whether it can be finally released or not is only caused by the creator's one thought, resulting in a huge relationship between each other

Drop - the finished product receives the attention of the public to become a work of art to further flow for hundreds of years, and the semi-finished product is piled up in the absence of sunlight

The corners were finally swept into the garbage heap sorted for reincarnation.

Those semi-finished products that are placed in the corner, I think if they have a soul, they will complain about why they don't give them a chance to come out.

As a "father", I can't bear to tell them the complicated and cruel truth, and can only gently touch them to comfort them.

"Don't worry, gold will always shine!"

(Artist Superconductor personally colored)

Bone Ball


On the planets at the edge of the universe, where gravity and the laws of nature cannot reach,

Living organisms do not have gravitational constraints and life and death constraints, and multiply and multiply and long...

Legend has it that bone balls contain the power of "rebirth" and only need to be touched gently

The bone-ball civilization established in another parallel space, there are similar remarks to the earth civilization ...

Fifi's Cabin

Cute and cute fifi, with two pink braids, likes to travel, dress and food,

For fifi, the little things like picking clothes and picking out food are also one of the daily pleasures.

This fifi lying on the cake is designed to play with the tide, from the time when I was a child, when the day was very hot

You will fantasize about lying on a bed made of ice cubes, and if you love chocolate, you will fantasize about lying on a bed

Eat and sleep on the chocolate bed. And sweet and beautiful cake who doesn't like it, so

Created this cute fifi lying on the cake, draped in a quilt made of jam.

Eccentric expression, contented to eat the cake mouth is still stained with cream. Fifi though loved it

All kinds of food, but also have their own lonely but warm world. She would be silent too

Accompanying you, I hope to bring you a warm and pleasant mood.

———Fifi Michi

What are the Trends? 》

Since I became a trend brand, I have thought about the second place question: What is the trend?

What is the trend, it should be a force that pushes the times forward.

Let us see unprecedented scenes and experience a world that we have never imagined in our dreams.

End with a verse from Gibran's Prophet:

"Don't say, I found the way to the trend."

Instead, say, "I've met a trend that runs rampant on my trails." ”

Because the tide runs rampant on all roads.

The trend stretches itself like a lotus flower with countless petals. ”

Oh, and guess what I'm thinking about ranking first? Let you know at the next exhibition.

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Supermatter Growth: Superconducting W and His Multiverse

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