
A woman, if she treats a man as the only one, is a very dangerous thing

There is a saying that goes: "Life needs love, but love is not the whole of life." ”

It's a dangerous thing for a woman to treat men like the whole world. Because it's easy to get lost in yourself. It's like in a relationship, we always ask each other how much we love ourselves.

In fact, it is hoped that the other party can see themselves as important enough, but this is the ideal love after all. In reality, it is not non-existent, just very few.

Shu Ting once wrote such a poem "To the Oak Tree", in which she said: "If I love you, I will never learn from the infatuated birds and repeat monotonous songs for the green yin." He also said, "I must be a kapok near you, standing with you as the image of a tree." ”

A woman, if she treats a man as the only one, is a very dangerous thing

Therefore, a good relationship should be equal to each other, rather than needing to beg the other party to get, such a relationship is doomed to be difficult to last.

Especially in this relationship to lose yourself, such a mode of getting along is very dangerous, because if the other party leaves you, then it will be a devastating blow to you, so it is necessary to deal with the relationship between two people in the relationship.

You know, loving him is not centered on him, you have to understand that before loving others, you must first learn to love yourself, not give up on yourself.

It's like "Anna Karenina" written by Leo Tolstoy, in which the heroine, Anna, as a husband with a wife, meets Vronsky.

At first, although Anna also had a good feeling for Vronsky, reason told her that she could not do so, but in the end she still did not resist Vronsky's ubiquitous enthusiasm. The last two people were together.

A woman, if she treats a man as the only one, is a very dangerous thing

Although she also struggled in the middle, she still chose to give up marriage, dignity, family, and chose Vronsky. And all this was the beginning of the tragedy of her life.

When feelings control reason, when so-called love triumphs over courtesy, righteousness, and shame, then her life is out of control. As there is a saying in the book: "How hot the fire of love is, how cold the world of ashes when it burns out." ”

At first they felt that everything was not a problem, and they also traveled abroad. But when they came back again, everything changed, and the original friends and family refused to play with her. Vronsky was the same, losing his career and military rank. Already financial support for the family.

The two of them also began to quarrel, Anna was once an elegant and noble lady, but now she had become a slutty woman who everyone despised.

Gradually, the pressure from the two people increased, and the man who once said that he loved Anna deeply began to alienate her. In this way, Anna's heart died, and in the end she chose to end her life.

A woman, if she treats a man as the only one, is a very dangerous thing

Originally she had a happy life, but because of a choice that changed her life, she could have always been the envy of others. But when he chose to make Vronsky his whole world, her end was already doomed.

It is true that throughout Anna's life she has longed for love, but life is not only love, but there are other things, just like Anna should not choose to be with Karenin if she does not like it in the first place. But after being together, they were not reconciled.

And the reason for all this is that she doesn't love herself. Just like she chose Levoronsky, she actually chose to make this man her own world, but the final result was not what she wanted.

As someone once said: "Our life is composed of countless choices, no matter what choices you make, we must seize the initiative to go, less regrets, and be responsible for our own lives." ”

Love is also like this, your choice will largely determine the direction of your future life, which we need to admit. So in the process of choosing, love can only account for eight points, and the rest is left to love oneself.

A woman, if she treats a man as the only one, is a very dangerous thing

Don't make others unique, because then if the other person is trustworthy, then you will be happy for a lifetime. But if it is not worth trusting, then misfortune will accompany you for the rest of your life. Sometimes, it's really about choosing what kind of walking together, which is really different for your future.

So don't love too much, especially if you can't pin all your hopes on the other person, you also need to have the ability to be equal with him. Because of this kind of love, it is more stable.

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