
Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

author:Xiao Fan is not picky eater

After reading "Anna Karenina", I think that probably every woman aspires to become Anna Karenina, her face is as beautiful as the most beautiful work of art in the world, her eminent lineage flows with aristocratic blood, she is in the limelight wherever she goes, and she has countless social resources. Anna is a delicate red rose, the dream of countless men.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna Karenina

Love is completely unreasonable, when people fall in love will become crazy and dangerous, when a person can abandon everything for love, the worldly vision and moral shackles will be useless. Anna originally had a happy and solid family, her husband had the power and status that men most desired, her son was smart and lovely, and Anna had countless things that women longed for in their lives but could not dream of.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

If you were a noblewoman of high society, if you were God's darling, if you lived a privileged life every day, would you always enjoy it in such a materialistic and drunken fandom, or would you elope for love like Anna? When Vronsky appeared in Anna's world, everything changed.

I will always believe in love at first sight in this world, and I believe in a thousand years at a glance. Vronsky, a young officer from an aristocratic family, was completely overwhelmed by the moment when he saw Anna, and there was no reason for this love. The man who fights for love is admirable, but when such love destroys the integrity of a family, morality and ethics will make people despise him.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna also has her righteous husband, Karenin, whose relationship is protected by law, witnessed by relatives and friends, and blessed by friends. When Vronsky braved the snowstorm to chase him from Moscow to Petersburg, he had the identity of a junior who interfered in someone else's marriage and destroyed someone else's family.

But Vronsky did not want to see Anna, a fairy-like beauty, and a bad old man with an ugly and short body, and Karenin was indeed an ugly dwarf compared to the handsome Vronsky. Perhaps no one would think that Karenin was worthy of the rose-like charming Anna.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Vronsky is confident in his own appearance, he is no longer because of moral constraints and the contempt of others, he only wants his true love, he wants Anna to belong to himself. So he did not hesitate and desperately plunged into the river of love, like a moth to a fire.

In the eyes of outsiders Anna is the most honorable noblewoman, her behavior is dignified and elegant, no one knows that her heart is full of rebellious and restless elves, everyone is amazed by her beauty and nobility, perhaps no one will ever feel that Anna's life is not so happy, the world's precious wine she can enjoy every day, wealth and glory is also the most ordinary but easy to get, no one knows that her husband Karenin is only a dependence between relatives, not love.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust


When Vronsky suddenly broke into her life, she felt that this man was full of manly charm and infinite gushing hormones, and she fell. How can Karenin's ugly appearance and five short stature be compared to Those of Vronsky, who floated out of the wind in Yushu? Two people standing together, one in the sky and one on the ground, are incomparable.

No woman can refuse true love, even if it is taboo in the moral judgment of the world's eyes. In the face of Vronsky's fierce attack and desperate pursuit, Anna, who was also emotional, did not refuse, she wanted to refuse to meet back, wanted to catch the old, the two people played a game of cat and mouse, and finally the two people fell into each other's infinite love.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna finally made a difficult choice, she gave up her family and morality, he wanted to be with Vronsky, no matter how others scolded her behind her back, she also had to throw herself into Vronsky's warm embrace. If life is a candle, they will burn it for each other.

But love that is not accepted by the world and is not morally recognized must have to pay a huge price. The young and promising Vronsky lost hope of career development, and Anna, who danced well in the aristocratic circles with long sleeves, was also squeezed out by the people who used to surround her. One is a dragon and phoenix among people, the other is a social celebrity, but they are all exiled by the original circle, and they have to live in isolation, from the center of the stage of the crowd, into the city crowd, falling from the clouds into the trough.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

When the tide of love gradually subsides, when the fireworks are burned out, only the fireworks of the human world remain, all love will border life, and gradually only life remains. Vronsky's situation is a little better, he also began to devote himself to his career, constantly participating in socializing and socializing, which will undoubtedly cause snubbing and neglect of Anna, Anna who has lost everything is like a pet that has been raised, trapped in the cage of love, she is slowly exhausted.

Anna began to wonder if Vronsky's love for her was still the same as before, and her distrust and endless interrogation made Vronsky unbearable, and a quarrel inevitably broke out, like a war. A child may be reconciled when they fight, but the love that has cracks is doomed to be difficult to heal.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna's neurotic love pressed against Vronsky's heart, making it difficult for him to breathe. The perfect Anna in Vronsky's heart has lost the radiance of a goddess, she does not seem to be as cute as she thinks, she seems to be no longer gentle and elegant and intellectually charming. Vronsky felt that Anna now resembled a menopausal shrew, and her negativity and depravity were like a poem of resentment with a thousand lines, and no one could bear this repressed feeling.

Vronsky began to escape, he wanted a separate space to soothe the tense nerves, but in Anna's opinion, Vronsky had grown tired of himself. How desperate Anna had been to be with Vronsky, how disheartened she was now, she felt that Vronsky had lost her hot love for her, and now Vronsky was like a cold stone, Anna was completely heartbroken, and she wanted to take revenge on this negative man.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna's last nerves seemed to have gone haywire, and she came to the original station alone, and their love began here and will end here. Anna's eyes were confused, and she looked at the speeding train as if she saw the love that had surged towards her, so she did not hesitate to jump. Poignant snowflakes bloomed in the air like roses blooming in the night, and the cold rails solidified her last heartbeat.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Anna is like a moth to the fire, which is true in the face of love at first, and it is also true in the face of death in the end, she does not want her love to die in the endless quarrels and the increasingly alienated coldness of Vronsky, and she uses the end of her life to freeze her love forever before death. Vronsky and Karenin, who had heard the bad news, rushed to the station like crazy beasts, but the dream lover of countless people had become a pile of bones.

Two men who were deeply in love with Anna lost their love, Vronsky completely collapsed, a bloody scar appeared in his heart, and the rest of his life would be accompanied by pain. Karenin took away Vronsky with the daughter born to Anna, and he forgave Anna for his betrayal, the ugly and low man, a real man.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

After being deeply shocked, Vronsky could not get out of the shadow of Anna's martyrdom, and his heart died with Anna, so he wanted to kill himself to end his life, but he was saved several times. The distraught Vronsky threw himself into the cause of the revolution, and he was ready to shed blood and die in the war.

Anna yearns for true love, she can give up glory and wealth for love, can give up fame and morality, she gave everything she had to pursue love, but died because of love, her life is beautiful thrilling, her life is gorgeous like the bloom of fireworks, after a short period of brilliance is the bleak end, such love is incomparably poignant, but also moving.

Anna Karenina, blooming for love as beautiful as a rose, withered as dim as pyrotechnic dust

Would you give up everything for love? Will you leave the insults and moral criticisms of others behind you and devote yourself to the embrace of love?

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