
Read a little note from Anna Karenina

author:Wang Xixi

Anna Karenina is the work of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, which is a huge work.

Read a little note from Anna Karenina

When I began to write my reading notes, I found that no matter how carefully I revised it, no matter how much I repeatedly consulted the original book and materials for the correctness of the narrative, I could not fully describe the charm of the book in a way that I was satisfied with.

Now it can only be written superficially, it is a story of Russian high society, in which two main lines of love run parallel and depict the social environment of the time.

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Anna and Vronsky meet at the station and end up at the station.

Watching the death of the roadman give Anna a big shock, and at the beginning she said that it was a "bad omen".

In the end, Anna committed suicide, and Vronsky became a volunteer soldier with the wish of death.

Anna was once nearly courted by her husband's men.

After she told her husband Karenin about it, Karenin simply said that it was an extremely normal thing in social life.

This time Anna and Vronsky knew each other, and she did not tell her husband.

At first, Anna also avoided Vronsky.

When she had mediated her brother Obronsky and Torrey, returned to St. Petersburg, and saw Vronsky on the train, there was light in her eyes, but she was also depressed.

Until at Mrs. Persett's house, Vronsky and Anna were away from the crowd and chatting in a corner.

Karenin came to visit, and the two of them were still together, and the impression that everyone felt that this was not a system was cared for by Karenin.

Karenin didn't care that they were chatting together, he felt that there was no place for disunity.

Later, because of this matter, he talked to Anna because everyone felt that this was not a system, and he asked Anna to pay attention for his own image.

Anna had hoped that her husband would say something else at this point, but no, and her husband's snoring sounded all around.

So Anna's love fire was ignited, she no longer blocked her feelings for Vronsky, met him everywhere, and Began to chase love with Vronsky.

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Ji Di and Levin's love story ends in comedy, but they are not smooth sailing.

When Levin proposed to Ji Di for the first time, he was rejected.

At that time, Ji Di and her mother were more inclined to Vronsky, a dancing boy who looked promising.

Levin was rejected, felt insulted, never wanted to get married again, and returned to the countryside to continue his agricultural life.

Vronsky also arrived at the time to propose to Ji Di, who was expecting Vronsky's marriage proposal and did not wait.

Vronsky followed Anna to Petersburg, and Gidy was also emotionally injured, and she felt insulted.

This insult and remorse came together, and she became ill, very sick, and the family went to a nursing home abroad.

In the nursing home, Ji Di was attracted to Hua Lun Jia, and they became good sisters, and in the relationship with Hua Lun Jia, Ji Di grew up.

[Rose] They both put their love aside for the time being, but those who have a relationship will eventually meet. [Rose]

Levin and Ji Di have each other in their hearts, and in the end they finally get married.

After marriage, Ji Di and Levin also had love troubles, and their solution to this trouble is also very interesting.

Levin's friend Obronsky brought a guest, Wislovsky.

The guest's days at Levin's house made Levin very uncomfortable.

Veslovsky looked at Ji Di, smiled at Ji Di, and talked to Ji Di, all of which made Levin jealous.

The couple quarreled more and more, they were both in pain, and finally in order to solve the matter that made them unhappy, Levin directly drove away Wislovsky.

The thing that made Ji Di feel jealous was that Levin saw Anna.

Levin was immediately fascinated by Anna, and when he returned home, Ji Di felt his change.

When they talked about Anna, they quarreled, and in the end they talked openly and honestly for a long time as they had done before, and decided to avoid seeing Anna again.

The way they deal with love troubles is to communicate, communicate deeply, say how they feel about each other, and finally come up with a solution together and implement it.

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The love story is told in the pen of Leo Tolstoy.

But what I care more about is the whole social outlook that he writes about from the love story, the macroscopic scenes, the microscopic portrayals, the current situation of society, the changes of everyone, all alive.

It seems that that society is as Leo Tolstoy shows.

It is as if from this work we see Leo Tolstoy himself, his contradictions, his conflicts, his thinking.

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