
Zhang Yixing Weibo changed its name to Zhang Yixing? It took a whole decade to prove myself

author:Big fish big entertainment

In the early morning of April 9, 2022, Zhang Yixing's Weibo name was changed back to his real name Zhang Yixing from "Hard Work And Hard X".

Zhang Yixing Weibo changed its name to Zhang Yixing? It took a whole decade to prove myself

Zhang Yixing's Weibo suddenly changed back to his real name? It means that Zhang Yixing will be an independent artist after that and start his own lonely road.

I remember that he once said something like this at the awards ceremony: I hope to tell more people younger than us, work hard and work hard, your efforts today determine the height of your future standing, and the place you stand determines what kind of scenery you see.

Zhang Yixing Weibo changed its name to Zhang Yixing? It took a whole decade to prove myself

Following Zhang Yixing's Weibo name change, fans expressed their love for Zhang Yixing in Zhang Yixing's super words, and Zhang Yixing's guidance to them.

Ten years to draw a blueprint for life, when the sweat of hard work crosses the day and night, you use your strength to prove that "dreams" are not ridiculous, behind the glory, from countless falls and countless persistence. At the intersection of countless choices, he never gave up the courage to explore and practice the unknown, and never lay down in this dream journey across mountains and seas.

When the effort becomes a label, when the choice is not understood, when the dream is maliciously ridiculed, you never explain too much, but use the perseverance and strength of too ordinary people to repel the denigration one by one, with a well-deserved report card, proving that the strong are the casters of dreams, not the salted fish without dreams.

Zhang Yixing Weibo changed its name to Zhang Yixing? It took a whole decade to prove myself

Today, we have jointly ushered in a new starting point in Zhang Yixing's life, life is not a single trajectory, but a vast wilderness, may you run forward freely, looking for your own world, Xback has always been behind you, always support you.

Yesterday, April 8, the day zhang Yixing's contract expired, and it was also the tenth anniversary of EXO's debut, Zhang Yixing uploaded a handwritten letter.

The letter expressed his love for EXO, his love for music, and his love for the stage.

Zhang Yixing Weibo changed its name to Zhang Yixing? It took a whole decade to prove myself

Expressed that he is a very lucky person, from an ordinary family, ordinary height, ordinary conditions, ordinary self, in the time when everyone is working hard, he has gained the opportunity to stand on the stage because of more luck, so he uses every day after that to thank this luck, and strives to be worthy of this luck.

And this effort took a full decade, and now Weibo has changed its name to Zhang Yixing, which is a release of self and a release of this luck.

Hello, Zhang Yixing. It's a pleasure to meet you "from scratch"!

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