
70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

author:The little fish come ashore


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Have you heard? The hot superstar Jackie Chan, his new masterpiece "Legend" is about to explode on July 12.

This is the second time he and director Tang Jili have teamed up since "Myth" in 2005, and it makes people's blood boil when they think about it, which is really a highlight of the summer movie file.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

This time, Jackie Chan is not the youth idol he used to be, he brings high-tech special effects, and together with Zhang Yixing and Nazha, he shows his strength in the new field of film.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

Not to mention the magnificent scenery of Xinjiang in the movie, it is simply a visual gluttonous feast.

Not only that, Jackie Chan is very busy now, and there are seven new movies in preparation.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

Among them is "My Diary", which he directed and acted in.

Did you know that the film has been filmed since 2018 and is now in post-production.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

Andy Lau, Jiang Wenli and other old actors, as well as the joining of new actor Xu Ruohan, this lineup is simply too luxurious.

Speaking of Xu Ruohan, this little girl is only 20 years old, and she has already shined in "Infinite Transcendence Class", and even Wu Zhenyu is full of praise for her.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

It seems that Jackie Chan has really dug up a treasure this time.

In addition, Jackie Chan's "New Dragon Boy" is also highly anticipated.

The movie was originally called "Kung Fu Dream 2" and was a sequel to 1984's "Longwei Kid".

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

Although it has been postponed to 2025 for various reasons, the cooperation between Jackie Chan and Will Smith's son Jaden Smith has made this movie hot before it is released.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

With the "Kung Fu Dream" franchise grossing $3.6 billion worldwide, can this sequel be another success? We'll see.

Don't forget Jackie Chan's "Strange Family".

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

The film focuses on the issue of the original family, and Jackie Chan teamed up with Peng Yuchang and Zhang Jianing to interpret the generation gap and conflict between the two generations.

The film was completed in May this year and is expected to be released within the year.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

It seems that Jackie Chan is going to bring us a different non-action movie this time.

The performances of Peng Yuchang and Zhang Jianing are also highly anticipated.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

In the new chapter of Jackie Chan's movie, "Zodiac 2" is undoubtedly the most watched.

This sequel has been 12 years since the first work, but the previous work was 91.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

The box office result of 200 million is still talked about.

Will this new work re-enable the "Dragon Girl Who Can Fight"? This is the focus of attention from the outside world.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

So far, seven zodiac animal heads have been recovered, but five more are scattered around the world.

Jackie Chan hopes that through this movie, more people can pay attention to and help recover these precious cultural relics.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

The next "Gift of the Forest" is also highly anticipated.

The film was directed and co-written by Jackie Chan, and is even more notable for his first collaboration with Wu Jing.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

The newly joined young actor Wen Shen also brought a new atmosphere to the film.

The film is said to be a perfect blend of action scenes and family affection, with a special emphasis on the deep bond between father and daughter.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

It seems that Wu Jing is going to face an unprecedented performance challenge this time.

Also, the movie "Plan P" is also not to be missed.

The starring combination of Jackie Chan and Wei Xiang, coupled with the perfect combination of action and comedy elements, is simply addictive.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

The film was already on sale in August, and it is scheduled to be released before the end of the year.

The addition of the new dragon girl Pan Junya also injected new vitality into the movie.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

I believe that it will definitely bring endless laughter and surprises to the audience at that time.

In addition to these new films, Jackie Chan also actively participated in the production of "New Police Story 2" and "Red Fan District 2".

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

It seems that although he is over 70 years old, he still maintains a full enthusiasm for work.

His movie schedule is full, and this spirit is really admirable.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

At the scene of the filming of "Legend", Jackie Chan was full of praise for Zhang Yixing's action performance, and joked that he had found a "successor".

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

Although Jackie Chan himself has no plans to retire, his encouragement and guidance to young actors really inherits the spirit of filmmakers and shows his demeanor as a "big brother" in the film industry.

70-year-old Jackie Chan, 8 movies to be broadcast, two dragon girls are fresh and refined, and Zhang Yixing is designated to take over

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