
Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

Introduction: Before Xiao Ran and the Itch Rats introduced the specific gameplay of the April theme activity [Residual River Night], as well as the bonus content in the store. The image presented by the skin exchange office is a silhouette drawing, on the grounds that the art team has not yet completed the repair.

It is understood that at present, the Skin of the Night Knife God has been designed and finally revealed its true face. Xiao Ran looked at it roughly, and thought that the overall image was not bad, at least compared to the original skin, it was from another angle that highlighted the charm of the night knife god.

Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

"The image is more youthful, this wave is the juvenile version of the Night Knife God"

If I were to let Xiao Ran evaluate this skin, I would personally give it a score that far exceeded the passing line. Unlike the original skin's polite and gentle image, "The End of the Scene" may be more "enchanting"? After all, every itchy rat can get the art team wants to highlight the night knife god monster element, in addition, is the modeling of the face, the skin of the night knife god looks younger, to borrow a phrase from the itch mouse to describe is "this wave, is the year under the night knife god."

Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

One thing to say is that since the middle of 2021, the art team has gradually paid attention to the facial expression of the image of the god, even if a skin is designed to pull the crotch and the lines are rough, but in any case, the face will never be flawed, and the "end of the scene" will certainly not be an exception. However, some itchy rats think that this face is a bit too "beautified", how to really be benevolent and wise, after all, each itchy rat tastes a skin Aesthetic and starting angle is different, it is difficult to judge who is right and who is wrong.

Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

"Pleasing color scheme and stunning wing design"

Having said that the face design, then let's take a look at the overall image of this skin. As mentioned above, the "End of the Curtain Scene" is mainly to highlight the side of the Element of the Night Knife God Monster, and the specific feedback product is the large bat wings contained in the skin. After all, the Night Knife God is originally a style god shaped from the bat model, and the art group has this kind of thinking that can also be understood, in addition, the tattered shape at the hem of the clothes and the black and white color matching are combined with each other very well, which can make people instantly get the sense of ruin exclusive to the monster.

Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

Xiao Ran I actually like this pair of large wings in the skin, from the modeling point of view, it even if it moves, there is no mold piercing phenomenon, although the appearance of the itchy rats is slightly stiff, but think carefully about the bat wings originally have no soft feathers, the overall atmosphere is so understandable. As for the color matching, it is a must, blue + red can make the black and white clothing look less monotonous, and the contrast with the skin's clothing is also

Yin-Yang Division: Night Knife God Skin Debut! The quality is good, but the player is addicted to the "98 text terrier"

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