
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

author:19K Pure Entertainment


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The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Text|19K Pure Entertainment

Editor|19K Pure Entertainment

Some people say that Dong Yuhui is an "Internet celebrity", but he relied on the platform of Oriental Selection to gain popularity. However, which "Internet celebrity" have you ever seen that can make a media outlet so "fascinated" and enjoy posting 27 related videos in a row?

Which "Internet celebrity" have you ever seen that can get a local government department to come forward to "refute rumors" for him? What's more interesting is that which media outlet have you seen with a higher number of followers than likes? What the hell is wrong with this world? Let's take a look at what kind of mystery is hidden behind this farce.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Dong Yuhui: There are many people who are popular, and every move is a turmoil

In this era of information explosion, it is not easy to become a "top stream". But Dong Yuhui did it.

This anchor selected from the East, with his unique live broadcast style and outstanding eloquence, has become the object of countless people's pursuit in just a few months. It can be said that "overnight fame is known to the world", but this "overnight" came extremely long and hard.

However, the price of fame is the loss of a peaceful life. Dong Yuhui's every move has become the focus of public attention. Even his travel to Hubei and Shanxi can cause an uproar.

"Red Star Capital Bureau": Questioning constantly, self-defeating

Speaking of the initiator of this turmoil, it is none other than "Red Star Capital Bureau". This media seems to be particularly "interested" by Dong Yuhui, and has published many reports about him one after another.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

First of all, Dong Yuhui made a big show in Hubei, and he looked like a "big-name star". The result? The local cultural and tourism department and netizens on the scene stood up to refute the rumors.

It turned out that because there were too many onlookers, security personnel were arranged for safety reasons. Moreover, the cost is still paid by Dong Yuhui's team out of his own pocket. In this wave of operations, "Red Star Capital Bureau" can be described as self-inflicted.

Immediately afterwards, they broke the news that Dong Yuhui's trip to Shanxi had not been approved by the relevant departments. It's a hornet's nest! Shanxi's cultural and tourism department personally came forward to denounce "Red Star Capital Bureau" for "taking quotes out of context, malicious editing, winning eyeballs, and what is the intention".

Yuncheng Cultural Tourism even posted a long article, explaining the ins and outs, causes and consequences of Dong Yuhui's trip to the west of the mountain clearly. After this operation, "Red Star Capital Bureau" can be described as disgraced, and in the end it could only delete the relevant reports in a gloomy manner.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

However, it is interesting that "Red Star Capital Bureau" does not seem to stop there. According to the statistics of a sharp-eyed netizen, there are as many as 27 videos about Dong Yuhui on their account. What is this concept? You know, even Dong Yuhui's own Douyin account doesn't have so many videos about himself!

What's even more outrageous is that they also used the same title and the same copy for two consecutive days to repost a video about Dongfang Selection's anchor complaining in the live broadcast room. This kind of behavior, in the words of netizens, is: "How idle are you?"

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Data anomaly: The number of followers is higher than the number of likes? It's a bit of a strange thing

Just when netizens watched this farce with relish, someone suddenly discovered an even more interesting phenomenon.

On the official account of "Red Star Capital Bureau", the number of fans is as high as 5.3 million, but the number of likes is only about 3 million. What's going on? The number of fans is actually higher than the number of likes? And the difference between the two is almost 2 million?

This situation can be said to be unheard of in today's self-media industry. You know, generally speaking, the number of likes on an account usually far exceeds the number of followers. After all, not everyone who has seen your video will become your follower, but as long as the content is engaging enough, it's still easy to like.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

For comparison, let's take a look at some of the other media accounts:

Jiangbei Rong Media in Ningbo City has less than one million fans, but the number of likes is close to 100 million.
Bijie's small media "Straight to the People" has only 140,000 fans, but it is 2.3 million more than the likes of "Red Star Capital Bureau".

The most outrageous thing is that we found a media "Nanchang Evening News" with a similar number of fans to compare. The number of fans of "Nanchang Evening News" is 4.37 million, which is only hundreds of thousands less than that of "Red Star Capital Bureau". However, it has as many as 370 million likes, which is more than 120 times that of "Red Star Capital Bureau"!

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Seeing this, I believe everyone like me will have a question: Where did the fans of "Red Star Capital Bureau" come from? Could it be... Bought?

Netizens are hotly discussed: doubts are everywhere, and laughter continues

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet. Some netizens believe that "Red Star Capital Bureau" is deliberately hyping Dong Yuhui and trying to gain popularity:

"This media is too low, and it continues to report on others and report errors, is it too lacking in traffic?"
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Some netizens also expressed doubts about the data of "Red Star Capital Bureau":

"5.3 million followers, 3 million likes, this data is too fake, right? My grandfather downstairs who sells pancakes and fruits is better than this!"

Some netizens expressed concern about the credibility of the media:

"As a media, I can't even do the most basic verification, and I continue to publish false information, which really makes people feel sad about the current media environment."
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Of course, there are also some netizens who stand in the perspective of "Red Star Capital Bureau" and defend them:

Maybe it's because their audience is more specific and doesn't like likes very much? I don't think that's the right thing to say. "

However, this voice was quickly refuted by other netizens:

"So according to you, their audience is a 'silent audience' who only watches and doesn't click, so how did they become fans? Was it forced?"
The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Some netizens simply joked:

"I think "Red Star Capital Bureau" can apply for Guinness World Records, after all, there is such a strange thing as 'more fans than likes', and it is estimated that they can do it."

Conclusion: There is only one truth, it depends on whether you believe it or not

Looking back on the whole incident, it is not difficult for us to find that "Red Star Capital Bureau" played a rather embarrassing role in this farce.

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

They tried to gain traffic by frequently reporting on Dong Yuhui, but they repeatedly humiliated themselves because they lacked the basic spirit of verification. What's worse is that the abnormal data on their account has raised questions about its authenticity.

As a media outlet, credibility should be the most valuable asset. However, the behavior of "Red Star Capital Bureau" makes people wonder: are they doing news or "business"?

The more noisy it is, the bigger it gets! questioned Dong Yuhui's "Red Star Capital Bureau", and netizens found that his account data was abnormal

Finally, to borrow a famous quote from "Detective Conan" - "There is only one truth". I hope that "Red Star Capital Bureau" can make a reasonable explanation for this matter, and also let us people who eat melons be able to solve the doubts in our hearts.

So, dear readers, what do you think about this? Do you think Red Star Capital's behavior is a normal media report, or is it a deliberate hype? How do you explain the anomalous data on their accounts? Feel free to leave a message in the comment section and let's discuss this interesting topic together!

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