
It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

author:Representative of Excellence
It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!
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It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Under the gorgeous stage lighting, Liu Huan has conquered countless audiences with his unique voice and talent. Now, however, he needs to stagger forward on crutches.

This once high-spirited singer suffered from necrosis of the femoral head due to long-term alcoholism, and this incurable disease is ruthlessly eroding his health.

When Liu Huan appeared in the public eye for the last time, his long flowing hair could not hide his tired look. This musical genius, who created classics such as "The Crooked Moon" and "The Ending Song of the Yongzheng Dynasty", is now mired in alcohol and illness, and it is difficult to extricate himself.

What is it that led this talented musician to embark on this point of no return? Let's unravel this heart-wrenching mystery and find out how alcohol consumed a generation of geniuses.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

In the golden age of Chinese pop music, Liu Huan rose rapidly with his unique voice and profound musical skills. His vocals are magnetic and his songs are soulful and moving, and he soon became a dazzling new star in the music world.

However, a turning point of fate quietly came in 1991.

That year, an area was hit by severe flooding. With a sense of responsibility to the society, Liu Huan and several like-minded friends in the literary and art circles established a non-official organization to raise relief materials for the affected people through charity performances.

In the beginning, everything went smoothly, the donations continued to accumulate, and the beneficiaries felt the warmth of the society.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

However, the unexpected soon struck. In a large-scale charity performance hosted by CCTV, due to poor communication, Liu Huan was late and the program was forced to adjust. To make matters worse, he found his backpack missing after the show.

With anger and grievances, Liu Huan went to the relevant departments the next day to ask for an explanation, but encountered an inexplicable "blocking" statement.

Although this statement was quickly retracted, Liu Huan's wonderful performance at the subsequent awards ceremony was ruthlessly cut. For a while, rumors spread everywhere, and the news of "Liu Huan was blocked" was widely circulated inside and outside the industry.

This once beautiful music genius seems to have been beaten into the cold palace overnight.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Just when people were looking forward to when Liu Huan would return to the screen, director Feng Xiaogang reached out to help. He resolutely entrusted the soundtrack of the new film to Liu Huan, giving the musician a chance to prove himself again.

In the face of this hard-won opportunity, Liu Huan devoted all his efforts to create a series of excellent works. Songs such as "The Crooked Moon" and "Yongzheng Dynasty Ending Song" quickly spread all over the streets and alleys, once again proving his musical talent.

These works not only helped Liu Huan regain his footing, but also won him more loyal fans.

However, just as Liu Huan's career was back on track, a bigger crisis was quietly approaching. Alcohol, the "friend" he once regarded as a source of inspiration, began to show its dangerous side.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Liu Huan did not realize that he was heading for a path full of unknown risks, and this path would completely change the trajectory of his life.

After returning to the music scene, Liu Huan should have devoted himself to music creation and cherished the hard-won second spring. However, he unwittingly fell into a dangerous vortex - the temptation of alcohol.

In a chat with the famous host Shui Junyi, Liu Huan inadvertently revealed his obsession with wine. On that unforgettable night, the two pushed their glasses and changed lamps, chatting from dusk to the next morning.

The wine bottles scattered on the ground silently witnessed their booze, but Liu Huan was not drunk at all, but believed that wine was an excellent partner to enhance communication and inspire inspiration.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

This obsession with alcohol gradually evolved into a dangerous dependence. Liu Huan began to drink heavily in his creations, believing that this would inspire him. However, he overlooked a crucial principle – drinking in moderation.

Long-term excessive alcohol consumption leads to the accumulation of ethanol in the body, which not only increases blood lipids and impairs liver function, but also may lead to blood vessel blockage, and eventually triggers necrosis of the femoral head that is difficult to reverse.

In 2004, when Liu Huan was devoting himself to preparing for a solo concert, fate gave him his first warning. During the intense rehearsal process, he suddenly felt discomfort in his right thigh, and he often experienced painful symptoms.

However, due to the limited medical technology at the time and his dedication to concerts, this warning was easily ignored.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Only half a month later, the leg disease miraculously healed itself, which further strengthened Liu Huan's luck mentality, thinking that it was just a small episode in physical training. However, 2009 was the turning point when he really realized the seriousness of the problem.

That year, Liu Huan accompanied her daughter to study in the United States. One day, while sorting through his belongings, he suddenly lost sensation in his right leg and fell to the ground without warning. At first, I thought it was just a minor problem, but the symptoms did not improve after a few days.

In desperation, Liu Huan went to the hospital and got a thunderbolt diagnosis: due to long-term excessive drinking and past trauma, he had suffered from severe avascular necrosis of the femoral head.

This diagnosis was like a hammer, hitting Liu Huan hard in the heart. After a period of ineffective conservative treatment, he had to undergo an artificial hip replacement of his right leg.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Although surgery brought short-term relief, it could not cure the disease. Whenever the illness returned, the pain was so severe that the once-spirited singer had to rely on crutches and a wheelchair.

Faced with such a predicament, Liu Huan began to reflect on his lifestyle. However, years of alcohol addiction have taken root, and the road to quitting alcohol is extremely difficult. He began to reduce the number of public appearances, but in private he still couldn't shake off the temptation of alcohol.

This situation left Liu Huan in a vicious circle: alcoholism led to deterioration of health, and health problems exacerbated his dependence on alcohol. The once radiant musical talent who stood on the stage is now depressed by the double torture of alcohol and illness.

Liu Huan's story is not only a personal tragedy of a musician, but also a warning about talent and destruction, desire and restraint. It reminds us that even the most brilliant artists need to find a balance between inspiration and self-discipline.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Otherwise, talent will eventually be swallowed up by years and vices.

In Liu Huan's ups and downs in life, there is one person who has always been by his side, and that is his wife Lu Lu. Their love story is legendary, from acquaintance to marriage in just nine days, but the 33-year marriage chapter has been written.

In 1991, the gears of fate quietly turned, intertwining the life trajectories of Liu Huan and Lu Lu. At that time, Liu Huan was already a rising star in the music industry, and Lu Lu was the head of Hunan Satellite TV, and also served as the assistant director of the party.

The two met at work, and in the process of preparing for the party together, the spark of love quickly bloomed. After the party, Liu Huan plucked up the courage to invite Lu Lu to travel together, but he didn't expect Lu Lu to accept it happily.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Just as the trip was about to end, Liu Huan suddenly got down on one knee and proposed to Lu Lu, opening a new chapter in their love.

However, their marriage was not all smooth sailing. On the day of receiving the marriage license, a ridiculous episode occurred. Liu Huan was worried that the heavy rain would make Lu Lu catch a cold, so he came to the Civil Affairs Bureau alone.

It wasn't until the staff asked where the bride was that it dawned on him that two people needed to be present at the same time to register the marriage. This oolong incident has become an interesting story that they are often joked about after marriage, and it has also become a warm memory in their love.

Naming their daughter is also an interesting experience in Liu Huan and Lu Lu's married life. After careful consideration, Liu Huan decided to name her daughter "A Trace", which means that she hopes that her daughter can stick to herself and not be disturbed by the outside world.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

However, he neglected his surname, and the name "Liu Yisi" caused a lot of trouble for his daughter. In the end, under the joint discussion of the family, the daughter decided to change her name to "Liu Yisi", which not only retained the beautiful meaning of her father, but also avoided embarrassment.

For 33 years, Lu Lu has been Liu Huan's strong backing. She is an all-round woman who navigates between career and family. It is precisely because of her silent dedication that Liu Huan can devote herself to the music career without worries.

However, as time passed, Liu Huan's alcoholism gradually became the biggest obstacle in their marriage.

Lu Lu tactfully persuaded her husband many times, hoping that her husband would quit drinking, but with little success. It wasn't until Liu Huan suffered from necrosis of the femoral head that Lu Lu made up his mind to strictly prohibit him from continuing to drink.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

However, in the face of deep-rooted alcohol addiction, Liu Huan still has difficulty completely quitting, and he believes that life without alcohol will lose its luster.

This kind of persistence made Lu Lu feel distressed and helpless, but she never gave up, but chose to silently guard her husband's side and give endless support and love. She accompanied Liu Huan through countless painful nights, took care of his daily life, and encouraged him to continue his music creation.

With Lu Lu's persistence and dedication, although their marriage has gone through ups and downs, it is still as strong as ever.

Faced with the growing health crisis and the unremitting dissuasion of his family, Liu Huan fell into a deep contradiction. On the one hand, he is soberly aware of the great harm that alcohol does to his body; On the other hand, he couldn't let go of the inspiration and pleasure that alcohol brings.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

This kind of inner struggle has tormented this once high-spirited musician.

Despite the deterioration of her health, Liu Huan still persevered in her music creation. He incorporated his pain and struggles into his songs, creating works that are deeper and more vibrant.

However, whenever he immersed himself in his creations, the temptation of alcohol became extraordinarily strong. He often writes under the influence of alcohol, believing that this will inspire and make the music more vivid.

Lu Lu saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart. She strives to create an alcohol-free family environment and hopes to help her husband quit drinking. She accompanied Liu Huan to various rehabilitation treatments and encouraged him to turn his attention to music creation.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

However, whenever Liu Huan encounters a creative bottleneck or feels unwell, he can't help but want to use wine to drown his sorrows.

This situation has left Liu Huan in a vicious circle that is difficult to get rid of: alcoholism leads to continuous deterioration of health, and health problems exacerbate his dependence on alcohol.

Over time, he began to fade out of public view and made fewer public appearances.

However, even in such a difficult moment, Liu Huan still did not give up music. In his recording studio at home, he continues to create new works, as if only in music can he temporarily forget his pain and find his old self.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

This dedication to music became the only motivation for him to persevere in the face of difficulties.

In this difficult struggle against alcohol, Liu Huan was sometimes sober, sometimes sinking. His story is not only a personal tragedy, but also a reflection of the difficult balance that many artists find between talent and destruction, inspiration and self-control.

Today's Liu Huan, although his physical condition is not optimistic, his music dream has never been extinguished. His family, friends, and many fans are eagerly awaiting him to overcome his addiction and get back on the path of health.

However, the road to quitting alcohol is long and arduous and requires great perseverance and determination.

It turns out! Liu Huan, a singer who was once high-spirited, fell ill because he liked to drink too much!

Liu Huan's story is not only a personal tragedy of a musician, but also an allegory about talent and self-control, desire and restraint. It reminds us that even the most brilliant artists need to find a balance between the pursuit of inspiration and self-discipline.

Despite the difficult road ahead, Liu Huan did not give up hope. He is struggling to adjust his lifestyle and seek professional help to quit alcohol. At the same time, he is also thinking about how to transform his experience into new creative inspiration, using music to tell his struggle and rebirth.

We look forward to seeing a healthy and energetic Liu Huan on stage again one day. At that time, his singing voice will no longer be accompanied by the bitterness of alcohol, but will be filled with a love of life and a pure pursuit of music.

This unfinished movement needs to be composed by Liu Huan, his family and all those who care about him. Let us all wish this music giant a speedy recovery, create new achievements, and write a new chapter in Chinese pop music.

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