
Pregnancy weight gain formula, expectant mothers come to test

What is the standard for maternal weight gain?

Pregnancy weight gain formula, expectant mothers come to test

With this formula, pregnant mothers themselves can also be counted at home ~ Pregnant mothers first need to know their pre-pregnancy weight, so as to calculate the body mass index BMI value, which is used to measure obesity.

BMI = weight / (height * 2) I think everyone knows that the health of pregnant mothers during pregnancy is also related to the health of the fetus.

Whether the weight of pregnant mothers during pregnancy is too light or too heavy, it will cause harm to the fetus.

Hazards of underweight during pregnancy:

Pregnancy weight gain formula, expectant mothers come to test

1, affecting fetal development Some pregnant mothers do not meet the weight standard before pregnancy, the nutrition intake during pregnancy is insufficient, and the nutrition provided by the mother to the fetus is far from meeting the needs of the fetus.

The growth of the fetus can not be interrupted, in this case, not only the weight of the pregnant mother is not up to standard, but also affects the normal growth and development of the baby.

2. Improve the mortality rate of the fetus The weight of the pregnant mother is too light, which will increase the possibility of premature birth of the fetus.

After the fetus is born, it may be a low-weight baby, often accompanied by symptoms such as malnutrition, low resistance, and easy to get sick.

Hazards of excessive weight during pregnancy:

Pregnancy weight gain formula, expectant mothers come to test

1. Fetal baby lack of oxygen Pregnant mothers are overweight and overnutrition, which will lead to the risk of hypoxia in the baby in the womb.

2, fetal malformations during pregnancy to eat too much fish, will make the level of theophenolamines in the body increase. In this case, the baby will have deformities such as cleft lip and palate.

3. Pregnancy hypertension Excessive weight gain during pregnancy, especially in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, is easy to induce pregnancy hypertension.

Pregnant mothers will have high blood pressure, edema and other diseases, which will affect the growth of the fetus and the access to oxygen, resulting in the growth retardation of the fetus and even the stillbirth.

Pregnancy weight gain formula, expectant mothers come to test

4, gestational diabetes For those who love sweets, or have diabetic genes for pregnant mothers, the weight gain during pregnancy is too fast, which will cause the blood sugar value in the blood to rise too fast, thus causing giant baby disease.

5, dystocia Pregnant mother's weight growth is too fast, the fetus will grow stronger. If the fetal baby is too large, there will be difficulty in childbirth. Not only is it dangerous during childbirth, but it is also very harmful to the body of pregnant mothers.

6, postpartum obesity Pregnant mothers in pregnancy weight growth is too fast, in the postpartum will be more difficult to recover, so some mothers will become fatter than pregnant.

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