
Rumor: Sledgehammer Studios began preparing for a new COD work but the theme was undecided

Today (April 13), the famous game writer Tom Henderson posted that Activision's Sledgehammer Studios is already preparing for the new Call of Duty game, but the final game content has not been determined, so insiders did not provide specific game details.

Rumor: Sledgehammer Studios began preparing for a new COD work but the theme was undecided

Tom mentioned in the article that writer Sam Maggs had revealed the new work to the VGC at The New York Comic-Con or a sequel to Call of Duty: Vanguard, but given that call of duty: Vanguard sales did not meet Activision's high-level expectations, the possibility of a new work taking over Call of Duty: Vanguard is unlikely.

Bloomberg has previously reported that Activision believes that the premature launch of the new Call of Duty game will affect the sales of Call of Duty: Vanguard, so it canceled the plan to produce a new work next year, after the Bloomberg report, the Activision spokesperson then said: "We have exciting premium and free Call of Duty experiences this year, next year and beyond. Reports of other aspects are incorrect. We look forward to sharing more details when the time comes. Tom speculates that the two free Call of Duty projects under development mentioned by Activision may be the Warzone mobile game launched before the end of this year and the Warzone 2 next year.

Tom Henderson said: "Motion is seeing the vacancy of the 2023 Annual Goods will also release a third Call of Duty project. No details of the project have been given at the moment, but it is likely to be an independent zombie-themed Call of Duty, which began pre-production last year. In addition, he said that a Call of Duty game developed by Infinity Ward will be released this year, and no more details have been released yet.

Rumor: Sledgehammer Studios began preparing for a new COD work but the theme was undecided

As for the release date of the new work currently being developed by Sledgehammer Studios, Tom quoted insiders as saying that Sledgehammer Studio's new work will be released after 2023, and insiders also said that if the studio can successfully complete the development of the new work by 2025, the Call of Duty New Year model will return to normal.

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