
Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

Water, red, flowers, hemp, spots, wounds.

It is quite easy to read, this is about the time when the rash appears after the onset of the onset of 6 infectious diseases with rashes.

Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

Water, chickenpox, usually a fever on the rash.

Red, scarlet fever, usually fever the next day out of the rash.

Flowers, smallpox, have now been wiped out.

Hemp, measles. A generalized rash appears around the fourth day.

Spots, typhus, rash on the fifth day of the onset of the disease.

Injury, typhoid fever, usually on the 6th day of the onset of the rash.

Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

Needless to say, it really works.

In the early spring of the first year, we had a soldier in our ward, with a high fever, low white blood cells, and no inflammation in the lungs.

Initial diagnosis of fever to be investigated. This is one of the major diseases in internal medicine that needs to be diagnosed: infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors such as blood diseases and the like.

Infectious diseases are reclassified: bacterial, non-bacterial. Bacterial re-division, common pathogenic bacteria, rare pathogenic bacteria. Non-bacterial re-division: viruses, rickettsia, parasites, treponemal, etc. Infectious diseases are the most common.

Therefore, do the examination, draw blood for tests, analyze the test results, and make a differential diagnosis.

After the patient moved in, there were no more symptoms, still high fever, and later, the liver and spleen also began to swell.

High fever, liver and spleen enlargement, the doctor even thought of blood diseases, and also did a bone marrow puncture.

Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

On the fifth day of the patient's illness, the doctor checked the room and found that the patient had a rash on his body.

Supposedly this is a good tip, and the young doctor who tubes the bed approached the attending doctor to explore what the rash was.

However, the attending doctor ignored it.

As soon as she saw the rash, she thought of a drug rash. Because at that time the patient also used antipyretic analgesics.

Therefore, according to the drug rash, I was given a little "dexamethasone", which is a hormone. The next day, the rash subsided. The doctor thought it was a drug rash and treated it correctly. In fact, the rash from infectious diseases will sometimes subside after a day or two.

At this time, the test results came out. Waifei's reaction was strongly positive, positive enough to dilute a row of test tubes or positive.

Diagnosis is clear, typhus. The Waifei's reaction is a more specific test indicator for diagnosing typhus.

Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

Typhus, Rickettsial infection. Rickettsia, larger than viruses, smaller than bacteria. This rickettsia resides in lice or fleas. When the sanitary conditions are poor, some people have lice on their bodies and can infect typhus. Half a month before the onset of the illness, the patient had a history of traveling by train in the north, and it was presumed that it was infected by contact with people with lice on their bodies at that time.

Typhus treatment uses tetracycline and oxytetracycline drugs, and doctors give patients "doxycycline". Now it's time to use "doxycycline".

Water, red, flowers, numbness, spots, wounds, six words to help you identify the infectious disease of the rash

Medicine to disease removal.

After eating doxycycline, the patient's body temperature immediately dropped, and after a day, he did not have a fever, and continued to be treated and discharged from the hospital.

Many infectious diseases that can produce rashes have fever in the early stages, and the symptoms are nothing special, sometimes like a daily cold. The timing of the rash can help us identify. Some patients have come to the clinic after the rash time has passed, and it is helpful to ask about the medical history and review it. After that, we diagnosed typhus patients who had already had a rash, and asked about the medical history.

Well, remember again, water, red, flowers, hemp, spots, wounds.

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