
How to make the boy you like

Tell all the little fairies the truth, it is not difficult to make the boy you like, provided that you have to master the right method.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, it is easy to fall into a passive state when you really like someone, that is to say, it is easy to do some bargaining or "kneeling licking" things because you like each other. Don't think that this phenomenon will only happen to boys, and it is also easy to happen to girls.

If you want the boy you like to like yourself, you must follow the following principles: "Mentality is king" - "Free to retreat" - "Indifferent attitude"

How to make the boy you like

First, let's talk about why mentality is king: In fact, after we meet the person we like, because we like it, we will see the other party as important, so there will be some actions, and even the other party's every move will affect our emotions. No matter how much you like a boy, remember: never let the other person control your emotions, once you have emotional investment in the other person, then there is a good chance that you will be tormented.

How to make the boy you like

"Wise and sensible, you can save yourself." "To use a simple analogy, in the other party has not yet revealed or expressed love to you, as a girl, you must not take the initiative to confess." You can make some jokes with them appropriately, test the other person's reaction, so that even if the other party is not interested in you, you can say: "I am joking, look at you to scare you." Girls' freedom of movement and retreat is manifested in behavior and speech, remember: you can guide boys to confess to you, express their admiration, you can guide the other party to hold your hand, try not to take the initiative to do these things you want to do, otherwise it will seem very cheap.

How to make the boy you like

[Indifferent attitude]: To have the attitude that you like it or not I don't care to contact a boy, the purpose is too strong, often sometimes self-defeating. Especially in front of high-ranking boys, you must not be too impatient. You can take the initiative to ask each other to eat, sing, and play, but remember that there are times, there must be back and forth, otherwise the passive will be yourself, and the inner torment is also yourself.

Finally, I would like to mention one more point: since ancient times, deep affection cannot be retained, and it is often popular with routines. Like a person, want to get him, want to make the other party sincere about you, must learn to use routines.

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