
Handsome, motivated and single-minded men, they want this kind of woman


hi~ Welcome to the new column - Weiwei Q&A.

As the name suggests, micro quiz is shorter and more concise than micro question and answer.

The establishment of this column aims to solve some small problems that are not easy to be selected into the public account. Now the public account questions are getting more and more difficult, more and more long, Xiaobai questions are getting less and less, I thought everyone understood, but after actual observation, I found that novices still have a lot of ignorance of theory in their hearts, or old fans also have a lot of problems in the control of emotional details.

Therefore, I opened this column to answer some small questions in a targeted manner, focusing on theory.

Every Saturday and Sunday, on my big planet, we will use the form of quick questions and answers, everyone will ask questions, I will answer, and at the same time invite some marriage system planners little fairies to answer.

*Title source: Question 1 of this issue


Keywords: cutting cloth male official match

(Source of the title of this issue)

May I ask the doll goddess and teachers, what kind of attribute is the official match of the cloth cutting man? If you want to get the single-mindedness of a cloth cutting man, does the MV have to be very high? Or do you also need girls to maintain a little shearing after marriage?

Doll's answer

The official match of the cloth cutter man is the cloth stone woman, that is, the stone woman whose class money status can crush him. It generally refers to stone women born in the cloth family. If the cloth cutting man wants to be single-minded, he must become a stone scissor man, and the woman must be a big clipper child whose class money status can crush him.

The marriage ruler's reply

Little Fairy (1):

To cut the cloth man out of the stone cut to see the gap between the male and female protagonists of "You Are My Glory"

Little Fairy (2):

Sister, I see that you have only joined the planet for three days, and you are pregnant, and I see that your questions downstairs may also have encountered some troublesome questions, which may not dare to give you a particularly straightforward answer, just like doctors will be extra cautious in the face of pregnant women and patients who come to see for the first time.

You may not be in the mood to do anything else in the past two days, you may wish to squat on the planet to carefully read the articles that my sister has posted before, first read the new book in the essence area, and then if you are particularly anxious, you can search for the keywords "cloth cutting man", "single-minded", "pregnant", and jump to make up for the basic knowledge first.

Many of your doubts can be answered, and perhaps your current troubles can be answered with them. Try to avoid conflicts with the old justice during pregnancy, and the body is the first.


Keyword: "lazy"

Sister Wa, good marriage rules, I want to ask,

1. Is not having children or having fewer children a sign of laziness or poor ability, can it be said that this laziness is revealed through attributes?

2. Easy to feel touched and grievances, is this emotion crying a strong manifestation of shear? If you can answer, thank you, thank you

Doll's answer

Generally speaking, men cutting women's cloth will not have children or have fewer children. Well, the second question is not sure. Some stone cloths are especially crying.

The marriage ruler's reply

Little Fairy (1):

Just because you want to judge the attribute by two points, and tend to judge that you are a clipper, this behavior is quite clothed. After joining for almost two years, if you study carefully, you should not be unclear about what the attribute is based on

Little Fairy (2):

2. Moved to grievances and crying, just shows that you are sensitive, not scissive


Keywords: bride price

Happy New Year teachers~

My question: When the engagement was made, the man's family gave part of the bride price (the rest was made up when getting married), the money is now in my own hands, and when I plan to get married, I add a dowry together, saying that the amount is to listen to the outside sounds, and the engaged parents gave most of it, feeling very sincere, but yesterday when the object discussed financial management and other things, he mentioned that he felt that this was better than money that could be given to his parents to invest outside (with high returns) than to stay in my hands, I listened very uncomfortable in my heart, and suddenly felt that his sincerity was just like that, I'm sad in my heart... Just say: Then give it back to you. He said, "Give it all, let you go."

Originally, I really planned to take out this money after receiving the certificate, but now I feel a guarantee in my hands, but now he said this suddenly with a hurdle in his heart, the more I think about it, the more sad I am, hoping to get guidance from the teachers, what should I think will make myself feel more comfortable. (His parents treated me like a daughter very well, and I wanted to take out the money back to them, but not now, I planned to get the license later)

Doll's answer

To put it simply, what you want is not only a lot of money (pro-investment), but also full sincerity (love price). That is, to make the other party cloth and cut again. If the other party asks for a little emotional value, you can't catch it, which means that you don't have the slightest bit of shear. With your kind of heart, if you don't study deeply and change your personality from the bottom, then this marriage can't last for a few years, so cherish it.

The marriage ruler's reply

Little Fairy (1):

Provide some ideas for fairy reference ha:

It was very uncomfortable to listen to: "This is your reaction. The reason for discomfort is often that people are telling the truth. A lot of the truth just doesn't sound good.

If you are good at financial management, you will not be uncomfortable. Because when you're here, it's also good.

If you are very cut, you will be truly grateful, and you will say: thank you husband and family, knowing that there are losses and gains, but still choose to do this. I don't know how to express my stupid mouth, and I am so lucky to meet a husband who I like so much and at the same time treat me so well, making me feel the blessing of two loves.

If the PU is low, it will be very touched and ashamed. Hurry up and learn to manage money and improve yourself.

People cannot deny facts, and the ability to cut is to accept and allow facts to occur. Bless the fairy to grasp the lucky start now and laugh to the end with strength.

Little Fairy (2):

To put it bluntly, it is to give outsiders a good sound, and this sentence can feel that you have a lot of resentment. You must know that many people do not even have this face, the other party will be grateful to you, and it is also appropriate to take it, it is originally the money of the man's family, and you do not have this money if you do not get married.

Now he offers that "at that time, he could have invested in his parents outside." The yield is high, better than in your hands. Then he didn't take the money, indicating that he was asking for emotional value, and really didn't want to give it to you, just take it in a word, or simply not give it.

The low-PU girl will say: Thank you dear for your kindness to me, the loss of income is still willing to put it here, I must learn to manage finance, dear this money I will help you keep first, in the future, our small family needs, take it out should be. But you are still angry, do not feel his needs, he paid money and wanted to be recognized by his wife and emotional value, you did not give it, he managed you, it is very bad in the long run.


Keywords: the concept of mother-in-law

Dear teachers, Happy New Year~

My problem is: the mother-in-law who came to help take care of the baby does not like to use the washing machine, feels that the washing machine destroys clothes, and prefers hand washing, at present, it is mainly me and my mother-in-law who wash clothes at home, I think that hand washing clothes is good, but it is time-consuming and laborious. We just bought a new house, is there any way to get my mother-in-law to agree to buy a washing machine in the new home? First question, thanks to the Pico Q&A platform

Doll's answer

Private money to buy a good one, said that it was drawn by the lottery to buy something

The marriage ruler's reply

Little Fairy:

You can discuss with your mother-in-law like this and say that you should first use it to wash some irrelevant but troublesome things. For example, towels, sofa covers, use softeners, let her feel the convenience of technology, after a long time they know the benefits of washing machines, they will take the initiative to wash.


Keywords: cloth cutter woman and big cloth man

Hello fairies, there is some incomprehension about the theory, may I ask why the cloth cutter and the big cloth are official matches, the pu of the cloth cutter is high, can the big cloth be tolerated? Or is it because the cloth cutter can show the stone attribute in front of the big cloth?

The marriage ruler's reply

Little Fairy (1):

The cloth cutter with high PU can't enter the long line of sight of the big cloth at all. The cloth cutter woman can go down with the big cloth when she comes out of the stone. The cloth scissor woman who comes out of the stone is a high-level stone woman, how can the PU be high.

Little Fairy (2):

The stone is half cut half cloth, cut cloth is also half cut half cloth, cut cloth is made of a large cloth stone one level higher than itself, and from the attribute point of view, it matches the big cloth. Big cloth rarely gets married for the first time to find a cloth clipper, generally a second marriage, he has already been married once, has had offspring once lowered PU, and wants high MV, you can accept the cloth cutting woman. And the cloth cutting women are quite well-behaved in front of the big cloth, and the higher cloth can suppress their cloth sex.

Little Fairy (3):

Cloth cutting in front of the upper class of big cloth is a high-grade stone, they want to get the big cloth long choice to drop the pu out of the stone, not all cloth clippers can marry the big cloth, if the cloth cutting woman does not come out of the stone, PU high, then it is definitely not good.

Little assistant: If you also want to get a sneak peek at the content of the new book on stone scissors, or discuss advanced stone scissor knowledge with like-minded fairies, participate in micro quizzes... You can enter the big planet of dolls~

The public account dialog box replies to the keywords: knowledge planet, or click "Read Original" below to get the entrance to the big planet (don't go wrong to the middle planet), waiting for you~

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