
After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

Last second,

Or dyed goose yellow short hair,

Fashionistas dressed in leather,

In the next second, time and space will be shuttled to complete the transformation,

It became a big green coat in a costume.

Especially when the mellow and round singing voice sounds,

The charm of the national essence penetrates the screen and spreads rapidly,

Let the viewers and fans on the other end of the show be addicted!

This is a short video called "Inheritance", which is one of many videos of the Douyin account "I am Li Jiaye". The time-space change method in the work is very suitable for the current fashion and is very popular with the young people.

Nearly 400,000 followers,

Millions of likes,

It is the achievement of Li Jiaye in the past two years of entering the Douyin platform.

"Say goodbye to the Peking Opera stage for 16 years, because Douyin let me regain my dreams!" Cross-border Peking Opera communicator. Pass on Peking Opera in your own way and let more people see Peking Opera! In the personal introduction column, Li Jiaye wrote.

After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

A good voice

Li Jiaye was born in 1980 in Yingkou, Liaoning Province.

At the age of 9, she participated in a youth singing competition held in the city and won the trophy with a naturally good voice. After the competition, the judges suggested that she take a professional study. Later, the Yingkou Opera School selected seedlings, and Li Jiaye was "hit by a voice".

After entering the xiqu school, Li Jiaye started the study of "sitting in the subject" (learning drama in the class). Yingkou Xiqu School, located in Yingkou City, a place called Houtang, was surrounded by vegetable fields at that time, and 9-year-old Li Jiaye only returned home during winter and summer vacations.

A total of 50 children were recruited in that class, only 6 children, including Li Jiaye, studied Peking Opera, and the others studied opera.

After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

For Li Jiaye, the experience of studying drama is "unforgettable". Every day at 6 o'clock to get up to do morning work, in addition to eating, every minute of the day from morning to night, is stuffed with practice, and a piece of blue and purple on the body is a common thing.

In this way, simple and boring, the days are day by day, slowly moving forward. Originally, Li Jiaye's students in this field belonged to targeted training, and after graduation, they should enter the Yingkou City Local Theater Troupe. However, when the 5th year of "sitting in the subject" was close to graduation, the principal found Li Jiaye: "You can go to Beijing, you can be admitted." At that time, the introduction letter was needed for the examination in Beijing, and the principal issued her relevant procedures.

Xu was born to eat the bowl of Peking Opera, and Li Jiaye, who never left Yingkou, was admitted to the China Academy of Opera at the age of 14, and became the youngest college student since the establishment of the school.

When "sitting in the department", Li Jiaye also learned Qingyi. After entering the China Academy of Performing Arts, he specialized in Zhang Paiqingyi, and the stage became bigger and bigger.


After graduating from the China Academy of Performing Arts, Li Jiaye entered the Beijing FengleiJing Opera Troupe, although the fame is not very large, but the history of the troupe is very long.

Every day, Li Jiaye's life is two points and one line, either performing on the stage or on the way to the performance, although it is a little hard, but it is an "iron rice bowl".

But with the passage of time, Li Jiaye's heart gradually gave birth to some loss.

After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

At that time, the troupe's dormitory was a bungalow, and every rainy day, several washbasins had to be placed on the ground to receive the rainwater flowing into the house. Girls are afraid of the rats, but also often swing through the hall, causing screams. The salary of more than 1,000 yuan per month, after deducting telephone bills and living expenses, there is almost nothing left... The young and vigorous Li Jiaye is struggling in her heart, and she wants to buy a house in Beijing and have a home of her own. For a while, she was full of thoughts about how to make money.

In 2004, Li Jiaye made a decision to leave the Peking Opera stage where he had devoted 14 years of hard work to "go to the sea". During this time, she worked as an agent, sold clothing, engaged in wholesale and factory, and later ran a training institution.

In fact, when she left, Li Jiaye did not have much feeling, only felt that Peking Opera was her profession and profession, and there was not much emotional involvement. However, as her wealth accumulated more and more, Li Jiaye's heart felt lost, she never mentioned to anyone that she was once a Qingyi, and her mother was also grumpy about her choice to deviate from the route, and she did not speak to her for a long time.

At less than 30 years old, Li Jiaye completed the first goal of life and became a "winner" in the eyes of many people, but only Li Jiaye himself knew the pain of the soul being stripped when night fell. She wanted to sing opera, but years of business experience had cut her and Peking Opera all, and there was no stage for her in heaven and earth.


The turnaround came in 2020.

That year, the outbreak of COVID-19 changed the lives of many people. The training institution run by Li Jiaye was stopped, and she had a lot of personal time at home.

It was during that time that the Douyin platform entered her life. Looking at the videos recorded by all kinds of people on the platform, an inspiration rushed into her mind: "Hey, isn't this my stage!" ”

After having this idea, Li Jiaye put on several layers of masks and talked to the video company about production. When it was learned that Li Jiaye was going to do opera, the experienced video company was like a wooden chicken, "Where is the realization point of opera?" "I don't want to monetize, this account is my dream, can help me make up for the regrets of the past."

After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

As a result, "I am Li Jiaye" was launched. Although the first video was recorded early, Li Jiaye dragged it out until the launch of the day on August 16, 2020. Because it was her birthday, she wanted to be "born again" in this way.

At the beginning, Li Jiaye was ready, even if there was no fan attention to her, she could accept, "It is enough to have a stage where you can sing." ”

But sometimes this is the case, and unintentional willows tend to be lined with trees. Recorded, Li Jiaye's fans rose to nearly 400,000 little by little, and received nearly 3 million likes. In the video, the former Tsing Yi is back! The voice lit up, and the style did not diminish that year. And this stage also allowed Li Jiaye to find a way to reconcile with himself, and the place in his heart that was frozen in ice gradually melted.

Li Jiaye also found a situation that surprised her, and young people accounted for a large proportion of hundreds of thousands of fans. Many teenage children left messages for her, saying that they wanted to learn Peking Opera but could not do so for various reasons. Every private message and interaction, Li Jiaye will seriously reply, the youth group's love for drama, more like a catalyst, gave birth to her sense of mission to spread traditional culture.

Li Jiaye opened a live broadcast, teaching everyone to sing online sentence by sentence; she also tried to make the video more grounded, combining Content such as Peking Opera and music, so that traditional arts are no longer on top, but relatively grounded and close to life. At this time, she wants to become a disseminator of Peking Opera knowledge through the Douyin platform, influence more people, and let more people, especially young people, like Peking Opera.

After 16 years of farewell to Peking Opera, Li Jiaye in Qingyi regained his dream stage in the Douyin live broadcast room

On April 14, 2022, Douyin released the "DOU has good drama" opera support plan, which will help 10 theater groups and 1,000 professional opera actors to build a second theater in the coming year, inheriting and promoting traditional opera culture. On the day of the press conference, Li Jiaye also participated in the online singing activities as a representative of the anchor, personally expressing support for the dissemination and inheritance of opera.

There are many people like Li Jiaye who regain or stick to their dreams in the live broadcast room. Many opera actors have found a "new stage" for performances through live broadcast rooms under the "cold winter" of performances during the epidemic period, and the "2021 Douyin Data Report" shows that the income of traditional culture anchors increased by 101% year-on-year, of which the average number of opera anchors was 3719 per day, and the revenue increased by 232% year-on-year.

Live broadcasting has also brought some income to Li Jiaye. However, she is more cautious about commercial implantation, "the original intention cannot be destroyed, and the original intention cannot be deviated from." ”

When she was young, Li Jiaye was thinking more about how to make money, and now, all her thoughts are thinking about how to do something for society and traditional art. And Douyin has opened and built a new stage for her to realize the meaning of life. It was also in this process that Li Jiaye felt that his soul had finally returned to his place.

(Text/Guan Tong Editor/Dong Junzi)

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