
More than 30 experts and scholars discuss the "year of confusion" of Chinese comedy aesthetics

On the afternoon of December 26th, the "Second China Comedy Aesthetics Summit Forum" jointly sponsored by the China Comedy Aesthetics Research Institute of the China Academy of Drama and the Humor Bookstore was held in Beijing Humor Bookstore. In accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the forum adopts the offline main venue and online live broadcast at the same time. The forum was presided over by Professor Wang Jiucheng, director of the China Institute of Comedy Aesthetics, and more than 30 experts, scholars and practitioners of comedy aesthetics from more than ten provinces and cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Guangdong and Fujian jointly discussed the "year of confusion" of Chinese comedy aesthetics.

More than 30 experts and scholars discuss the "year of confusion" of Chinese comedy aesthetics

Chen Xiaoying, the founder of the discipline of comedy aesthetics, did not arrive ill, but sent a written speech entitled "The "Journey of Comedy Aesthetics"" to the forum. In his speech, he pointed out that 2022 is the "year of confusion" of Chinese comedy aesthetics, and after forty years of development, comedy aesthetics has become an aesthetic topic focused on by generations of Chinese comedians, and was called "one of the few theoretical achievements with original significance in the field of Chinese art research and Chinese aesthetics in the new era" by Bai Ye, a researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Yu Wujin, a professor of philosophy at Fudan University, believes that "comedy aesthetics represents an important direction for the development of aesthetics in the current era", and several generations of comedy aesthetics have either become pioneers; or they have drawn on and integrated the research results of the first generation and ancient and modern Chinese and foreign scholars, which has opened up the construction of the Chinese comedy aesthetic system; or because of new cultural concepts, knowledge structures and modern scientific and technological means, it has sprung up. Among them, Wang Jiucheng, a professor at the China Academy of Performing Arts and a scholar-type cartoonist, opened the first series of courses on comedy aesthetics in state-run colleges and universities, and founded the first state-run Chinese Comedy Aesthetics Research Institute and the National Comedy Aesthetics Summit Forum in 2011, becoming a leading figure in comedy aesthetics in Beijing and even the whole country.

More than 30 experts and scholars discuss the "year of confusion" of Chinese comedy aesthetics

In addition, Yang Yunfeng, a researcher at the China Academy of Arts, has important pioneering significance in his systematic research on the category of "absurdity" and the continuous tracking of the history of Chinese comedy by Zhu Hong, a special researcher at the Institute of Comedy Aesthetics. Jiang Zengxiang, the current president of the Shaanxi Comedy Aesthetics Research Association, continued and innovated a series of comedy brands such as "Comedy Aesthetics Seminar", "Comedy Sketch TV Performance Competition", "Comedy Boutique Appreciation Evening", "Comedy World" magazine, etc. Wei Jiuyao, professor of aesthetics at Yan'an University, and Xu Chunyu, associate professor of Air Force Engineering University, have made important contributions to the construction of the discipline of comedy aesthetics.

Later, around the theme of "The Reality and Future of Chinese Comedy Aesthetics and Comedy Art", more than a dozen online and offline guests, such as Professor Su Hui of Central China Normal University, Professor Zhang Chong of Beijing Film Academy, and Ma Liujia, a cross-talker in Tianjin, made keynote speeches from multiple levels and angles.

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Zhang Enjie

Editor/Cui Wei

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