
BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

I believe that everyone has experienced, when you have browsed a certain product on a treasure APP, and then you will find that no matter in other APP, web page, or even computer, the advertising of such goods will appear in front of your eyes anytime and anywhere, everywhere is difficult to remove, this is because your personal information has long been locked by big data.

In fact, with the development of big data and artificial intelligence, personal information has become an increasingly important business resource, setting off a variety of for-profit grab wars. At the same time, a large amount of personal information is abused, and personal privacy is "naked".

Nowadays, with the continuous development of the "new four modernizations", the era of automotive networking has officially arrived, but after travel unlocking a wealth of new ways to play, network security and data security are becoming more and more important.

Following the "Personal Information Protection Law" officially implemented on November 1 last year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Emergency Management, and the State Administration for Market Regulation jointly issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of the Safety System of New Energy Vehicle Enterprises", which is to specifically target the security of intelligent vehicle data!

How is data secure?

Safety has always been a constant topic in the era of new energy vehicle reform, but at present, whether it is enterprises or consumers more concerned about safety lies in the active and passive security configuration of the product itself, but in fact, as vehicles enter the era of intelligent networking, the importance of network security, data security and personal information security is becoming more and more prominent, and it is also an important part of supporting the development of intelligent networked vehicles.

As in the "Opinions" jointly issued by the five departments, further provisions are made on the safety of automotive network security, and a section on "improving the network security guarantee system" has been added.

Among them, it is mentioned that the data is required to be uploaded in a timely, safe and complete manner, and the car company should monitor the safety status of the vehicle operation in accordance with the relevant standard requirements. Encourage enterprises to strengthen the analysis and mining of operation data in accordance with laws and regulations, strengthen the investigation and proper handling of vehicle safety hazards.

To detect the network security of vehicles and prevent network attacks, enterprises should establish and improve relevant management systems and operating procedures to manage data export security. It also emphasizes data processing activities in accordance with laws and regulations, establishes and improves the whole process of data security management system, and carries out data export security management.

BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

In recent years, the topic of car travel data security has emerged in an endless stream, such as some time ago, BYD's "clairvoyance" function, The function of remote photography in the Nissan Zhilian APP that can realize remote video recording and taking pictures has been offline, which is not unrelated to private information and data security. These features allow users to see real-time pictures of the inside and outside of the vehicle on the location of the vehicle anytime, anywhere on the mobile phone, equivalent to remote live broadcasting.

These functions are said to violate the regulations in the Several Provisions on the Security Management of Automobile Data (Trial Implementation) that automotive data processors shall obtain personal consent to handle personal information or comply with other circumstances stipulated by laws and administrative regulations. The "Provisions" were also formally implemented on October 1 last year, aiming to regulate automobile data processing activities, protect the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organizations, safeguard national security and social public interests, and promote the rational development and utilization of automobile data.

BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

In fact, the biggest problem with functions like BYD's "clairvoyance" is not real-time video recording and remote live broadcasting, but the picture information captured is allowed to be obtained and collected by the enterprise operation terminal, and this information may be used, which constitutes a violation of the law.

In fact, similar functions also have Tesla's "sentinel mode", but the difference is that it can only store real-time video recordings in the car storage equipment, and the live broadcast screen seen by the user is point-to-point encrypted transmission, Tesla has no right to obtain, basically like the driving recorder is a reason, so it is not disabled.

It is worth mentioning that the "Several Provisions on the Management of Automotive Data Security (Trial)" also stipulates that personal information or important data should be stored in China in accordance with the law, and if it really needs to be provided to overseas, it should pass the data export security assessment organized by the State Internet Information Department.

This also reminds us of the didi APP removal incident that made a lot of noise last year, precisely because of its suspected data export, which has aroused great concern from the national security department. After all, as a travel software, it is not only related to people's travel information, but also includes high-definition maps, key locations and other information related to national security. Therefore, not only car companies, but all enterprises involved in important data information must set up databases in the territory and be strictly regulated.

Smart cars are not 100% trustworthy, how can consumers guard against them?

Although safeguards for the security of car data are being strengthened today, we all know that the Internet is not absolutely secure. The advent of the 5G era not only brings faster data transmission speeds, but also breaks the boundaries of time and space. Advanced technologies such as vehicle-road coordination and remote driving can now be realized, and the future will become the most ordinary reality in people's lives. But what scares people to think about is what the world will look like in the future once these technologies are cracked.

In January, a young German hacker posted on social media that he had cracked and hijacked a smart car software program, pushing commands to at least 25 Tesla cars in 13 countries to open doors and video systems and start driving. The news sparked a heated discussion, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has stepped in to investigate. This isn't the first time Tesla has been hacked, in 2020, Tesla's Autopilot was hacked several times and a Tesla Model X was stolen in 90 seconds by a hacker at the University of Leuven in Belgium.

BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

Tesla, as one of the most recognized car companies in the world with the strongest software strength, has also been successfully succeeded by hackers, and it is conceivable that there is still a long way to go in the intelligent networking of automobiles.

In today's market, intelligence has increasingly become the core selling point of car companies competing for consumer attention, the screen is the most complete and large, cameras, microphones, etc. are also everywhere, marketing is convenient for users to use "face recognition", "voiceprint control" and so on to get a better experience, but to be honest, without these "advanced" functions, cars can still drive well. In addition to being able to brag to friends and family, the actual sense of experience has not been substantially improved. More importantly, these are important private information of individuals, and once they are illegally collected and stolen, the consequences are unimaginable.

BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

In fact, as consumers, we should also look at the intelligent innovation of automobiles with a rational attitude, and do not see that the screen is large enough when buying a car, and the work can be more than one brain to order. In the daily use of the car, but also to improve the awareness of personal privacy information security protection, where it is necessary to provide important personal information, to carefully read and confirm the relevant privacy provisions of the "Premise Notice", and these are the places that we are most likely to ignore.

Today's cars are getting smarter and more feature-rich, but few brands seem to talk about how to keep user data safe. But in fact, with the improvement of people's awareness of information security, it is also necessary for car companies to strengthen measures for the protection of user information security, and even it is wise to refer to mobile phone manufacturers to take user privacy protection as a marketing selling point.

BYD/Tesla have both been lying guns, is your smart car really safe?

With the increasing degree of intelligence, integration and networking of automobiles, the continuous emergence of new technologies has brought more convenience to people's travel, but at the same time they need to bear corresponding safety risks. For enterprises, it is also necessary to pay attention to the network security of automobiles, because once there is a problem, it will affect personal safety or cause major traffic accidents. For consumers, it is more necessary to strengthen the awareness of the protection of private data, so as not to be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives.

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