
Xiaomi Civi 1S official announcement: the new color matching miracle sunshine landing, released on April 21

On April 18, Xiaomi mobile phone officially announced that the new Xiaomi civi 1S will release the information on April 21, and with the slogan of "like a beam of sunshine, gently falling in the palm of your hand", it brings us some messages of the new color "Miracle Sunshine".

Xiaomi Civi 1S official announcement: the new color matching miracle sunshine landing, released on April 21

It is not difficult to see from the poster that Xiaomi Civi 1S this time in the back cover design and the previous Civi is not much different, the layout of the image module and the design elements such as the back cover hyperboloid are almost exactly the same, plus the slogan talked about "gently falling in the palm of the hand", this new machine is still the main light and thin design, and the positioning has not changed significantly.

Xiaomi Civi 1S official announcement: the new color matching miracle sunshine landing, released on April 21

At present, there has been a lot of breaking news about this new machine, including the appearance of many details have been hotly discussed by netizens on the Internet, such as its unchanged 64 million pixel rear three-camera module, the processor with a high probability of upgrading, and even the price has appeared in the China Telecom terminal product library, and the suspense can be described as not large.

As for whether these exposures will be fulfilled, it still depends on the new product conference on the afternoon of April 21, it is expected that in addition to Xiaomi Civi 1S, there will be many other new xiaomi products coming together, interested friends can pay attention to it.

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