
We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

#亲爱的小孩征文 #

TV series "Dear Child": Xiao Lu learned from the doctor that the best way to save the child is the umbilical cord blood of his brothers and sisters! Xiao Lu asked Fang Yinuo to have another child with him. This sentence made Xie Tianhua very angry and punched him. But Fang Yinuo hesitated, which seemed to be a feasible method, after all, the matching type did not know when to wait.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

Xie Tianhua looked at his wife's attitude and left with grievances, but when he thought of his daughter's illness, he tearfully agreed. Xiao Lu's side is also chicken flying dog jump, and his wife does not allow him and his ex-wife to have another child, otherwise they will divorce. Xiao Lu said that the child's life is more important than his own happiness. He decided that whether his wife agreed or not, he would have another child with his ex-wife and save his daughter with umbilical cord blood.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

In the end, the two families decided to put aside their personal grudges to save Hehe. Fang Yinuo and Xiao Lu were successfully conceived, and after conceiving in October, they gave birth to a child, leaving umbilical cord blood to save Hehe. After experiencing entanglement, silence, and quarrel, the two families stood in a row outside the operating room and waited, praying that Hehe's operation would be successful, in the finale!

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

Such a plot involves a relatively large ethical conflict. TV series, you have to consider the ratings, the plot needs to win everyone's attention. In fact, there are also some very cruel, but very realistic things. It just didn't put on the screen, like this because the boss is sick, saving the boss by giving birth to the second boss, this kind of thing happens almost every year.

Don't ruin your child in the name of saving your child!

A generation has a generation's mission, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. Everyone has everyone's life, and it is perfect to do it well. Don't force it, let alone force it. The boss is sick, the parents have done their best, even if the boss is still gone in the end, I believe that the boss will not blame the parents.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

You can't give birth to the second eldest in order to save the boss. This old man was born with your "mission" in mind. Have you discussed this with the second elder? Does he agree? What if he doesn't agree? After all, the child is going to grow up, and when he grows up, he will be happy when he knows why he came to this world?

Of course, the parents gave birth to the second brother because they saved the eldest, and they felt guilty about the second brother at the beginning, what should they do?

Can only spoil the old two hundred.

There was a report before that this happened,

The rescued boss could not bear the psychological suffering, and finally said that he would rather die at that time.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

This is not the case of re-emerging after divorce, the ethics in this case are more complicated, and it also involves the issue of legal responsibility.

In fact, it is not necessarily a good idea to have a second child to obtain umbilical cord blood and bone marrow to save the leukemia boss: First: adapt to narrowness. Second: can't afford to wait, the conception is successful until october, at least 1 year, that is also smooth. Third: the matching is difficult, and a pit may come out with radish or lettuce. Fourth: not enough.

Other than that

There is also a terrible possibility that one child is not cured and another child is also recruited.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

The doctor said that he wanted a transplant, and you said that the second child was not in a hurry, so what to do" Some people may ask. If you urgently need a transplant, you can turn to the bone marrow bank, cord blood bank, etc. in various places, or you can consult a doctor to see if you can use semi-conjugation technology. According to the different circumstances of each family, we will try our best.

Everything in the world has its own destiny and fortune!

in a word:

In the face of the test of life and death of children, parents, whether they choose to have children or not, should not be morally bound to them.

We can't let the "second oldest" come to the world with a "mission"

Any child wants to be born because his parents love him, and not for other reasons.

Any parent who has a child is also genuinely fond of the child, and not for other reasons.

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