
"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Editor's Note

Jointly compiled and published by the Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Association and China Family Doctor Magazine, "100 Questions on Umbilical Cord Blood Science Popularization" is the first question-and-answer popular science book in the field of cord blood in China. In the second half of March 2022, China Family Doctor magazine recommended the book in the P60~P61 [Mother and Baby Parenting] column, revealing the editorial story behind the book in detail.

The full text is reproduced below:

In recent years, "cord blood" has become a hot topic of concern for expectant parents, from pregnancy preparation to obstetric examination, there will always be information from different sources. However, what is cord blood? Do you want to store it? How should it be stored? Online opinions are widely discussed, which is credible?

Recently, after spending nearly a year, the cord blood science book "100 Questions of Cord Blood Science" has finally come out! The book focuses on the hot topic of cord blood, and is known as a popular science book for expectant parents and medical staff, which helps to awaken the awareness of the whole people to jointly protect cord blood resources.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Mother and baby childcare

It took a year to be an authoritative popular science book full of sincerity

The book is jointly created by the Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Association and this journal, inviting Professor Liu Kaiyan, deputy director of the Institute of Blood Diseases of Peking University and chairman of the Cord Blood Application Professional Committee of the China Maternal and Child Health Association, as the general consultant, Professor Fang Jianpei, chairman of the Cord Blood Application Professional Committee of the Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Association and chief physician of the Pediatric Department of Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, as the special editor-in-chief, and Zou Wenxia, chairman of the Midwifery Professional Committee of the Guangdong Maternal and Child Health Association and chief nurse of the Obstetrics Department of the Guangdong Provincial Maternal and Child Health Hospital, as the special deputy editor It is a strong editorial team composed of many first-line cord blood collection, storage, application and legal experts in professional fields.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book
"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book
"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Expert editorial team

The expert editing team combines personal rich clinical and research experience, consults domestic and foreign application cases and research literature, collects relevant laws and regulations on cord blood, and visits hospitals, cord blood banks and other institutions in depth to collect the voices of 200,000 mothers and compile content. In line with the attitude of being responsible to the public, in response to controversial issues, the editorial team repeatedly deliberated and verified and argued, took nearly a year, revised more than ten times, and created authoritative popular science books.

The reading is divided into seven parts, covering the collection, storage and application of cord blood, and answering the focus of cord blood in a step-by-step and simple way. At the same time, using an easy-to-understand form of questions and answers, combined with comics and classic cases, the boring and complex professional questions are popularized, interpreted into 100 questions and answers, and the "mystery veil" of cord blood is lifted in a unique way.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Mother and baby childcare

What is cord blood? What value does it have?

In October of pregnancy, bits and pieces from the mother are transported to the baby through umbilical cord blood. When the baby falls to the ground, the mission of cord blood is not over. It has been found that the umbilical cord blood remaining in the umbilical vein is rich in valuable substances such as hematopoietic stem cells, which can cure diseases and save lives at critical times.

The first part is "Children's cord blood, can it really cure so many diseases?" Through 24 questions and answers, the medical value of cord blood is comprehensively interpreted. Question 3 pointed out that according to the mainland's "Specifications for the Administration of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Technology (2017 Edition)", cord blood hematopoietic stem cells can treat 11 major diseases such as aplastic anemia, myelodysplastic syndrome, and multiple myeloma. In addition, many hospitals in China have carried out the use of a variety of cellular components in umbilical cord blood to study and treat Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, autism, autism, diabetes and other rare diseases.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

The valuable medical value of cord blood is beyond doubt, but what expectant parents are more concerned about is whether self-stored cord blood is valuable. Question 12 states that if a child is born with cord blood and develops related diseases in the future, this cord blood can be used for treatment. In addition, the value of self-stored cord blood is also reflected in the fact that compared to finding a suitable match in the vast sea of people, parents, siblings and children's cord blood matching patterns will be more likely, when suffering from related diseases, the child's cord blood may come in handy.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Do you know? These people have stored cord blood

More and more people are choosing to store cord blood, including Olympic champions, actors, singers and other public figures. Which celebrities have stored cord blood? The second part of the book, "Why Do So Many Doctors Recommend Storing Cord Blood?" Question 26 is revealed in detail. There are also Olympic champions who have served as "cord blood public welfare ambassadors", hoping to let more people know the value of cord blood and save it as a precious gift for the baby.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

For healthy individuals, should cord blood be stored? In question 27, special editor-in-chief Fang Jianpei suggested that you can choose to save or donate according to your personal needs and economic situation.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

Storing cord blood are things to understand

Some people are also worried about whether the collection of cord blood will cause harm to mothers and babies. The senior obstetric team led by Zou Wenxia answered the hot collection questions. How is cord blood collected? Who will collect it? What should I pay attention to before collecting? You can find the answer to all of this.

Where should cord blood be stored? The fifth part points out that in the mainland, cord blood banks must be set up by the national unified planning and the National Health Commission, and there are currently only 7 formal and legal cord blood banks in the country, namely Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong, Guangdong and Sichuan provinces. The Mainland's "Specifications for the Administration of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Technology (2017 Edition)" clearly stipulates that cord blood hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation should be provided by the cord blood hematopoietic stem cell bank approved by the National Health and Family Planning Commission. That is to say, in the informal institutions stored cord blood, the most serious problem is not to spend money in vain, but in case of illness in the future, this cord blood can not be used.

How exactly is cord blood stored in the cord blood bank? The editorial team went deep into the Guangdong Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank, the only legal cord blood bank in Guangdong Province, and took the library as an example to carry out a comprehensive demystification: before the cord blood is stored, it needs to go through five major steps, such as initial examination, sample preparation and freezing.

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book

The book also introduces that the Cord Blood Bank in Guangdong Province is the largest cord blood bank in the country with the largest storage capacity. As of January 31, 2022, the Guangdong Cord Blood Bank has released 3,339 cord blood shipments and rescued 2,727 patients.

"100 Questions on Cord Blood Science" is a book of historical significance in the industry, which fills the gap in the field of cord blood science popularization, enhances the awareness of protection from the source, and is conducive to promoting the faster development of the industry. Professor Liu Kaiyan pointed out in the preface, "It is highly recommended that every family that has a new life can read it, truly understand the medical value of cord blood, and jointly protect this valuable biological resource." ”

"Chinese Family Doctor": If you have a friend who is pregnant, please recommend this book


There is umbilical cord blood, and there is hope for life "salvation"!

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