
"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

Recently, "Dear Little Child" was a big hit. After being named "selling anxiety" by some media, word of mouth did not drop but rose, for the same reason: it was too realistic.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

No drama like it dares to expose the pain of female fertility. The spots that can't be covered by makeup and the stretch marks on the stomach are all reminders to everyone that the price of childbearing may be the original beauty.

Is it just beauty?

Instead of caring for his postpartum wife and visiting his newborn daughter, the husband gave his wife's placenta to his mother's hand so that his weak brother could eat it.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

Compared with the few incidents of sending the wife's placenta to people to eat, in the waiting area at the entrance of the obstetrics clinic, no one answered how the medical staff shouted. As a result, men with big hearts holding mobile phones to play games abound.

If the wife and children are safe and healthy, it is also a blessing. However, because of the chicken feathers of life, the couple divorced. When the daughter was diagnosed with leukemia, the doctor medically advised them to have another child to save the daughter.

What to do? Do couples after divorce save their daughters or not?

This is a severe test of the sanity and feelings of the couple in the play, but it also throws the problem to everyone in front of the TV...

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

Reality repeats itself: Parents are willing to have another child in order to save their 6-year-old daughter, but the patient can't afford to wait

Do you know what the cure rate is for childhood leukemia?

The answer is 80%.

However, with such a high cure rate, there are also families who may not be able to save their children. For example, in "Dear Child", couples who have been divorced for many years and have formed their own families hear the doctor say: For the sake of a small patient, another one can save her.

In real life, the 5-year-old girl Bing Bing is also tormented by leukemia. Without stopping chemotherapy, her body's immune system has long been unable to support. Eventually, a recurrence was ushered in.

The doctor proposed two feasible treatments for Bingbing's parents: 1. Cord blood and 2. Bone marrow transplantation

Compared with the TV series, BingBing's parents are not divorced. If they could, they would be willing to give birth to another child for the sake of 5-year-old Bingbing, and take umbilical cord blood to save her life.

But reality is blocking this path to survival.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

Ice is in a bad condition. If a parent has another child, it will take a long time to wait for umbilical cord blood, and the body of the small patient may not be able to afford it.

What about the second way? What about bone marrow transplants?

On the first day of coming to the hospital where the authoritative experts were located, the patient said something like this to Bingbing's father: You are so bold. Hundreds of thousands dare to come here!

At that time, Bing Bing's father did not understand the meaning of this sentence.

It wasn't until the first month of the transplant, after Bingbing had a severe intestinal rejection reaction. When Bingbing's father went to the payment office to pay the money, he found that he burned 50,000 yuan in 2 days.

The family, stuck on the brink of collapse by the cost of treatment, has been tortured again and again.

Chemotherapy fee, 20,000 yuan per month

The cost of autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is limited to 100,000 yuan

What about allogeneic transplantation? Jump directly from 400,000 yuan!

After the rejection reaction, the amount directly doubled several times.

Don't pay for treatment? Children can only wait to die!

Because of the negligence of his parents, the 3-year-old child got cancer

Before Chenchen was three years old, the family was always full of joy and laughter. Lively and cute children are the heart of the family.

However, I don't know when it started, and there were occasional cases of unknown fever in the morning. Because the symptoms of each fever are not serious, they can be alleviated after taking the drug, so the family thinks that the child is just weaker.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

Careless morning parents did not notice that the recurrence of the child's fever was abnormal, but also accompanied by other symptoms...

After waiting for a long time, Chenchen's parents took their children to the children's hospital fever clinic to see a doctor, and when the doctor examined the child, he found that Chenchen's condition was not optimistic, and he should do color ultrasound and CT!

After the report form came out, the doctor's expression instantly became solemn: Chenchen's stomach grew a large lump, and it looked like it had been a while.

According to further tests, Chenchen was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma.

When the family heard the news, they couldn't accept it at all. Mom sat on the ground crying and needed help.

It turns out that the child's unexplained and repeated fever is a sign. A lump in the stomach is an early manifestation of cancer. Now only surgery can be done. This is a test of the family's economic conditions, especially for the physical fitness of the child.

At a young age, Chenchen did countless examinations, and his body had to bear pain that even adults could not bear. At the same time, the family is heavily indebted and owes hundreds of thousands of foreign debts.

However, the child's condition is good and bad, and he still needs to continue to do chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Can parents give up? Reluctant to do it, but it is difficult to insist.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

In the TV series, the parents are divorced and each has formed a new family. Faced with daughters who need cord blood, they are caught in a dilemma.

In reality, whether it is a family that can save a child, but a small patient cannot afford to consume it, or a couple who want to save their children but are financially strapped, they also have to face the pain of the bone.

If it were you, would you choose to save or not save?

Dr.X said

It is said that art is a reaction to life, and a "dear child" illuminates the state of human nature. Hopefully, this dilemma will never come to us.

"Dear Child" exposes human nature: the doctor said that regenerating the small can save the big! What do you do?

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