
When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

When to have children and how many children should I have? In the final analysis, this kind of problem is still a private matter of each family, and it must be decided according to their own wishes and the actual conditions of the family. However, if you want to have children, it is better to be at the golden age of childbearing as much as possible.

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

Following the gradual opening of the two-child and three-child policies in 2016, for women who catch the last train, although they want to add another child, they have entered the stage of advanced maternal age, and they will face many risks if they want to have another child. So what is the so-called "high" of elderly mothers? Why do you say that advanced age leads to fertility risks?

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

First of all, the "high" of elderly mothers is not the "high" of high life expectancy, but the "high" of "high" risk. The high risks we are talking about here include both the mother's own danger and the baby's health risks.

According to the data survey of the American Medical Association, after the age of 35, with the gradual increase of maternal age, the probability of fetal malformations, developmental disorders and genetic diseases will gradually increase.

With the increase of age, the number of follicles of elderly women continues to decrease, the quality of eggs is also significantly reduced, and babies are more likely to have various developmental abnormalities, especially the incidence of congenital diseases will increase significantly, which undoubtedly lays a major hidden danger to the health of the baby. How to ensure the healthy growth of the next generation has become the most concerned issue for many expectant parents.

The storage of "cord blood stem cells" can solve health anxiety and give the baby and family more protection.

A precious medical resource that is not renewable

1. Why is this period very important?

After the fetus is delivered, the tissues such as the umbilical cord, placenta, and umbilical cord blood that are delivered are rich in perinatal stem cells. The hematopoietic stem cells in the umbilical cord blood have not undergone any external pollution, which the medical community calls "zero-year-old cells". These life resources are important medical resources for babies and their families to ensure future health and realize personalized cell therapy and gene therapy. Hematopoietic stem cells are the seed cells that repair the body and are an ideal source of stem cells.

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

2. Why is "it" said to be non-renewable?

Cord blood hematopoietic stem cells are an invaluable medical resource, and the collection of "it" requires a very strong timeliness. There is only one opportunity for each baby to collect in life, which is a precious non-renewable resource in the baby's life, and the most meaningful health guarantee that the mother can leave for the baby.

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

Liaoning Cord Blood Bank has always been well aware of this, has always adhered to the most professional industry attitude, practiced the most rigorous storage standards, and after nearly 20 years of unremitting efforts, it has become the cord blood bank with the most choice and trust of parents in Liaoshen area.

The State approves the formal and legal establishment

The Liaoning Provincial Cord Blood Bank was approved by the former Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China (Wei Yi Fa [2002] No. 62), relying on the Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University, which was successfully established in 2002 and supervised by the Liaoning Provincial Health Commission.

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

Technical support from a reliable medical team

Liaoning Cord Blood Bank is affiliated to Shengjing Hospital, collection - preparation testing - storage, all storage processes are controlled by shengjing hospital experts, all testing steps are based on the "Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Management Measures", "Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank Setting Management Specifications" as the guidelines for implementation, this standard is also the absolute standard of the stem cell storage industry.

When giving birth at an advanced age, should I have cord blood?

Top-notch cell storage capabilities

Cord blood generally needs to be stored for more than ten years or more, in such a long period of time to ensure that the hematopoietic stem cells in the cord blood do not lose their activity, is a very test of the storage mechanism's ability to prepare and store, so be sure to choose a mechanism with top cell storage capacity.

Liaoning Cord Blood Bank has a strong cell preparation and storage capacity, and is the largest cell preparation and storage base in Northeast China. It has laboratories and professional liquid nitrogen storage warehouses that meet the national GMP clean standards, equipped with tissue matching laboratories, and quality testing is carried out by the technical backbone personnel of Shengjing Hospital. In terms of professional technology, it is in the position of an industry leader.

Most parental test in the province

Liaoning Cord Blood Bank is jointly operated by Shengjing Hospital affiliated to China Medical University and Qifu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. At present, it has been operating safely for more than ten years and can achieve 100,000 reserves. At present, 26,000 copies of cord blood hematopoietic stem cells have been preserved, which has become the choice and reliable protection of the most parents in the province.

In addition, we have the only public cord blood bank in the province, which can accept donations of cord blood hematopoietic stem cells, and is the only qualified public bank in the province approved by the former National Health Commission.


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