
Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

Have you heard of the title "New Mysterious Four Mysteries"? Some netizens put together several particularly powerful Ultramans who appeared later, and gave them such a nickname. However, it also belongs to the "New Mysterious Four O'o", many people recognize Regrow Ultraman, but refuse to accept Cyro.

Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

In fact, the so-called "mysterious four O'o" everyone knows, they are Noah, the king of Otter, Saiga and Rejedo, because these four Ultraman appeared few times, special identity and super strength, so some netizens used "mysterious Ultraman" to call them. However, the so-called "New Mysterious Four O'o", it is a bit reluctant, just because these Ultramans are very strong, and they also appear after the opening and hanging. So who are these new mysterious four mysteries? Are they really entitled to be on a par with the "Mysterious Four"?

Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

Before everyone recognized the strength of Lingjia Ultraman, after all, this Ultraman had gained too much power, and all the Ultramans who had appeared in the new generation had all arrived, and they had also opened and hung into the strongest form, and in this state they fused into one piece, which became the so-called Lingjia Ultraman. Therefore, when everyone sees this situation, it is easy to feel that his combat effectiveness is very strong, and even think that there is no problem in comparing with the mysterious four mysteries. However, some people feel that the new hero Regrow Ultraman is eligible for the "New Mysterious Four O'o", and even gave the corresponding evidence, we may wish to take a look.

Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

The evidence mentioned here is this, Regloss is not the protagonist of the third season of "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", and Round Valley has arranged a lot of helpers for him in the show, and many of them are top-level masters. For example, after the full opening of Cyro, Cyro's apprentice Zeta Ultraman, and even the Leo brothers and Lingga Ultraman, if Lingga Ultraman is eligible for selection, then Reglos should have no problem. Besides, this Ultraman will be opened and hung up in the future, and I am afraid that after becoming a stronger form, I am afraid that I can't afford it.

Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

In addition, some people think that Cyro Ultraman is also eligible to be selected for the "New Mysterious Four O'o", but there are also many netizens who oppose it, to be honest, Cyro does have a lot of hangings in the play, but why is his opening and hanging form not so powerful? Especially in the second season of "Ultraman Galaxy Fighting", he was directly beaten down by Tartaros, and even Jonyas Ultraman's performance was stronger than his, so some people felt that he was not eligible for the ranks of the "New Mysterious Four O'o".

Also one of the "New Mysterious Four O'o", why do everyone recognize Regloss, but not Cyro!

In addition, some netizens feel that the new hero of Daika Ultraman is also eligible to be selected as the "New Mysterious Four O'o", Sphia and Megajee are not the ultimate boss in the play, then how powerful the ultimate monster should be can be imagined, what do you think?

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