
Scottish women's bellies became bigger, and at first they thought they were gaining weight, but they didn't know the reason until 5 years later

Sarah McGinnis shows the photo, and the person inside is none other than her. Her belly looked big, like she had a baby.

However, according to McGinnis, this is not the case, because she has been "maintaining" this state for 5 years. At first, I thought I was gaining weight, but until recently, I didn't know the real reason, and I couldn't cry.

I don't feel like I'm eating much

McGinnis, 38, from Scotland, and her husband have three sons, two of whom are 19 and the youngest is 9, and the family of five lives in Kilburne.

Scottish women's bellies became bigger, and at first they thought they were gaining weight, but they didn't know the reason until 5 years later

(McGinnis with his family)

Talking about what had happened, McGinnis looked down at himself, his face full of sadness. She revealed that before, her legs and other places felt pain and redness, and then, her stomach became much larger in just a few weeks.

So, her husband took her to check. After the results came out, the staff said that the reason why McGinnis was likely likely to be because of the physical pain and gaining weight she would experience every month, which made her eat less.

At first, McGinnis thought it unlikely. Because she felt that she didn't eat much, and all the time, she was losing weight and controlling the amount of food she ate.

Later, she went elsewhere with her husband. However, the statement of several staff members is still the same as that of the previous one.

Slowly, even McGinnis took their word for it and did what they said.

However, after doing this for a while, it was of little use. McGinnis's stomach grew larger and more uncomfortable.

"I felt like I was carrying a backpack full of stones, and it hurt, but I couldn't put it down," McGinnis said.

Scottish women's bellies became bigger, and at first they thought they were gaining weight, but they didn't know the reason until 5 years later

McGinnis's actions were then greatly affected. She can't go out with her family or friends and have a happy time. In the important moments of the children, it is also impossible to participate in the companionship.

After that, she even had to give up her job.

The husband is always by his side

Unconsciously, 5 years have passed. For so long, in order to solve this problem, McGinnis has not tossed less.

You can imagine how uncomfortable the process was, but thankfully, her husband has been by her side and caring for her for five years.

But even though they saw a lot of doctors, they all said the same as the previous ones. It wasn't until the beginning of the year that they finally found the reason.

Looking at McGinnis's huge belly, one of the staff members sensed that it wasn't that simple.

Scottish women's bellies became bigger, and at first they thought they were gaining weight, but they didn't know the reason until 5 years later

(McGinnis did an in-depth examination)

He gave McGinnis an in-depth examination and found that McGinnis was like this because there was a cyst in his body, and it was already very large, and if it was not removed in time, it would have unimaginable consequences.

Hearing the news, McGinnis and his family burst into tears: after a few years, they finally found the reason.

But they don't want that to happen.

Later, it took the staff a full 4 hours to finally get out the thing that made McGinnis's stomach bigger.

Unfortunately, though, because it had been in McGinnis for so long, it had affected other parts of her.

Now, McGinnis could still feel the pain coming from his body.

Scottish women's bellies became bigger, and at first they thought they were gaining weight, but they didn't know the reason until 5 years later

(Husband is always by McGinnis's side)

"All the while, my family and I have been running for this, physically and mentally exhausted, and have lost a lot. I want to be able to live a normal life, go to work, take vacations, and play with my kids and friends. But I can't do it, I can never do it, because my problems have been delayed for too long," McGinnis said sadly.

Hearing her say this, others could not help but feel sorry for her.

Here, we can only sincerely hope that McGinnis can recover as soon as possible and live a happy life with his family.
