
"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

The latest plot of "Dear Child", the biological father Xiaolu asked Fang Yinuo and Xie Tianhua, hoping that they could agree to him to give Hehe a dry father, and I almost squirted out a mouthful of rice.

He He's body was flowing with Xiao Lu's blood, he listened to a "daddy" but waited for four years, or when the child was confused, he recognized the wrong person's name, but he was overwhelmed with excitement.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Seeing this, I recalled that when he was born, he hid at home to drink and watch TV, and when he couldn't wait for his wife to leave the delivery room, he rushed to send the placenta first, and heard Hehe's crying downstairs to start the car and run to overtime... How to say that sentence, the belated affection is more contemptuous than the grass! This was most appropriate for Xiao Lu.

Escape from being a father – the child is born and hides at home drinking and watching TV

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Fang Yinuo's amniotic fluid was broken, waiting for delivery in the hospital, and Xiao Lu had an urgent matter at work and had to go home. Fang Yinuo, who had always been strong, cared for him and let him go back to work and come back. Originally only ten minutes away, Fang Yinuo did not expect that Xiao Lu would disappear all night.

Xiao Lu came home, work was all right, took a few cans of beer from the refrigerator, turned on the TV, and drank on the couch. As soon as he drank the wine, he fell asleep on the couch and slept until the next day. It wasn't until his mother-in-law called to urge him that he hurried to the hospital, leaving the family in a mess.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

While he was hiding at home drinking and watching TV, Fang Yinuo was experiencing prenatal pain, long and intense. She went from being strong to being afraid, to begging for a caesarean section, to insisting on a smooth birth for the sake of her child... In fact, maternal love, like father's love, is not naturally generated, and it is gradually intensified when the child is pregnant in October.

Fang Yinuo was pregnant in October and reached the peak of her love for Hehe when she was born, which was the result of her day-to-day devotion to the child in her belly. Xiao Lu, who has always evaded responsibility, after ten months of being accompanied by his father-to-be, was at a loss when the baby was born.

Because for nearly ten months, his concern for the child has been stuck in words.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Fang Yinuo, who is not spicy and unhappy, can't eat peppers because she is pregnant, Xiao Lukou said that she shared happiness and hardship with her, and did not eat spicy together, but he specially told the boss in the noodle restaurant to add enough peppers, eat a happy and enjoyable meal, and then mention two non-spicy noodles to go home and fool his wife.

Xiao Lu's verbal style of "sharing weal and woe" is reflected in every detail before and after the birth of the child. When he was about to give birth, he returned home and sat down to drink, sent Fang Yinuo a voice message "There is something to call me at any time", and then ate and drank well and slept. At night in the middle of the month, he packed tickets with Xiao Mu and said that he helped take care of the children at night, the children cried incessantly, Fang Yinuo was busy and anxious, he muttered "My wife is hard, I will call me something later", and he went to sleep...

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

When Xiao Lu ate noodles, the noodle shop radio was putting parenting knowledge: "The hugging quilt can be very simple and convenient to wrap the baby, because the newborn has just left the mother's body, the body temperature regulation function has not been fully activated, it needs to be warm, and it is a good simulation of the uterine environment by wrapping them up with a hugging quilt, so that they will get a sufficient sense of security, stabilize their emotions, and it is not easy to cry..."

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

The family has a baby that is about to give birth, as a father, it is said that he should be particularly sensitive to parenting knowledge, but Xiao Lu ignored this information and patronized to concentrate on eating spicy noodles. After the child was born, the night was crying, Fang Yinuo asked him to go to get the climbing suit, explained the "pink one-piece", he was stunned that he could not recognize the climbing suit, and took a bunch of clothes for Fang Yinuo to choose.

It can be seen that before the birth of the child, whether active or passive, Xiao Lu was not prepared for any parenting knowledge, and his concern for the child was not put into action at all.

Hand-in-hand parenting – hearing your child crying, hiding in a car and not coming home

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Hehe is 1 year old and often cries at night. Xiao Lu returned home late from work, he went downstairs to receive a message from Fang Yinuo, and it was difficult to put the crying child to sleep and let him go home and tap it. As a result, he simply did not go upstairs, hid in the car, and forgot to take the child to the vaccine the next day.

The next day he hurried into the house, not caring that his mother-in-law and wife were busy going out, he went straight to the child, punched a cannon and asked" "How not to coax the child", he was urged to go out, he was in a hurry to brush his teeth and wash his face, and he fell in confusion. It turned out that he was hiding quietly outside, and he also knew that there was a crying child in the family who wanted to coax.

Throwing hands on the palm of the parenting, throwing hands is used to, it is really a net mouth.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

The company has an anniversary payment that has not been settled, the boss understands Xiao Lu's tiredness, let him go home early, and the boss himself and another colleague to deal with. Xiao Lu said that he could go if there was nothing he could do.

He was alone with clients, drunk in order to get his signatures, and did not return late at night. Fang Yinuo was worried at home, a message was written and changed and written, a short sentence "When do you come back, drink less wine", and finally sent it out to delete it to "drink less wine".

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

In order to have more time to take care of the children, Fang Yinuo also gave up the promotion opportunity to be the class teacher, but Xiao Lu could work as conscientiously as a bachelor. Obviously, he does not need to return late, but in order to avoid childcare, he would rather work overtime, prefer to socialize with customers, and refuse to spend more time with his wife and children.

It is rare to return downstairs after work one day, the wife and children are waiting for him to eat at home, Xiao Lu nestled in the car to smoke enough, received a call from his wife, heard Hehe crying and making a lot of noise, did not hesitate to lie, pushed that the work was not finished, restarted the car and left the community.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Compared with going home with his children, Xiao Lu would rather work overtime, socialize with customers, accompany female customers to sweep the streets and eat roadside stalls, and accompany female customers to drink and relieve boredom. Xiao Lu, who escaped home at both ends for three days, finally had a problem - Zhu Zhu, who was entangled, looked up to and set up a routine, stayed overnight at the female client's house, and carried the name of "derailment".

On the rainy day when Hehe had a high fever, when her mother-in-law and wife held her in the heavy rain and cried that the sky should not be called the earth, Xiao Lu was negotiating with Zhu Zhu on how to end the "abnormal relationship" and did not answer the phone for a long time.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

I often walk by the river and get wet shoes in the morning and evening. When escaping home becomes a habit, home will give way to everything, and one day, home will become a place to go back. Zhu Zhu made a big fuss about the first birthday feast, and the already stormy family was scattered, the marriage was broken, and Hehe also changed his mother's surname.

Xiao Lu, the hand-throwing treasurer who once avoided childcare and would rather work overtime than accompany his daughter, finally remembered that he was a father after being completely separated from his daughter. Unfortunately, it was too late, the ex-wife had already been disappointed, and the father-daughter parent-child relationship had become a luxury for him.

3, sneak to see the daughter - father-daughter parent-child relationship into a luxury

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Only when you lose it is cherished. After two years of not seeing his daughter, Xiao Lu's father's love exploded day after day, and he finally looked like a father. However, he had already lost his qualifications to be Hehe's father, and Fang Yinuo would not even let him see Hehe's face.

After Fang Yinuo and Xie Tianhua were together, thanks to Xie Tianhua, an old and good man, after two years, Xiao Lu finally saw his daughter as he wished. Although it was necessary to sneak around, although it was only a month to meet, it was already a dream of Xiao Lu's parent-child relationship.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

In order to sneak to see his daughter at the playground regularly, Xiao Lu, who never gave up overtime because of family affairs, began to take leave, skip work, and make mistakes at work for his daughter, and was looking for stubble by the boss one at a time.

Hehe, who suddenly fell ill, occupied almost all of Xiao Lu's thoughts, and he not only gave up his work to participate in entrepreneurship, jumped to a company with higher treatment but was very embarrassed for his daughter's medical expenses, but also snubbed his newlywed wife and gave up his honeymoon and gave up buying a house.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

These daughter-centered behaviors, but Fan Xiaolu can do one percent before the child is 1 year old, or even one percent, as long as he can clumsily hug the crying child when he returns home late, do not worry about sleeping, not only manage his own purity, but who has a little care for the child, rather than treating himself as an outsider, it will not be difficult to find now, and he will have to hide it like a thief when he sees his own daughter.

4, want to hear the child call Dad - five years she called me "Dad" for the first time

Xiao Lu, who loved his daughter after losing his qualification to be a father, had a delusion in his heart after seeing his daughter again, and wanted to hear his daughter call him "Dad".

Hehe is well-behaved and cute and caring, Xiao Lu took her to play in the amusement park, in order to hear her call "Dad", but also deliberately took ice cream as bait, falsely claiming that the ice cream truck on the side was only bought for the children who called Daddy.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Unexpectedly, Hehe was not smart, and the little brain melon seed turned around, and asked "Does Uncle Xiao want to eat ice cream", Xiao Lu had to say that he wanted to, and bought two sticks to give her one.

Hehe once longed for a "father". She grew up with her mother and grandparents, although she did not lack the warmth of the family, but every time she went out to see other children with fathers, she was envious. She was even ridiculed by other children for calling their father "Daddy". It wasn't until Fang Yinuo and Xie Tianhua got married that Hehe finally had his own father.

"Daddy" is Xiao Lu's originally righteous title, which was ignored by him for a whole year, and finally fell on the heads of others, and this "Daddy" was destined to become a regret in his life.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

That day, Hehe suddenly vomited and reacted violently, and Fang Yinuo called Out Xiao Lu. Hehe was confused to find his father, Xie Tianhua was busy on the balcony, and was intercepted by Xiao Lu, who had just arrived. He he unconsciously shouted "Daddy", but Xiao Lu was excited like a child who had finally eaten sugar, and he responded with a loud voice and cried into tears.

Hehe is 5 years old, and this is the first time Xiao Lu has heard her call him "Daddy". This originally justified title, Xiao Lu waited for 4 years, and only grabbed it by shamelessly cutting off his beard when the child was confused.

5, my father wants to be a dry father - can I be a dry father of Hehe?

In the restructured family, the parents' identity and title are very sensitive. Previously, Fang Yinuo hated Xiao Lu for dereliction of duty and "stripped" him of his qualifications as a father when he divorced. Later, with Xie Tianhua, the stepfather with absolute full scores, Hehe obtained complete fatherly love here in Xie Tianhua, and he no longer needed an additional biological father.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

After Xiao Lu grabbed the "daddy" in front of the hospital bed, he plucked up the courage to make a request to Fang Yinuo and Xie Tianhua: "Can you let me be hehe's father?" ”

This is his second step as his biological father, and it is also his progress after he loses his fatherhood.

Old Xie was distressed that Hehe longed for his father's love, and also sympathized with Xiao Lu's love for his daughter, so he secretly arranged for Xiao Lu to meet with Hehe behind Fang Yinuo's back. As a legal father with sensitive identity, Xie Tianhua has done this, and his tolerance has been very human.

Once Hehe recognized Xiao Lu' "dry father", with the inertia of Xiao Lu's whole family, he would definitely be able to do the same as Xiao Mother's mother letting Hehe dispense with the surname in front of "Xiao Grandma", and in daily life, let Hehe save the word "dry" and directly shout "father".

And once he is called this, Xie Tianhua has completely become the "wronged boss" that his sister said about helping others raise children. The young Hehe didn't understand anything, and suddenly there was an extra father, so how did she get along? But Fan Xiaolu is interesting, he should not have any thoughts about "being a father" again.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

Xiao Lu put forward the request to be a "dry father", Fang Yinuo looked at him coldly, and then looked at Xie Tianhua, and did not respond. Xiao Lu quickly apologized and said that he would not mention it again.

From ignoring it when he was a "father", to being eagerly looking forward to it when he was "Uncle Xiao", to the humble request of wanting to be a "dry father"... When he did not cherish it and lost everything he could to fight, Xiao Lu, the failed father, interpreted with actions what is called "belated affection is more contemptuous than grass", which is a punishment for not doing the right thing at the right time.

"Dear Child": The biological father begs to be a dry father, Xiao Lu, your late father's love is lighter than grass

When the father had his own daughter, Xiao Lu was greedy for burying his head in work, making a lot of money to buy a big house, hiring four nannies for his wife and children, and abandoning his wife and daughter at home; after losing his qualification to be a father and unable to recognize his own daughter, Xiao Lu went back to delaying his work for his daughter and snubbing his current wife.

Xiao Lu's days are always like trembling threads, because he is always unclear about what he really wants, what he can want, looking at the pot when eating in the bowl, and remembering the bowl when he eats the pot.

At this point, I hope Xiao Lu can realize this and recognize what he should cherish and what he should not be greedy about.

The most important thing about a parent-child relationship is to do the right thing at the right time. After all, now the child is still young, the wife is still young, everything is too late, don't wait like Lei Wen's father, stay up until the age of the flower armor, only to regret that he did not become a good father, did not do a good man, affected the daughter's life.

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