
It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Lying down to play with mobile phones before going to bed has become an important daily routine for young people. After all, from getting up to work to work, if you don't lie down at night and play with your mobile phone, won't you give it all to your boss on this day?

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Figure 丨 pixabay

Some media found in the survey that more than 80% of the respondents have the habit of playing with their mobile phones before going to bed; even if they feel sleepy, more than 80% of them will continue to play mobile phones "strongly" [1].

Your spirit can hold on, your eyes can't hold it! You can bleed back when you are exhausted, but if your eyes are broken, it is not so easy to recover!

Lying down and playing with mobile phones is a crime: lying down, lying down

Lying down to play mobile phones, the first thing to criticize is "lying"!

At night, when they are nestled in the bed, everyone is basically curled up and playing with their mobile phones held up in front of them. Have you ever wondered how close your eyes are to the screen at this point? This is to change to watching TV when you were a child, and your parents directly the bench and threw it at you!

During the day, when we sit and play with the mobile phone, the eyes are about 30 cm to 40 cm away from the mobile phone; and lying in the bed to play (especially the myopic people will take off the glasses), whether lying flat, lying on the stomach or lying on the side, I am afraid that the eyes are only 20 cm away from the screen or even less. The closer the distance, the more adjustment effort the eye needs to pay, the greater the pressure on the eye, which will make the eye more tired.

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Playing mobile phone on the stomach, the eyes are also very close to the screen, and the shoulder back is also easy to acid 丨 pixabay

This tiredness is not the tiredness of running 800 meters, not the rest can be good. This is a video terminal syndrome, what you feel is that the eyes are tired, and what you can hardly feel is that a lot of eye dysfunction (slower focus of the eyes, easy to dazzle things when looking close) is also accumulating.

Here is also a particular criticism of lying on the side.

When lying on your side, the distance from your eyes to the screen is different, and it is likely that one eye is pressed against the pillow and cannot be opened, and you can only look at the screen with one eye. At this time, your eyes will be more tired, which will also lead to a decrease in vision in one eye.

But do you care about tired eyes? You just care if your phone is fun.

Lying on the phone two deadly sins: turning off the lights

Our pupil size is related to the intensity of light: it shrinks when the light is strong, and enlarges when the light is weak.

When lying down in the dark playing with the phone, the pupils around the black hole hole choose to dilify and let more light in; but the phone screen is bright, and the pupils choose to shrink, reducing the amount of light entering the eye. Will your pupils dilate a little while dilating? It won't, it can only keep adjusting the size, it's tired.

But do you care about tired eyes? You just care if your phone is fun.

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Figure 丨 pixabay

In addition, playing with mobile phones in a dim environment will also make very subtle changes in intraocular results, which may affect the balance of fluid in and out of the eyeball, and even cause an increase in intraocular pressure. If you are born with a large farsighted eye, or have an abnormal eye structure, or have a family history of glaucoma, it is possible to induce acute glaucoma, which is a disease that may lead to blindness!

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Looking at the screen in the dark is very bad for the eyes! 丨pixabay

This beautiful world, don't you want to take a good look at it?!

Three deadly sins of lying on a mobile phone: too long

Why didn't your parents allow you to watch TV for an afternoon when you were a kid? Eyes will dry! What an eye-hurting!

Every time we blink, tears are evenly applied to the cornea to keep it moist and working properly. But this tear film can only last for a while, and it will soon rupture. Therefore, we have to blink 10 to 20 times per minute to keep the eye surface from drying.

And when we are attracted to the content on the mobile phone to "keep our eyes open", the number of blinks will become less (I don't believe you count the frequency of blinking when others play mobile phones), the lack of tear film protection on the eye surface, there may be stinging, dry, and over time, it will also lead to abnormal tear secretion, reduce the stability of the tear film, lead to dry eyes, and aggravate eye fatigue.

But you... Forget it.

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

Cry! When you cry, your eyes won't dry out! 丨pixabay

Eye-friendly lying play mobile phone recommended

You start to care if your eyes are tired, but you give up the joy of constantly playing with your phone before going to bed. I have some suggestions for everyone so that everyone can lie down and play with their mobile phones in relative health.

Turn on the lamp!

Turning off the lights to play mobile phones is harmful to the eyes, turning on the top light is too bright to affect sleep, then the compromise solution is to turn on the small light at the head of your bed, do not let the phone shine alone in the dark.

In addition, please be sure to adjust the brightness of the phone screen to a lower level, or adjust the brightness of the phone screen to the night mode that comes with it.

Sit up and play!

Since lying down and playing with the phone is too close, let's sit up and play! Maintain a sitting and phone grip similar to during the day, trying to avoid getting too close.

If you're playing with your phone and watching videos, then I recommend using the bedside phone stand and making it a little farther away.

Or you can play with something with a bigger screen, such as a tablet, which is more suitable for looking away.

If you have to lie down and play, then... Lifting the phone higher and farther can protect the eyes, exercise the body, and cultivate the face's ability to resist smashing.

blink! blink!

In order to avoid the problem of dry eyes, first remind yourself that you must blink more, blink more, blink more!

If you still have dry eyes, you can pay attention to the indoor humidity, is it too dry? If yes, get the humidifier up!

Blink and engage in humidifier or dry eyes, then please take the time to hang up an eye clinic, I am serious.

Mine clearance glaucoma!

Ask your family if you have a history of glaucoma, and see if your eye pressure is high in previous medical reports. If you have a positive answer, please check your intraocular pressure and fundus regularly and in a timely manner.

The Rule of 2020!

Remember the rule of 2020: take a 20-second break for every 20 minutes you look at the screen. This is an eye protection rule for reading during the day, and it also applies at night.

I don't need to say, everyone knows that the best way is not to lie down and play with the mobile phone (although I can't do it), but the concept of loving the eyes and protecting the eyes must be there. Big deal, sit and play enough before going to bed, play until you throw up and then go to sleep.


[1] "84.1% of the youth surveyed continue to brush their mobile phones even if they feel sleepy", China Youth Daily, March 24, 2022, 10th edition

Author: Jin Xin

Editor: Li Xiaokui

It's fun to lie down and play with your phone, and I liked it best before I was "blind"

This article is from the fruit shell and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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