
Prevent "glaucoma", don't turn off the lights and look at your phone! Recommendation: Swimming and jogging can help reduce the risk of disease

This week is the World Glaucoma Week. In recent years, because some people turn off the lights and brush their mobile phones at night, news related to "glaucoma" is common in the newspapers. It is understood that "glaucoma" is the world's second most general blind eye disease, mainly related to pathological increase in intraocular pressure, and the vision loss it causes is irreversible. Some people say that exercise can prevent glaucoma, is this really the case?

Prevent "glaucoma", don't turn off the lights and look at your phone! Recommendation: Swimming and jogging can help reduce the risk of disease

[Stop turning off the lights and looking at your phone!] Easy pupillary enlargement increased intraocular pressure】

Ms. Zeng is a seamstress and her eyes are a little far-sighted. Because it doesn't affect the work, I don't care much. But some time ago, her vision dropped significantly.

Ms. Zeng said: "From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., the working environment is fluorescent, which is a bit affected. Later, I always felt tired and my eyes were uncomfortable, so I went to the hospital to check and said that it was glaucoma. ”

Prevent "glaucoma", don't turn off the lights and look at your phone! Recommendation: Swimming and jogging can help reduce the risk of disease

According to the doctor, farsighted eyes generally have a short eye axis, small eyeballs, and small intraocular contents. In the case of relative crowding, it is easy to cause the corner of the room to close, causing an increase in intraocular pressure. In addition, high myopia, a family history of glaucoma, and diabetes and hypertension are all high risk factors for glaucoma. If there are some bad eye habits, it is easier to induce glaucoma, such as looking at mobile phones and doing handicrafts in a very dark environment.

Sun Hong, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, said: "Your pupils are also easy to dilate in the dark light, which will cause the iris to accumulate in the corner of the room, causing the intraocular pressure to rise." Glaucoma is caused by pathological increase in intraocular pressure, hyperopia and small eyeballs are easy to get angle-closure glaucoma, and highly myopic eyes are prone to open-angle glaucoma. ”

Prevent "glaucoma", don't turn off the lights and look at your phone! Recommendation: Swimming and jogging can help reduce the risk of disease

[Swimming and jogging can help reduce the risk of glaucoma]

Doctors recommend doing eye exams at least once a year, including intraocular pressure monitoring and fundus photography. More than 80% of early glaucoma symptoms can be detected through examination. You can also reduce the risk of glaucoma through moderate aerobic exercise.

Sun Hong said: "For example, swimming, jogging, jogging are all exercises that can reduce eye pressure and increase negative pressure, or try to avoid such as horizontal bars, parallel bars or weightlifting, handstand yoga movements, which I am prone to cause negative pressure to increase." Lowering intraocular pressure is the most effective way to treat glaucoma, so be sure to control intraocular pressure. ”

(Reporting by Tang Anyi and Zhang Jian)

(The copyright of this article belongs to Jiangsu Provincial Radio and Television Station, please indicate the source when reprinting)

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