
wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

Expert of this article: Xu Qibin, deputy chief physician, deputy director of the Department of Ophthalmology of Zhejiang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Every night before going to bed, turn off the lights, plug the quilt, pick up the phone, and the "bedtime ritual" is there.

Many people like to brush their mobile phones before going to bed, and the dim environment makes people feel sleepy. But what they don't know is that this habit is actually very harmful.

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Why does turning off the lights and looking at the phone induce glaucoma? Get glaucoma, which will eventually lead to blindness? Let's take a look at popular science.

What is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a chronic, progressive ophthalmic disease characterized by a pathological increase in intraocular pressure (normal intraocular pressure is 10-21 mmhg), causing visual field defects, optic disc depression, and optic nerve atrophy.

Glaucoma, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration are the three major blind eye diseases in ophthalmology.

wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

There are many types of glaucoma, common can be divided into primary closed angle type glaucoma, primary open angle type glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, congenital glaucoma and so on.

Glaucoma is often insidious, the visual field is progressively reduced, and the optic nerve atrophy leads to blindness. (With intermittent and persistent increases in intraocular pressure, visual field damage gradually occurs, tubular visual field, and finally blindness.) )

Most of the patients with glaucoma are women, the ratio of men to women can reach 1:4, and the blindness rate of glaucoma is 10%, and the blindness rate is high.

wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

In acute onset of glaucoma, it may manifest as a sharp increase in intraocular pressure, and patients present with eye pain, eye swelling, eye redness, decreased vision, headache, nausea and vomiting, and iridescence.

Turning off the lights to play on the phone will induce glaucoma?

Turning off the lights and playing with the phone has a certain probability of inducing glaucoma.

However, turning off the lights and playing with mobile phones is not the cause of glaucoma, it is only a precipitating factor for glaucoma.

wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

When the lights are turned off, the pupillary in the eye is dilated, which to a certain extent causes the aqueous humor circulation disorder in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, causing fluctuations or even increases in intraocular pressure, such as encountering patients with anatomical abnormalities of the anterior segment (shallow anterior chamber, narrow atrial angle), which will cause pupillary block and induce an acute attack of glaucoma.

Glaucoma may be blind?

With glaucoma, if the intraocular pressure is not properly controlled, it slowly causes the optic nerve to atrophy, resulting in visual field defects, which can cause blindness within a few years.

Glaucoma requires long-term follow-up. Once you suffer from glaucoma, you need to go to the ophthalmologist regularly to treat the type, symptoms, intraocular pressure, and visual field conditions of glaucoma.

wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

The current treatment of glaucoma is mainly divided into drugs and surgery:

Drugs include intraocular pressure-lowering eye drops and oral or systemic intravenous drops, which can be treated with one drug or in combination with multiple drugs;

Surgery includes laser, trabecular resection, drainage valve implantation, etc.

How to prevent glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a vision "thief", so it is extremely important to prevent glaucoma:

1. Those with a family genetic history of glaucoma need to have regular ophthalmic examination of intraocular pressure, slit lamp examination and visual field examination, and regular follow-up.

2. 40 years old, highly myopic patients, hyperopia patients and diabetic patients need regular eye follow-up and blood sugar control.

3, keep emotional stability, less angry, less angry, especially female patients, to maintain a good mood.

wary! Don't play with your phone like this, the consequences are quite serious! A lot of people don't know yet...

4. Try to work and study in a dim light environment as little as possible.

5. If the elderly have obvious cataracts, follow the doctor's instructions to perform cataract surgery as soon as possible to avoid secondary glaucoma attacks.

6. Hormonal drugs cannot be commonly used, especially hormonal eye drops, long-term use will cause hormonal glaucoma.

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