
What are the general signs of a loved one before dying?

author:HOPER Psychology

Before the death of relatives, there will generally be these 5 major signs, more accompaniment to relatives death is a step that everyone will go, and before dying, often let many people can not grasp. In the hospital, the doctor suggested that some signs appear before the patient's death, and suggested that the family should always accompany the patient before he died, give the patient the greatest comfort, minimize the patient's pain, and no longer leave any regrets for himself. The so-called dying refers to the period of time when it is determined that it has reached the end of the patient according to the physical condition of the patient and does not live for more than three months. The patient is actually signs before death, many functions of the body will gradually change, if there are the following changes, then it may indicate that the patient is close to death.

What are the general signs of a loved one before dying?

1, a long time of sleep, wake up the dying patients will fall into a long period of sleep, perhaps in the memory of the year, may be in the sigh of the present, but are all in the world to remember, sometimes the dying patients sleep all day during the day, sometimes awake, sometimes sleeping, sometimes waking up difficulties, family calls seem to be unresponsive. In fact, before people die, the body will have multiple organ failures, hearing may be one of the last feelings lost, may hear a response, but the body does not respond. What the patient's family needs to do is: talk and comfort the patient as much as possible, which can be a memory or a life sharing, hold the patient's hand, and chat softly about home together.

What are the general signs of a loved one before dying?

2, active refusal to eat most of the dying patients do not want to eat or even refuse to drink water, then need to consult a doctor, understand the specific situation, if it is the cause of the disease or body organ failure, do not try to force them to eat and drink, to avoid aggravating the psychological discomfort of the patient. What the patient's family needs to do is: if the patient is awake and has some appetite, you can feed some light soup, a little bit, moist mouth, not to feel dry mouth. If you do not want to drink water, you can use an external cotton swab to moisten your mouth and lips every 1-2 hours.

3. Dying patients with urinary and urine incontinence will gradually lose control of the bladder and intestine, resulting in incontinence, which has a great impact on the body and life. For this situation, if it is cared for at home, it is necessary to clean up the patient in time, change into clean sheets and nursing pads, and reduce odors. Try to keep the patient's clothing and bedding clean and tidy.

What are the general signs of a loved one before dying?

4. Changes in breathing, cold limbs and dying patients with cold limbs will change their breathing patency, and the more typical change is that breathing is accompanied by sound or irregular breathing. Due to the decreased cough reflex, some patients have sputum or mucus in the larynx or chest, and breathing is accompanied by a sobbing sound or larynx. Some people's breathing becomes irregular, manifested by breathing several times, stopping breathing for a few seconds, and then suddenly starting to breathe again, which is called tidal breathing. The breathing changes, the blood circulation of the body will also change, the patient's face and limbs become cold, the skin is relatively pale, and even some places will have green spots. In the case of changes in breathing, secretions are normally aspirated with a suction device with the help of a physician; if it is difficult to breathe due to pain, it can be controlled with analgesics.

5. Patients with blurred consciousness and dying into coma may appear gibberish first, or they may not be able to distinguish the time, place, people, etc., and even sometimes they will suddenly shout at their families. For this situation, the family needs more understanding and companionship.