
Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

author:The sound of iron horses

Can human beings succeed in "digging treasure" on the far side of the moon? There is now an answer to this question. Chang'e-6's mission is to take samples on the far side of the moon, and this mission will undoubtedly rekindle interest in the moon. Although the moon is only a piece of soil with pebbles, it is more precious than gold.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

Chang'e-6 is sampling on the far side of the moon, an unprecedented exploration. There have been only ten previous human lunar sampling campaigns, all of which have been conducted on the front side of the moon.

In contrast, Chang'e-6 chose the far side of the moon, which has never been explored by humans themselves. What does the far side of the Moon look like? How is it different from the frontal we are familiar with? This mission will undoubtedly reveal more secrets of the moon for us.

Although the samples of this mission are only soil with small stones, they can be described as "hard to buy" on the earth. Lunar samples not only give us an idea of the Moon's composition, but also shed light on the early history of the solar system.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

The Chang'e-5 mission has already yielded some initial results – the samples taken from the front have been divided into 258 samples for hundreds of research teams to study, and many important scientific discoveries have already been made.

Interestingly, there is a significant difference in the composition of the lunar soil retrieved from China and the sample from the United States. Although scientists agree that there is no geological activity on the moon, the composition of the lunar soil collected by the two countries is about half different.

What does this difference mean? Is it true that the far side of the moon and the front side of the moon have different geological histories? These questions will undoubtedly become a hot topic in future research.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

Not only that, but the Chang'e-6 mission also provides us with more clues about the moon. By comparing lunar soil samples from China and the United States, scientists may be able to learn more about the formation and evolution of the Moon. This undoubtedly provides us with more possibilities to uncover the mystery of the moon.

Speaking of landing on the moon, the United States has been trying to return to the moon in recent years, but the road is riddled with thorns. The first is the SLS super rocket, which claims to be the most powerful rocket and was fraught with problems during its development and launch.

The first flight was originally planned for 2006, but due to various delays and failures, it was repeatedly postponed and finally realized in 2022. Even before the first flight, problems such as sensor failures and fuel leaks were experienced.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

Each launch costs a huge $4.1 billion, forcing NASA's attorney general's office to warn that SLS launches are too costly to be sustainable.

In addition, the Orion, a new generation of manned spacecraft in the United States, also faces a number of challenges. Although it was designed to be a mission to the International Space Station, the Moon and even Mars, the astronauts complained about its living environment, which they thought was too small for four people.

Moreover, the two extravehicular spacesuits, which were originally planned to be produced by November 2024, now appear to be ready until April 2025 at the earliest. This undoubtedly adds more uncertainty to the US lunar landing program.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

Still, the U.S. has a huge vision for the moon landing. For example, NASA plans to build a lunar orbital space station and a lunar base, hoping to establish long-term habitation outposts on the moon.

These plans have also faced delays and challenges. Even with strong technical support, how to solve the high cost and complex technical problems is still a difficult problem that the United States must face.

In contrast, China's lunar program is progressing steadily. Since 2013, China has made a series of breakthroughs in the soft landing of unmanned lunar spacecraft, the landing of probes on the far side of the moon, and the successful collection and return of samples from the far side of the moon.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

These achievements not only demonstrate China's strength in the field of space, but also lay a solid foundation for future lunar landing programs.

On the international space stage, the competition between China and the United States is undoubtedly fierce. Through a series of successful missions, China has not only achieved technological breakthroughs, but also made important progress in scientific research.

For example, the study of samples for Chang'e-5 has yielded a number of important results that provide new insights into the composition and history of the Moon. The Chang'e-6 mission has pushed this exploration to the far side of the moon and opened a new chapter.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

In the future, China also plans to carry out more lunar exploration missions, including the establishment of a lunar base. These plans not only demonstrate China's long-term goals in the field of aerospace, but also provide new impetus for the development of the global aerospace industry. It can be said that a small step for China will be a big leap for mankind.

The success of Chang'e-6 is not only a milestone in China's space industry, but also an important step in the global exploration of the universe. As more lunar exploration missions are launched, our understanding of the moon will continue to deepen, and we look forward to China continuing to write more space legends in the future.

Chang'e-6 digs treasure on the back of the moon, and the United States is struggling to return to the moon, and the launch of the super rocket has been postponed more than a dozen times

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