
Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

author:Just happy

The ups and downs on the way forward for "The Singer".

A climactic musical competition feast

The show "Singer" has become a must-see highlight for audiences every year. This stage, which focuses on the strength of singers from all walks of life, always brings unexpected wonderful performances and sparks heated discussions. The excitement of the eighth season continues, from the stunning appearance of the fill-in singer Tan Weiwei, to Huang Xuan's sluggish performance, and then to Na Ying's counterattack return, the whole process is full of drama, which can be called a climactic music competition feast.

Tan Weiwei's breakout battle

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

At the beginning of the eighth season, the most concerned was the performance of the fill-in singer Tan Weiwei. As a powerful singer, Tan Weiwei's previous wonderful performance in "Monkey King" has impressed the audience. Whether it can shine again on the more intense stage of "Singer" this time has become the focus of everyone's attention.

As a result, Tan Weiwei did not disappoint, and won the love of the audience with his unique ethnic style and solid singing skills on his debut. She incorporated elements of folk music into her songwriting to make the overall performance shine. In contrast, Wang Sulong, who was the first to take the stage, although his skills were good, he was a little nervous, and it was inevitable that he was a little stiff. And Huang Xuan's low-key elegance failed to arouse strong resonance with the audience. So when Tan Weiwei appeared on the stage, her outstanding performance suddenly became the highlight of the audience.

The audience's feedback was also very positive, and many people lamented that Tan Weiwei's singing voice was like a spring breeze, fresh and beautiful. Her ranking also rose to the top, winning the ratings championship of this issue in one fell swoop. This undoubtedly injected a shot in the arm for Tan Weiwei in the follow-up competitions, and added confidence to her victory in the breakthrough battle on the stage of "Singer".

Huang Xuan's sluggish predicament

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Compared with Tan Weiwei's smooth sailing, Huang Xuan, another singer who has attracted much attention, is a little sluggish in this issue. Although his brilliant performances in previous episodes have refreshed the audience, this performance failed to ignite the audience's enthusiasm again.

It can be seen from the changes in ratings that after Huang Xuan took the stage, the number of viewers dropped significantly. This shows that the TV audience is not satisfied with his singing this time. Even on the Internet, Huang Xuan still has a large number of fans to support, but the response on TV is not optimistic. This undoubtedly gave Huang Xuan a slap in the face and made him realize that his situation on this stage was a little difficult.

There may be several reasons for this result: first, Huang Xuan's performance style is more restrained and low-key, although it is very distinctive, it may be difficult to arouse strong resonance from the audience; second, his song arrangement and interpretation this time failed to completely impress the audience and lacked highlights; Third, it may be dwarfed by the strong performance of other singers.

Whatever the reason, this sluggish performance undoubtedly gave Huang Xuan a slap in the face, making him realize that his situation on this stage is a little difficult. If he can't find a breakthrough, the result of the next round of elimination may be unbearable for him. Therefore, Huang Xuan must adjust his state as soon as possible and regain his former style on the next stage, so as to ensure his progress on the road of singers.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Na Ying's counterattack rebounded

Although Huang Xuan's performance was sluggish this time, another singer who attracted much attention, Na Ying, handed over a satisfactory answer sheet in this issue.

Na Ying has always been one of the most popular contestants on the stage of "Singer". Not only does she sing beautifully, but her performance is very infectious, and every time she takes the stage, she can arouse a strong response from the audience. But unfortunately, in the performance of the last issue, Na Ying was unable to fully perform because she was infected with shingles, and finally ranked at the bottom.

This time, although Na Ying still needs to cover half of her face, her state has fully recovered. On the stage, her interpretation is like a spring breeze and rain, warm and moving. The audience, without exception, was conquered by her singing and wept one after another. Na Ying's ranking also rebounded quickly and regained the top three thrones.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

This kind of counterattack and rebound performance not only demonstrates Na Ying's strength and experience as a senior singer, but also fully reflects her dedication to this stage and her deep attachment to the audience. Despite some unexpected difficulties, she eventually regained an important place in the hearts of the audience with her strength and love for music. This undoubtedly injected a strong impetus into her subsequent competition.

Tan Weiwei and Na Ying's performance against the wind has undoubtedly become the biggest highlight of this issue. They are not afraid of hardships and dangers, and they have the courage to accept challenges, and finally stand out from the fierce competition. This spirit of daring to fight hard and never giving up has undoubtedly inspired other singers to fight for their dreams.

The onslaught of foreign singers

In addition to the wonderful appearance of domestic singers, this issue of "Singer" also ushered in challengers from abroad. The Kazakh singer Lucia is one of them.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

As a singer with a big voice who is good at high notes, Lucia's appearance has undoubtedly attracted the attention of the audience. She aroused the audience's curiosity with an exotic song "All By Myself", but the final performance failed to fully impress the audience.

Judging from the change in ratings, after Lucia's appearance, the number of viewers fell again. This shows that the audience on the TV side is not too interested in the foreign singer. There may be several reasons for this result: first, Lucia's singing voice, although skillful, may not fit perfectly with the audience's aesthetic habits; second, her song arrangement and interpretation lack highlights and fail to give people a refreshing feeling; Third, as a completely unfamiliar foreign singer, the audience's understanding and identification with her is relatively limited.

This result undoubtedly caused a certain obstacle to Lucia's road to the list

I'll continue to dive into this exciting music competition for you.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Although Lucia's performance failed to completely impress the audience, it is impossible to ignore the freshness that the addition of foreign singers brings to this stage. They bring unique cultural elements and musical styles that undoubtedly enrich the content of the show and increase the interest of the audience. A singer like Fanxia who can integrate Chinese and Western cultures is even more refreshing. Her excellent interpretation of Deng Ziqi's song not only shows excellent singing strength, but also reflects a strong language talent, which is breathtaking. This attempt of cross-cultural integration has undoubtedly injected more possibilities into the stage of "Singer".

However, in order for foreign singers to succeed on this stage, they need to further adapt to the aesthetic needs of domestic audiences. They need to retain their own characteristics while appropriately absorbing Chinese music elements to achieve a thorough understanding. Only in this way can we truly impress the audience and stand out in this competition.

Another thing worth paying attention to is the performance of some powerful singers. For example, Sun Nan, as a national-level singer, his appearance undoubtedly aroused great attention from the audience. However, when performing Cantonese songs, his pronunciation is a little stiff and he does not fully integrate into them. This shows that even veteran singers need to learn and adapt when facing new challenges to ensure that they have an advantage in the fierce competition.

Singer Eighth Issue: Tan Weiwei ranks first in the ratings! Na Ying returned to the top three, and Huang Xuan was changed again

Similarly, Yuan Yawei, who had performed brilliantly before, was also a little tired this time. Probably because she took into account the filming of other variety shows, her status on the stage of "Singer" declined. This undoubtedly gave other players a chance, and also reminded Yuan Yawei that she needed to better adjust her condition and go all out to devote herself to this competition.

It can be seen that the stage of "Singer" not only tests the professional skills of singers, but also puts forward higher requirements for their comprehensive quality. Not only do you need excellent singing skills, but you also need to have enough stage experience and adaptability. Only by taking into account all factors can we finally stand out in the fierce competition.

Overall, the wonderful performance of the eighth season of "The Singer" once again shows the charm of this show. Whether it is Tan Weiwei and Na Ying, who have attracted much attention, or the impact of foreign players, or the ups and downs of powerful singers, they have brought a fascinating viewing experience to the audience. We look forward to seeing how these musicians will play on this stage and finally compete for the championship.

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